Preface by JoVonn G. Hill and John A. Barone
Chapter 1. A Synopsis of Southeastern Blackland Prairies by S. Lee Echols and Wendy B. Zomlefer
Chapter 2. Historical Distribution of Prairies in Arkansas by John A. Barone
Chapter 3. The Use of General Land Office Survey Notes to Locate Prairie Patches in the Jackson Prairie Region by Toby Gray and Timothy J. Schauwecker
Chapter 4. Eastern Texas Prairie Landscapes by Jason R. Singhurst and Matt White
Chapter 5. Floristics of the Louisiana Cajun and Inland Prairies by Charles Allen
Chapter 6. The Native Flora of Grasslands and Associated Woodlands in the Grand Prairie Ecoregion of Eastern Arkansas by C. Theo Witsell, Thomas L. Foti, and Brent T. Baker
Chapter 7. Vegetation and Flora on Lowlands in the Central Black Belt of Mississippi—How Low Did the Original Prairie Go? by J. J. N. Campbell and W. R. Seymour Jr.
Chapter 8. An Alternative Natural Distribution for Osage Orange, Maclura pomifera, Including the Prairies of the Southeast by Jennifer L. Seltzer
Chapter 9. Prehistoric Molluscan Faunas of the Mississippi Black Prairie by Evan Peacock
Chapter 10. The Grasshopper Fauna of Southeastern Grasslands: A Preliminary Investigation by JoVonn G. Hill
Chapter 11. Encroachment and Persistence of Trees in Southeastern Grasslands by J. Morgan Varner
Chapter 12. Experimental Removal of Eastern Redcedar to Restore Black Belt Prairie Remnants: Effects on Plant, Ant, and Grasshopper Communities by John A. Barone, JoVonn G. Hill, and Lisa McInnis
Chapter 13. Conservation and Management of Subtropical Grasslands in South-Central Florida by Elizabeth H. Boughton, Patrick J. Bohlen, Steve L. Orzell, Edwin L. Bridges, and Reed F. Noss
Chapter 14. Effects of Landscape History on Plant Communities in Semi-natural Grassland Buffers by Jolie G. Dollar, Timothy J. Schauwecker, Samuel K. Riffell, and L. Wes Burger Jr.
Chapter 15. Ground Cover Assessment of CRP Conservation Practice 36 in Georgia by James W. Tomberlin, Nicholas Brown, and Reggie E. Thackston
Chapter 16. Forb Community Response to Management of Grassland Buffers by Jolie G. Dollar, Timothy J. Schauwecker, Samuel K. Riffell, and L. Wes Burger Jr.
Chapter 17. Highway Right-of-Way Mowing Regimens in Northeastern Mississippi: Effects on Native Prairie Plant Species by Edward D. Entsminger, John W. Guyton, Raymond B. Iglay, and Jeanne C. Jones
Chapter 18. Reconstructing Prehistoric Prairie Habitat Types Using Archaeological Data by Jennifer L. Seltzer and Evan Peacock
Chapter 19. A Preliminary Study of Learning about Prairie Restoration Ecology: A Comparison between Biology Major and Nonmajor Students by Bruno Borsari and Malcolm F. Vidrine
Chapter 20. Attempts at Converting a Southern Mississippi Bahia Grass Pasture to Diverse Prairie via Local-Provenance, Source-Certified Seed by Marc G. Pastorek, Malcolm F. Vidrine, Charles Allen, Bruno Borsari, and Gail Barton
References Cited