by Paul Geary
Intellect Books, 2021
Cloth: 978-1-78938-343-0

This book explores the creation of the dining experience as a form of multisensory performance.

Experimental Dining examines the construction of the world of restaurants and their creative methods, the experience of dining, and the broader ideological frames within which the work takes place, bringing together ideas around food, philosophy, performance and cultural politics to offer an interdisciplinary understanding of the practice and experience of creative restaurants. The author contends that the work of the experimental restaurant, while operating explicitly within an economy of experiences, is not absolutely determined by that political or economic context. Its practice has the potential to appeal to more than idle curiosity for novelty. It can be unsettling and revealing, provocative and evocative, personal and political, experimental and considered, thoughtful and sensual. Or in other words, that the food event can be art.

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