front cover of Sade
The Invention Of The Libertine Body
Marcel Henaff
University of Minnesota Press, 1999

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Social Science as Civic Discourse
Essays on the Invention, Legitimation, and Uses of Social Theory
Richard Harvey Brown
University of Chicago Press, 1989
Richard Harvey Brown's pioneering explorations in the philosophy of social science and the theory of rhetoric reach a culmination in Social Science as Civic Discourse. In his earlier works, he argued for a logic of discovery and explanation in social science by showing that science and art both depend on metaphoric thinking, and he has applied that logic to society as a narrative text in which significant action by moral agents is possible. This new work is at once a philosophical critique of social theory and a social-theoretical critique of politics. Brown proposes to redirect the language and the mission of the social sciences toward a new discourse for a humane civic practice.

front cover of Surpassing Wonder
Surpassing Wonder
The Invention of the Bible and the Talmuds
Donald Harman Akenson
University of Chicago Press, 2001
Elegant and inventive, Surpassing Wonder uncovers how the ancient Hebrew scriptures, the Christian New Testament, and the Talmuds of the Rabbis are related and how, collectively, they make up the core of Western consciousness. Donald Harman Akenson provides an incisive critique of how religious scholars have distorted the holy books and argues that it was actually the inventor of the Hebrew scriptures who shaped our concept of narrative history—thereby founding Western culture.

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