List of Illustrations
Chapter 1. The Sumerian Takeoff
Natural and Created Landscapes
A Reversal of Fortune
Forthcoming Discussions
Chapter 2. Factors Hindering Our Understanding of the Sumerian Takeoff
The Material Limits of the Evidence
Conceptual Problems
Methodological Problems
Chapter 3. Modeling the Dynamics of Urban Growth
Growth as Diversification
Growth as Specialization
Growth Situated
Growth Institutionalized
Chapter 4. Early Mesopotamian Urbanism: Why?
Environmental Advantages
Geographical Advantages
Comparative and Competitive Advantage
Chapter 5. Early Mesopotamian Urbanism: How?
The Growth of Early Mesopotamian Urban Economies
The Uruk Expansion
Multiplier Effects
Chapter 6. The Evidence for Trade
Chapter 7. Early Mesopotamian Urbanism in Comparative Perspective
Evidentiary Biases
Florescent Urbanism in Alluvial Mesopotamia
The Primacy of Warka: Location, Location, Location
Aborted Urbanism in Upper Mesopotamia
Chapter 8. The Synergies of Civilization
Propinquity and Its Consequences
Technologies of the Intellect
The Urban Revolution Revisited
Chapter 9. Conclusion: The Mesopotamian Conjuncture
Epilogue: Early Sumerian Civilization: A Research Agenda
Households and Property
Excavation and Survey
Mortuary Evidence
The Early Uruk Problem
Appendix 1. Early/Middle Uruk Sites in the Mesopotamian Alluvium Organized by Size and Presumed Functional Category
Appendix 2. Late Uruk Sites in the Mesopotamian Alluvium Organized by Size and Presumed Functional Category
Notes Reference List Source List Index