Title Page
Introduction: The Remembrance of a Dream. Harold Holzer
1. The Day of Jubilee. Edna Greene Medford
2. Under Cover of Liberty. Frank J. Williams
3. Lincoln at Sea. Craig L. Symonds
4. Military Drafts, Civilian Riots. Barnet Schecter
5. The Fiery Furnace of Affliction. Catherine Clinton
6. And the War Goes On. John F. Marszalek and Michael B. Ballard
7. Picturing the War. Bob Zeller
8. The General Tide. William C. Davis
9. The Gettysburg Address Revisited. Orville Vernon Burton
10. Seldom Twice Alike: The Changing Faces of Lincoln. Harold Holzer
The Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation January 1, 1863
The Gettysburg Address
The Gettysburg Address (Second Draft) November 19, 1863
Appendix B: Timeline, 1863
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