Notes on Orthography, Pronunciation, and Acronymns
Preface and Acknowledgments
1. Introduction by Norman E. Whitten, Jr.
2. The Modern Political Transformation of the Secoya by William T. Vickers
3. Haunting the Present: Five Colonial Legacies for the New Millennium by Kris Lane
4. The Catholic Church, Ritual, and Power in Salasaca by Rachel Corr
5. Purgatory, Protestantism, and Peonage: Napo Runa Evangelicals and
the Domestication of the Masculine Will by Michael A. Uzendoski
6. The Devil and Development in Esmeraldas: Cosmology as a
System of Critical Thought by Diego Quiroga
7. Return of the Yumbo: The Caminata from Amazonia to
Andean Quito by Norman E. Whitten, Jr., Dorothea Scott Whitten, and Alfonso Chango
8. Indigenous Destiny in Indigenous Hands by Luis Macas, Linda Belote, and Jim Belote
Dorothea Scott Whitten
9. Actors and Artists from Amazonia and the Andes by Dorothea Scott Whitten
10. Tigua Migrant Communities and the Possibilities
for Autonomy among Urban Indígenas by Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld
11. Racist Stereotypes and the Embodiment of Blackness:
Some Narratives of Female Sexuality in Quito by Jean Muteba Rahier
12. Mothers of the Patria: La Chola Cuencana and La Mama Negra by Mary J. Weismantel
13. Epilogue by Norman E. Whitten, Jr.
Appendix: General Information on Ecuador by Michelle Wibbelsman