Title Page
The Structure of This Book
Six Paradigms
Chapter 1. Introduction
Some Premises
Some History
Evolution and Modification of Behavior
Evolution of Ontogeny in the Human Animal
Levels of Causation in the Explanation of Behavior
Part I. Evolution: The Phylogenetic Origins of Childhood
Neo-Darwinian Theory—The Adaptationist Paradigm
Evolutionary Allometries
The Evolution of Developmental Genes (Evo-Devo)
Developmental Ethology
Evolutionary Developmental Psychology
Interlude 1: Thinking about Birdsong
Expansion and Organization in Brain Evolution
Vertebrate Body Plans and Behavioral Advances
The Emergence of Mammalian Brain and Behavior
Developmental Keys to Psychosocial Evolution
Ape Evolution and Behavior
Hominin Evolution and Behavior
Hominin Brain Evolution
Evolving Human Life Histories
Hominin Behavior, Social Organization, and Culture
Neonatal Status and Early Brain Growth
Humanizing Anthropoid Brain Growth
Hominin Ontogeny
Heterochrony in Hominin Evolution
The Limbic System Model
The Orbitofrontal Cortex and the Somatic Marker Hypothesis
The Polyvagal Model
The Mirror-Neuron System
Lateralized Higher Functions
Imperfect Models
Part II. Maturation: Anatomical Bases of Psychosocial Growth
Chapter 6. Paradigms in the Study of Psychosocial Growth
The Neurogenetics of Animal Models and Human Disease
Developmental Neuroendocrinology
Postnatal Brain Development
Developmental Behavior Genetics
Neurological Individuality
Interlude 2: Thinking about Bipedal Walking
Chapter 7. The Growth of Sociality
The “Fourth Trimester” and the Presocial Baseline
The Rise and Fall of Early Crying
Smiling and Mutual Gaze
Chapter 8. The Growth of Attachment and the Social Fears
Universals of Human Attachment and Social Fear
Animal Studies
Biological Mechanisms
Chapter 9. The Growth of Language
A Language Acquisition Device
Cross-Cultural and Other Evidence
Biological Foundations
Early Anatomical Preparedness
The Role of Learning
Gender Identity
Sex Differences in Aggression
Cross-Cultural Studies
Neuroendocrine Foundations
Chapter 11. The Transition to Middle Childhood
An Evolutionary Approach
Cognition in Middle Childhood
A Biological Model
Chapter 12. Reproductive Behavior and the Onset of Parenting
Biological Changes in Puberty and Adolescence
Is Individual Age at Puberty a Facultative Adaptation?
Control of the Onset of Puberty
Growth and Change in the Adolescent Brain
The Psychological Impact of Body Changes
Adolescent Hormones in Sexuality and Aggression
Cross-Cultural Regularities
A Role for Romantic Love?
Ideals and Abstractions
The Onset of Parenting—Maternal Care
Paternal Care and the Pair Bond
Interlude 3: Thinking about Growing Up Gay
Transition 2: Plasticity Evolving
Selection for Plasticity and Resilience
Part III. Socialization: The Evolving Social Context of Ontogeny
Chapter 13. Paradigms in the Study of Socialization
Laws of Learning
Early Experience Effects and the Sensitive Period Question
Ethology, Field Primatology, and Sociobiology
Ethnology and Quantitative Cross-Cultural Comparison
Historiography and Historical Demography
Early Handling, Stress, and Stimulation
Postweaning Isolation and Crowding
Social Deprivation in Monkeys
The Neurobiology of Social Perturbation in Monkeys
Experience in the Etiology of Psychopathology
Early Deprivation in Human Childhood
Chapter 15. The Evolution of the Mother-Infant Bond
Mother and Infant Primates, Including Humans
Mother-Infant Relations among !Kung Hunter-Gatherers
Mother-Infant Relations in Other Hunter-Gatherers
Reconstructing Maternal Care: Phylogeny and History
Attachment Theory and the Mother-Infant Bond
Interlude 4: Thinking about Maternal Sentiment
Chapter 16. Cooperative Breeding in the Extended Family
Helpers at the Nest
Allocare in Nonhuman Primates
Nonmaternal Care among !Kung Hunter-Gatherers
Nonmaternal Care in Other Hunter-Gatherers
Cooperative Breeding in the Human Species
Normative Adoption and Fosterage in Human Societies
The Physiology of Alloparental Care
Social Context and Mother-Infant Interactions
Cooperative Breeding beyond Hunters and Gatherers
Chapter 17. Male Parental Care
Male Parental Investment and Reproductive Success
Paternal Investment, Social Organization, and Ecology in Nonhuman Species
The Paternal Role among !Kung Hunter-Gatherers
Paternal Roles in Other Hunter-Gatherers
Paternal Roles in Non-Hunter-Gatherers
Observable Patterns and Their Possible Significance
Subsistence Adaptation and Family Organization
Dads and Cads
Plasticity and Its Physiological Limits
Interlude 5: Thinking about “Oedipal” Conflicts
Theoretical Considerations
Juvenile Social Relations in Selected Mammals
Relations among Juveniles in !Kung Hunter-Gatherers
Relations among Juveniles in Other Hunter-Gatherers
Relations among Juveniles since the Hunting-Gathering Era
Functional Considerations
Developmental Mechanisms
Chapter 19. Play, Social Learning, and Teaching
The Evolution of Play
The Development of Human Play
The Evolutionary Neurobiology of Play
Intelligent Players
Play, Learning, and Culture
Social Learning, Imitation, and Teaching
Toward a Neurobiology of Social Learning
Teaching: Uniquely Human?
Chapter 20. The Contexts of Emerging Reproductive Behavior
The Development of Sexual Behavior in Monkeys and Apes
Adolescence among the !Kung Hunter-Gatherers
Adolescence in Other Hunter-Gatherers
Broader Cross-Cultural Patterns of Premarital Sex
Parent-Offspring Conflict over Arranged Marriage
Adolescent Sexuality in the Industrial World
Secular Trends in Growth and Maturation
Secular Trends and Adolescent Behavior
Interlude 6: Thinking about Incest Avoidance and Taboos
Basic Stress Physiology
Stress in Infancy and Childhood
Stress in Early Life as a Signal for Facultative Adaptation
Stress and Resilience on the Island of Dominica
Mortality, Attachment, and Loss
Stress and Resilience in Exceptional Situations
Child Abuse and Neglect in Western Industrial States
Evolutionary Considerations in Abuse and Neglect
Changing Family Structure in Western Industrial States
Abuse, Neglect, and Adolescent Aggression
Stress and Coping in Human Development
Chapter 22. Hunter-Gatherer Childhood—The Cultural Baseline
Generalizations and Challenges
The Hunter-Gatherer Childhood Model
Hunter-Gatherer Childhood in Evolutionary Context
Evaluating the Divergences
Conclusion: Facultative Adaptation, Discordance, or Both?
Transition 3: Does Nonhuman Culture Exist?
Defining the Extremes
The Approach from Material Culture
The Approach from Socially Learned Local Variation
The Approach from Teaching and Cultural Learning
The Approach from Language and Symbol
The Approach from History
Part IV. Enculturation: The Transmission and Evolution of Culture
Chapter 23. Paradigms in the Study of Enculturation
Laws of Learning, Expanded
Culture and Personality
The Whiting Model
Broader Cross-Cultural Analyses
Extensions and Modifications of the Model
Challenges to the Role of Early Experience
Culture and Mind
Interlude 7: Thinking about the Question “How?”
Culture in Utero?
Cross-Cultural Variation in Infant Care
Possible Mechanisms of Influence
Language Acquisition and Language Learning
Chapter 25. The Culture of Subsistence
Work, Play, and Cultural Transmission
Children’s Work in Farming Cultures
Chapter 26. The Culture of Middle Childhood
Enculturation among the Gusii of Kenya
Enculturation Processes beyond Conventional Learning
Enculturation by Children
Inculcating Morality?
Children and Religion
Culture Stretches Biology
Cultural Tradition in Adolescent Development
Cultural Macroevolution
The Meme Model and the Question of Coherence
Cavalli-Sforza and Feldman
Lumsden and Wilson
Boyd and Richerson
The Durham Model
Defining Culture
Applying the Model
Some Models Compared
Interlude 8: Thinking about Boys at War
Universals of Human Behavior and Culture
A Culture Acquisition Device
A Model of Culture in Biological Context
Part V. Conclusion
Chapter 30. The Ultimate Epigenetic Enterprise
A General Theory?
Chaos, Self-Organization, and Complexity
A Theory of Generative Variation
Selection, Epigenetics, and Development