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The Ebb of the Pink Tide
The Decline of the Left in Latin America
Mike Gonzalez
Pluto Press, 2018
Following events such as the Cochabamba Water War in Bolivia and the election of Hugo Chavez to the presidency in Venezuela, Latin American politics over the past two decades have been radicalized, their governments populated with former activists and trade union leaders. Yet, in the past few years, Latin America’s left have suffered many setbacks and reactionary challenges, leading many to wonder whether the “Pink Tide” is now on the wane.

In this book, renowned Latin Americanist Mike Gonzalez explores the rocky course of the left in Latin American politics. Although the left-wing developments of the past twenty years have been widely celebrated by activists, Gonzalez cautions us to consider the problems and conflicts that have arisen during their tenure as well. Through critical examination of the failings of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, and Venezuela, Gonzalez is able to identify both weaknesses and strengths, and to suggest possible future pathways for the renewal of the left in nations across Latin America.

Providing a critical but sympathetic analysis of the records of the left governments across the continent, Gonzalez offers a refreshing reflection on the prospects and future of Latin American politics.

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A Short History of the Mass Extinction of Species
Franz Broswimmer
Pluto Press, 2002
At the dawn of the 21st century, it is clear that changes of enormous ecological significance are occuring on our planet. The ozone layer is beginning to disintegrate. Since 1970 the world's forests have almost halved. A quarter of the world's fish have been depleted. We live in an age of ecocide. 70% of biologists believe the world is now in the midst of the fastest mass extinction of species in the planet's 4.5 billion-year history. Biodiversity loss is rated as a more serious environmental problem than the depletion of the ozone layer, global warming, or pollution and contamination. How have we come to this, and what can be done to conserve our environment for the future? Ecocide: A Short History of the Mass Extinction of Species examines the facts behind the figures to offer a disturbing account of the ecological impact that the human species has on the planet. Research specialist Franz Broswimmer shows how we are wilfully destroying our world. Highlighting important countermovements who are working for ecological democracy, this unique book is essential for anyone who cares about conserving our environment for the future.

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Ecological Debt
Global Warming and the Wealth of Nations
Andrew Simms
Pluto Press, 2009

This is the second edition of Andrew Simms's highly regarded guide to ecological debt.

Simms shows how millions of us in the West are running up huge ecological debts: from the amount of oil and coal that we burn to heat our houses and run our cars, to what we consume and the waste that we create, the impact of our lifestyles is felt worldwide. Whilst these debts go unpaid, millions more living in poverty in the majority world suffer the burden of paying dubious foreign financial debts.

The book explores a great paradox of our age: how the global wealth gap was built on ecological debts, which the world's poorest are now having to pay for. Highlighting how and why this has happened, he also shows what can be done differently in the future. Now updated throughout, this is a clear and passionate account of the steps we can take to stop pushing the planet to the point of environmental bankruptcy.


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Ecology As Politics
Andre Gorz
Pluto Press, 2014

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Economic and Monetary Sovereignty in 21st Century Africa
Maha Ben Gadha
Pluto Press, 2021

Over forty years after the formal end of colonialism, suffocating ties to Western financial systems continue to prevent African countries from achieving any meaningful monetary sovereignty.

Economic and Monetary Sovereignty in 21st Century Africa traces the recent history of African monetary and financial dependencies, looking at the ways African nations are resisting colonial legacies. Using a comparative, multi-disciplinary approach, this book uncovers what went wrong after the Pan-African approaches that defined the early stages of independence, and how most African economies fell into the firm grip of the IMF, World Bank, and the EU’s strict neoliberal policies.

This collection is the first to offer a wide-ranging, comparative and historical look at how African societies have attempted to increase their policy influence and move beyond neoliberal orthodoxy and US-dollar dependency. Economic and Monetary Sovereignty in 21st Century Africa is essential reading for anyone interested in the African quest for self-determination in a turbulent world of recurring economic and financial crises.


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Economics After Capitalism
A Guide to the Ruins and a Road to the Future
Derek Wall
Pluto Press, 2015
From the time it was uttered by Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s, “There is no alternative” has been the unofficial mantra of the neoliberal order. The illusion of inevitability has long been a bulwark of late capitalism, leaving us unable to imagine anything beyond its crises and inequalities. But as Derek Wall argues in Economics After Capitalism, there is in fact an alternative to our crisis-ridden, austerity-inflicted world—and not just one alternative, but many.
            Challenging the arguments for markets, mainstream economics, and capitalism from Adam Smith onwards, Economics After Capitalism provides a step-by-step guide to the writers, movements, and schools of thought critical of neoliberal globalization. These thinkers range from Keynesian-inspired reformists such as George Soros and Joseph Stiglitz and critics of inequality like Thomas Piketty and Amartya Sen to more radical voices such as Naomi Klein, Marxists such as David Harvey, anarchists, and autonomists including Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt.
            Wall explains Marx’s economic system in a twenty-first century context and outlines how we can build a democratic economy that, by drawing on the ideas of Elinor Ostrom, Hugo Chavez and others, can renew socialism. In providing a clear and accessible guide to the economics of anti-capitalism, Wall successfully demonstrates that an alternative to rampant climate change, elite rule and financial chaos is not just necessary, but possible.

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Economics for Everyone, Second Edition
A Short Guide to the Economics of Capitalism
Jim Stanford
Pluto Press, 2015
Economics is too important to be left to the economists, argues Jim Stanford, and this concise and readable book provides nonspecialists with all the information they need to understand how capitalism works (and how it doesn’t).
            Now in its second edition, Economics for Everyone is an antidote to the abstract and ideological way that economics is normally taught and reported. Key concepts such as finance, competition, and wages are explored, and their importance to everyday life is revealed. Stanford answers such questions as “Do workers need capitalists,” “Why does capitalism harm the environment,” and “What really happens on the stock market.”
            Illustrated with humorous and educational cartoons by Tony Biddle, and supported with a comprehensive set of web-based course materials for popular economics courses, this book will appeal to students of social sciences who need to engage with economics as well as anyone seeking to better understand today’s economy.

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The Economics of Killing
How the West Fuels War and Poverty in the Developing World
Vijay Mehta
Pluto Press, 2012

Globalisation has created an interconnected world, but has not diminished violence, militarism and inequality. The Economics of Killing describes how the power of global elites, entrenched under globalisation, has created a deadly cycle of violence.

In this groundbreaking work, Vijay Mehta shows how attempts at peaceful national development are routinely blocked by Western powers. He locates the 2008 financial crisis in US attempts to block China's model of development. He shows how Europe and the US conspire with regional dictators to prevent countries from developing advanced industries, and how this system has fed terrorism.

Mehta argues that a different world is possible, based on policies of disarmament, demilitarisation and sustainable development. This original and thought-provoking book will be of great interest to anyone concerned about the consequences of endless war fuelled by the West.


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Economics Transformed
Discovering the Brilliance of Marx
Robert Albritton
Pluto Press, 2007
Robert Albritton brings to life the classic concepts in Marx's economic thought. As well as examining these essential points of Marxist theory, he shows that they offer great potential for further study. Deeply critical of the way economics is taught and studied today, this is a textbook that will appeal to anyone who wants
a forward-thinking approach to the discipline that's free from the constraints of neo-classical orthodoxy.
Taking up key aspects of Marx's work, including surplus value theory,dialectical reasoning and the commodity form, Albritton highlights their relevance in the modern world-and explains why mainstream economics has been so blind to their revolutionary potential. Written with style and clarity, it is perfect for economics undergraduates.

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Eco-Sufficiency and Global Justice
Women Write Political Ecology
Edited by Ariel Salleh
Pluto Press, 2009

As the twenty-first century faces a crisis of democracy and sustainability, this book attempts to bring academics and alternative globalisation activists into conversation.

Through studies of global neoliberalism, ecological debt, climate change, and the ongoing devaluation of reproductive and subsistence labour, these uncompromising essays by internationally distinguished women thinkers expose the limits of current scholarship in political economy, ecological economics, and sustainability science.

The book introduces groundbreaking theoretical concepts for talking about humanity-nature links and will be a challenging read for activists and for students of political economy, environmental ethics, global studies, sociology, women's studies, and critical geography.


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The Educated Underclass
Students and the False Promise of Social Mobility
Gary Roth
Pluto Press, 2019
"The waste of human capacity Roth describes is phenomenal. But his major point is that it is not new. The millennials are feeling the worst of it, perhaps, but only the worst so far."—Inside High Ed
The dream of social mobility is dying. Where previous generations routinely expected to surpass their parents' level of economic success, prospects for today's young people are increasingly bleak.  What role does higher education play in the process? An essential and frightening one, according to author Gary Roth.           
The Educated Underclass reveals the structural problems that are helping to create this problem. Gary Roth shows how universities—touted as the best way up the economic ladder for young people—actually reproduce traditional class hierarchies. And as more graduates emerge every year into economies that are no longer creating a steady stream of stable jobs, the odds of landing one decrease—and over-educated people end up scrapping for poorly compensated positions for which they're overqualified. Chapters include:
*Higher education and class
*The overproduction of intelligence
*Class in transition: historical background
*Underemployment through the decades
*Class status and economic instability
*And more!
Roth writes in his Introduction, “Education has become an intermediary institution between a social system that habitually sputters and declines while ever-greater amounts of consumer products are dangled in front of the system’s workforce. The result: a dynamic fraught with all sort of negative possibilities, both socially and psychotically.” 
A broadside against the failures of our education system and our economy, Gary Roth’s The Educated Underclass aims to startle us out of our complacency and wake us up to action.  

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El Golpe
US Labor, the CIA, and the Coup at Ford in Mexico
Rob McKenzie
Pluto Press, 2022

'Early in my research, a friend with excellent knowledge of the United Auto Workers internal operations told me, "Don't give up. They are hiding something"…'

It's 1990, and US labor is being outsourced to Mexico. Rumors of a violent confrontation at the Mexican Ford Assembly plant on January 8 reach the United Auto Workers (UAW) union in the US: nine employees had been shot by a group of drunken thugs and gangsters, in an act of political repression which changed the course of Mexican and US workers' rights forever.

Rob McKenzie was working at the Ford Twin Cities Assembly plant in Minnesota when he heard of the attack. He didn't believe the official story, and began a years-long investigation to uncover the truth. His findings took him further than he expected - all the way to the doors of the CIA.

Virtually unknown outside of Mexico, the full story of 'El Golpe', or 'The Coup', is a dark tale of political intrigue that still resonates today.


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Ellen Wilkinson
From Red Suffragist to Government Minister
Paula Bartley
Pluto Press, 2014

Ellen Wilkinson was a key radical figure in the 20th century British socialist and feminist movement, a woman of passionate energy who was involved in most of the major struggles of her time.

Born in October 1891 into a working-class textile family, Wilkinson was involved in women’s suffrage, helped found the British Communist Party, led the Labour Party’s anti-fascist campaign, headed the iconic Jarrow Crusade and was the first female Minister of Education.

In this lively and engaging biography, Paula Bartley charts the political life of this extraordinary campaigner who went from street agitator to government minister whilst keeping her principles intact.


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Empire and the Bomb
How the U.S. Uses Nuclear Weapons to Dominate the World
Joseph Gerson
Pluto Press, 2007
The United States is the only country to have dropped the atomic bomb. Since the A-bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, every U.S. president has threatened nuclear war. This concise history shows how the United States has used nuclear weapons to bolster its imperial ambitions. Leading nuclear specialist and peace campaigner Joseph Gerson explains why atomic weapons were first built and used---and how the United States uses them today to preserve its global empire.

Gerson reveals how and why the United States made more than twenty threats of nuclear attack during the Cold War---against Russia, China, Vietnam, and the Middle East. He shows how such threats continued under Presidents Bush, Clinton, and George W. Bush.

The book concludes with an appeal for the abolition of nuclear weapons and an overview of the history of the anti-nuclear movement. Drawing from a wide range of sources, including extensive government documents, this fascinating and timely account shows how the United States has used nuclear weapons to dominate the world.

Read a review of Empire and the Bomb:



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The Empire at Home
Internal Colonies and the End of Britain
James Trafford
Pluto Press, 2021
Modern Britain is forged through the redeployment of structures that facilitated and legitimized slavery, exploitation and extermination. This is the 'empire at home' and it is inseparable from the strategies of neo-colonial extraction and oppression of subjects abroad. Here, James Trafford develops the notion of internal colonies, arguing that methods and structures used in colonial rule are re-deployed internally in contemporary Britain in order to recreate and solidify imperial power relations. Using examples including housing segregation, targeted surveillance and counter-insurgency techniques used in the fight against terrorism, Trafford reveals Britain's internal colonialism to be a reactive mechanism to retain British sovereignty. As politics appears limited by nationalism and protectionism, The Empire at Home issues a powerful challenge to contemporary politics, demanding that Britain as an imperial structure must end.

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Empire in Denial
The Politics of State-Building
David Chandler
Pluto Press, 2006
In the 1990s, interventionist policies challenged the rights of individual states to self-governance. Today, non-Western states are more likely to be feted by international institutions offering programs of poverty-reduction, democratization and good governance. States without the right to self-government will always lack legitimate authority. The international policy agenda focuses on bureaucratic mechanisms, which can only institutionalize divisions between the West and the non-West and are unable to overcome the social and political divisions of post-conflict states. Highlighting the dangers of current policy—including the redefinition of sovereignty, and the subsequent erosion of ties linking power and accountability—David Chandler offers a critical look at state-building that will be of interest to all students of international affairs.

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Empire of the Periphery
Russia and the World System
Boris Kagarlitsky
Pluto Press, 2007

Leading writer Boris Kagarlitsky offers an ambitious account of 1000 years of Russian history. Encompassing all key periods in Russia's dramatic development, the book covers everything from early settlers, through medieval decline, Ivan the Terrible - the 'English Tsar', Peter the Great, the Crimean War and the rise of capitalism, the revolution, the Soviet period, finally ending with the return of capitalism after 1991.

Setting Russia within the context of the 'World System', as outlined by Wallerstein, this is a major work of historical Marxist theory that is set to become a future classic.


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Empire's Endgame
Racism and the British State
Gargi Bhattacharyya
Pluto Press, 2021
We are in a moment of profound overlapping crises. The landscape of politics and entitlement is being rapidly and unpredictably remade. As movements against colonial legacies and state violence coincide with the rise of new authoritarian regimes, it is the analytical lens of racism, and the politics of race, that offers the sharpest focus. In Empire's Endgame, eight leading scholars make a powerful collective intervention in debates around racial capitalism and political crisis in the British context. While the 'Hostile Environment' policy and Brexit Referendum have thrown the centrality of race into sharp relief, discussions of racism have too often focused on individual attitudes and behaviors. Foregrounding instead the wider political and economic context, the authors of Empire's Endgame trace the ways in which the legacies of empire have been reshaped by global capitalism, the digital environment and the instability of the nation-state. Engaging with contemporary movements such as Black Lives Matter and Rhodes Must Fall, Empire's Endgame offers both an original perspective on race, media, the state and criminalization, and a vision of a political infrastructure that might include rather than expel in the face of crisis.

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Empire's Law
The American Imperial Project and the 'War to Remake the World'
Edited by Amy Bartholomew
Pluto Press, 2006
"Empire's Law is first rate -- a 'must read' for students of international law, politics and ethics. It includes excellent contributions by key theorists and impressive case studies. This provocative and original collection should be read and taught in classes on both the undergraduate and graduate level."
Jean L. Cohen Professor of Political Science, Columbia University

"This remarkable collection of essays illuminates -- more fully than any other volume -- the world order costs of the Iraq War, especially the radical denial of the relevance of international law in the US's pursuit of global empire. To understand this overarching geopolitical challenge of the early 21st century, citizens the world over should treat Empire's Law as required reading."
Richard A. Falk, Albert G. Milbank Professor of International Law and Practice Emeritus, Princeton University and currently Visiting Professor of Global and International Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara

"Right now there can't be enough discussion of America's role in world politics ... This is a much-needed collection from leading scholars."
Neil Stammers, Senior Lecturer in the Department of International Relations and Politics, University of Sussex

What is the legacy of the war in Iraq? Can democracy and human rights really be imposed "by fire and sword"? This book brings together some of the world's most outstanding theorists in the debate over empire and international law. They provide a uniquely lucid account of the relationship between American imperialism, the use and abuse of "humanitarian intervention", and its legal implications. Empire's Law is ideal for students who want a comprehensive critical introduction to the impact that the doctrine of pre-emptive war has had on our capacity to protect human rights and promote global justice.

Leading contributors including Leo Panitch, Sam Gindin, Jurgen Habermas, Ulrich Preuss, Andrew Arato, Samir Amin, Reg Whitaker, Denis Halliday and Hans von Sponeck tackle a broad range of issues. Covering everything from the role of Europe and the UN, to people's tribunals, to broader theoretical accounts of the contradictions of war and human rights, the contributors offer new and innovative ways of examining the problems that we face. It is essential reading for all students who want a systematic framework for understanding the long-term consequences of imperialism.

Amy Bartholomew is an Associate Professor in the Department of Law at Carleton University.

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The End of Jewish Modernity
Enzo Traverso
Pluto Press, 2016
Jewish modernity flourished between the age of Enlightenment and World War II—and in fact was a major driver of intellectual, scientific, social, literary, and artistic progress in that period. But the age of Jewish modernity is over.
            That’s the argument that historian Enzo Traverso mounts in this provocative book. With great sensitivity and nuance, he teases out the fundamentally conservative turn that the mainstream of Jewish thought has taken in the years since World War II, revealing its roots in the Holocaust and the establishment of the United Nations and Israel as the new poles of Jewish communal life. Building his argument on a highly original reading of Hannah Arendt’s writings on Jewishness and politics, Traverso offers both an elegy to a lost tradition and a damning intellectual history of the present.

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Ends in Sight
Gregory Elliott
Pluto Press, 2008
Following the disappearance of the Soviet Union, scholars across the political spectrum tackled the world-historical significance of the end of communism. This book addresses the balance-sheets of modern political history offered by three writers---Francis Fukuyama, Eric Hobsbawm and Perry Anderson---comparing them with the future projected by Marx in The Communist Manifesto.

Gregory Elliott argues that Marx is central to all three accounts and that, along with the Manifesto, they form a quartet of analyses of the results and prospects of capitalism and socialism, which are of enduring significance for the Left.

Senses of an Ending provides a readable survey of key historical and political thinkers that will appeal to anyone interested in modern political thought.


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England's Discontents
Political Cultures and National Identities
Mike Wayne
Pluto Press, 2018
England’s political-economic scene is a battleground of competing ideologies, all under the umbrella of neoliberalism. From conservatism to socialism, what forces have historically shaped these political cultures and people’s attachment to them?
            Examining five political ideologies at play in England—conservatism, liberalism, economic liberalism, social democracy, and socialism—Mike Wayne unearths the historical rationale for their relationship to cultural identities, including rural England, gentlemanly capitalism, industrialism, and Empire. By revealing how national identity, class, and political economy intersect, Wayne is able to elucidate England’s enduring attachment to the neoliberal economic system.
            Grounding his cultural and material perspective in Gramscian and Marxist theory, Wayne illuminates the cultural dimensions of English political life in the last century.

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Erasing Iraq
The Human Costs of Carnage
Michael Otterman, Richard Hil, Paul Wilson, and Dahr Jamail
Pluto Press, 2010

For nearly two decades, the US and its allies have prosecuted war and aggression in Iraq. Erasing Iraq shows in unparalleled detail the devastating human cost.

Western governments and the mainstream media continue to ignore or play down the human costs of the war on Iraqi citizens This has allowed them to present their role as the benign guardians of Iraqi interests. The authors deconstruct this narrative by presenting a portrait of the total carnage in Iraq today as told by Iraqis and other witnesses who experienced it firsthand.

Featuring in-depth interviews with Iraqi refugees in Syria, Jordan and Western countries, Erasing Iraq is a comprehensive and moving account of the Iraqi people's tragedy.


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Escape Routes
Control and Subversion in the Twenty-First Century
Dimitris Papadopoulos, Niamh Stephenson, and Vassilis Tsianos
Pluto Press, 2008

Illegal migrants who evade detection, creators of value in insecure and precarious working conditions and those who refuse the constraints of sexual and biomedical classifications: these are the people who manage to subvert power and to craft unexpected sociabilities and experiences. Escape Routes shows how people can escape control and create social change by becoming imperceptible to the political system of Global North Atlantic societies.


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Ethnicity and Nationalism
Anthropological Perspectives
Thomas Hylland Eriksen
Pluto Press, 2010

Ethnicity and nationalism are pervasive features of the contemporary world, but how far is ethnicity a result of cultural differences, and how much is it in fact dependent on the practical use of, and belief in, such differences? In this book, Thomas Hylland Eriksen demonstrates that far from being an immutable property of groups, ethnicity is a dynamic and shifting aspect of social relationships. Drawing on a wide range of classic and recent studies in anthropology and sociology, Eriksen examines the relationship between ethnicity, class, gender and nationhood and more in a lucid and comprehensive manner.

A core text for all students of social anthropology and related subjects, Ethnicity and Nationalism has been a leading introduction to the field since its original publication in 1993. This new edition - expanded and thoroughly revised - is indispensable to anyone seriously interested in understanding ethnic phenomena. New topics covered include cultural property rights, the role of genetics in the public understanding of identification, commercialisation of identity, and the significance of the internet.


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Europe and Its Shadows
Coloniality after Empire
Hamid Dabashi
Pluto Press, 2019
Europe has long imagined itself as the centre of the universe, although its precise geographical, cultural and social terrains have always been amorphous. Exploring the fear and fascination associated with the continent as an allegory, Hamid Dabashi considers Europe to be a historically formed barricade against the world. Frantz Fanon’s assessment that 'Europe is literally the creation of the Third World' is still true today; but in more than one sense for the colonial has always been embedded in the capital, and the capital within the colonial. As the condition of coloniality shifts, so have the dividing lines between coloniser and colonised, and this shift calls for a reappraisal of our understanding of nationalism, xenophobia and sectarianism as the dangerous indices of the emerging worlds. As the far-right populists captivate minds across Europe and Brexit upsets the balance of power in the European Union, this book, from a major scholar of postcolonial thought, is a timely and transformative intervention.

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The European Radical Left
Movements and Parties since the 1960s
Giorgos Charalambous
Pluto Press, 2021

Is today’s left really new? How has the European radical left evolved?

Giorgos Charalambous answers these questions by looking at three moments of rapid political change - the late 1960s to late 1970s; the turn of the millennium; and post-2008. He challenges the conventional understanding of a ‘new left’, drawing out continuities with earlier movements and parties.

Charalambous examines the ‘Long ‘68’, symbolised by the May uprisings in France, which saw the rise of new left forces and the widespread criticism by younger radical activists of traditional communist and socialist parties. He puts this side by side with the turn of the millennium when the Global Justice Movement rose to prominence and changed the face of the international left, and also the period after the financial crash of 2008 and the rise of anti-austerity politics which initiated the most recent wave of new left parties such as Podemos in Spain and Syriza in Greece. 

With a unique ‘two-level’ perspective, Charalambous approaches the left through both social movements and party politics, looking at identities, rhetoric and organization, and bringing a fresh new approach to radical history, as well as assessing challenges for both activists and scholars.


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The European Union
A Critical Guide
Steven P. McGiffen
Pluto Press, 2006
The political dynamics of the European Union can often appear confusing, shrouded as they are in complex legislative processes. This book offers a clear and thorough critical introduction to the origins, development and current direction of the EU, and pinpoints the major policy debates animating decision-makers.

This revised and updated edition offers a well-illustrated analysis of each of the EU¹s major policy areas, and covers arguments both for and against the EU. McGiffen explores subjects including enlargement, internal and external security, the Euro, trade, the environment, employment, transport and regional policy. He explains how and why the debate about membership is frequently and falsely presented as if it were a conflict between 'nationalism' and Œinternationalism', and argues instead that the EU is merely one of a number of possible solutions to the the economic and political problems facing Europe.

Published in association with Spectre.

Steve McGiffen is a writer, author and consultant. Until recently he worked for the United Left Group in the European Parliament and the Socialist Party of the Netherlands. He is editor of Spectre, a radical left website which can be read at www.spectrezine.org, His previous books include Biotechnology (Pluto Press, 2005).

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Europe's Alliance with Israel
Aiding the Occupation
David Cronin
Pluto Press, 2010

In carefully crafted official statements, the European Union presents itself as an honest broker in the Middle East. In reality, however, the EU’s 27 governments have been engaged in a long process of accommodating Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories.

Journalist David Cronin interrogates the relationship and its outcomes. A recent agreement for 'more intense, more fruitful, more influential co-operation' between the EU and Israel has meant that Israel has become a member state of the Union in all but name. Cronin shows that rather than using this relationship to encourage Israeli restraint, the EU has legitimised actions such as the ill-treatment of prisoners and the Gaza invasion.

Concluding his revealing and shocking account, Cronin calls for a continuation and deepening of international activism and protest to halt the EU's slide into complicity.


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The Experience Society
Consumer Capitalism Rebooted
Steven Miles
Pluto Press, 2020
Airbnb, gaming, escape rooms, major sporting events: contemporary capitalism no longer demands we merely consume things, but that we buy experiences. This book is concerned with the social, cultural and personal implications of this shift.

The technologically-driven world we live in is no closer to securing the utopian ideal of a leisure society. Instead, the pursuit of leisure is often an attempt to escape our everyday existence. Exploring examples including sport, architecture, travel and social media, Steven Miles investigates how consumer culture has colonised 'experiences', revealing the ideological and psycho-social tensions at the heart of the 'experience society'.

The first critical analysis of the experience economy by a UK sociologist sheds light on capitalism's ever more sophisticated infiltration of the everyday.

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The Experience Society
Consumer Capitalism Rebooted
Steven Miles
Pluto Press, 2020
Airbnb, gaming, escape rooms, major sporting events: contemporary capitalism no longer demands we merely consume things, but that we buy experiences. This book is concerned with the social, cultural and personal implications of this shift.

The technologically-driven world we live in is no closer to securing the utopian ideal of a leisure society. Instead, the pursuit of leisure is often an attempt to escape our everyday existence. Exploring examples including sport, architecture, travel and social media, Steven Miles investigates how consumer culture has colonized 'experiences', revealing the ideological and psycho-social tensions at the heart of the 'experience society'.

The first critical analysis of the experience economy by a UK sociologist sheds light on capitalism's ever more sophisticated infiltration of the everyday.

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Exploring Degrowth
A Critical Guide
Vincent Liegey
Pluto Press, 2020
A sense of urgency pervades global environmentalism, and the degrowth movement is bursting into the mainstream. As climate catastrophe looms closer, people are eager to learn what degrowth is about, and whether we can save the planet by changing how we live. This book is an introduction to the movement.

As politicians and corporations obsess over growth objectives, the degrowth movement demands that we must slow down the economy by transforming our economies, our politics and our cultures to live within the Earth's limits.

This book navigates the practice and strategies of the movement, looking at its strengths and weaknesses. Covering horizontal democracy, local economies and the reduction of work, it shows us why degrowth is a compelling and realistic project.

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