1. Introduction
Background to the Mimbres Foundation Excavations
Culture History Summary
The Organization of this Volume
The Upland Mogollon Region as it is Defined in this Volume
Upland Mogollon as a Prehistoric Resource Use Area
A Description of Biotic Provinces within 60km of Upland Mogollon Sites
The Upland Mogollon Region as a Culture Area
The Upland Mogollon Chronological Sequence Used in this Volume
3. Competing Models of Upland Mogollon Pithouse Period Life-Styles - Michael W. Diehl
Models that Describe What Happened Between A.D. 200 and 1000
The Hilltop Locations of Early Pithouse Villages: Warfare Versus Social Interactions
Economic Transitions From the Archaic to the Early Pithouse Period
Concluding Thoughts Mogollon Pithouse Village Archaeology and the "Big Picture"
Are Su Site Pithouses Statistically Larger than McAnally Site Pithouses?
The Use of Architectural Details to Assess the Intensity of Site Occupations
Attributes of Prehistoric Architectural Construction
A Comparsion of the Intensity of of Site Occupation From A.D. 200 to 1000
Excavation and Processing Methods
Seeds and Diet
Diachronic Changes in the Use of Maize
New Plants and Higher Populations: Catalysts for Change?
The Methodology of the Ground Stone Analysis
Mano Analyses
Summary and Conclusion
Relationships Between Attributes of Ceramic Design and Use
McAnally Site Ceramics
8. Osteofaunal Remains
Efficiency, Foraging, and Farming
Potential Interpretive Biases
The McAnally and Thompson Site Assemblages
Excavations Methods
The McAnally Site (LA 12110)
The Thompson Site (NM Z:5:35)
Ceramic Descriptions and Seriation
Miscellaneous Artifacts
Populations Dynamics at the McAnally and Thompson Sites
Valleywide Population Dynamics
Appendix: Tree-Ring Dates from Upland Mogollon Pithouse Villages