History of the Central lntelligence Agency
Part One: The Central lntelligence Group and the Central lntelligence Agency, 1946-52
Part Two: The Dulles Era, 1953-61
Part Three: Change and Routinization, 1961 -70
Part Four: The Recent Past, 1971 -75
Part Five: Conclusions
Organizational Charts
List of Acronyms
1. Memorandum for the President by William J. Donovan, November 18, 1944
2. President Harry S. Truman Establishes the Central
lntelligence Group, January 22, 1946
3. The National Security Act of 1947 [excerpts]
4. National Security Council Directive 1012, June 18, 1948,
Establishing the Office of Special Projects
5. The Dulles-Jackson-Correa Report to the National Security
Council on the Central lntelligence Agency and National
Organization for Intelligence, January 1, 1949 [Summary]
6. Report of the Special Study Group [Doolittle Committee]
on the Covert Activities of the Central lntelligence Agency,
September 30, 1954 [excerpts]
7. National Security Council Directive 541212,
December 28, 1955, on Covert Operations
8. Final Report of the Senate's Select Committee on Intelligence,
April 26, 1976 [General Findings]
9. Executive Order No. 12063, January 24, 1978,
Governing Intelligence Activities [excerpts]
10. Executive Order No. 12333, December 4, 1981,
Governing Intelligence Activities [excerpts]
Bibliographical Essay