Contents List of Figures, vi List of Tables, vii Acknowledgments, xvi Part I. The Village Chapter 1. Introduction, by John D. Speth, 000 References Cited, 000 Chapter 2. The Henderson Site, by John D. Speth, 000 Introduction, 000 Chronology, 000 Plaza vs. Roomblock Trash Deposits, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Chapter 3. The Pottery of the Henderson Site (LA-1549): The 1980-1981 Seasons, by Regge N. Wiseman, 000 Introduction, 000 The Local Pottery, 000 Imported Pottery, 000 Dating the Occupation with Pottery, 000 Description and Discussion of Specific Pottery Types, 000 Chupadero Black-on-White, 000 Corona Corrugated, 000 El Paso Polychrome, 000 Playas Incised, 000 Playas Pottery from Henderson, 000 Three Rivers Red-on-Terracotta and Lincoln Black-on-Red, 000 The Henderson Pottery Assemblage in Regional Context, 000 Long-Distance Exchange, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Part 2. The Animal Resources Chapter 4. Bison Hunting at the Henderson Site, by John D. Speth and Alison E. Rautman, 000 Introduction, 000 Treatment of the Bones, 000 Garnsey Bison Kill, 000 Total Henderson Bison Sample (1980-1981): Both Sexes Combined, 000 Introduction, 000 Element Frequencies, 000 Age Structure, 000 Total Henderson Bison Sample (1980-1981): By Sex, 000 Introduction, 000 Sex Structure, 000 Seasonality, 000 Henderson Bison Sample by Provenience (1980-1981): Both Sexes Combined, 000 Introduction, 000 Element Frequencies, 000 Henderson Bison Sample by Provenience (1980-1981): By Sex, 000 Early Phase Bison: Great Depression vs. Main Bar East, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Chapter 5. Antelope Procurement and Hunting Strategies at the Henderson Site, New Mexico, by Preston T. Miracle, 000 Introduction, 000 Goals of the Analysis, 000 Geography, Climate, and Vegetation, 000 Ecology of Medium Ungulates in Southeastern New Mexico, 000 Excavations at the Henderson Site, 000 Methods, 000 Identifications, 000 Coding, 000 Measurement and Sexing of Antelope Remains, 000 Units of Quantification, 000 Description of the Medium Ungulate Assemblage, 000 Taxonomic Description, 000 Comparisons Between Different Proveniences, 000 Sexing of Antelope, 000 Aging of Antelope, 000 Carcass Units, 000 Taphonomy of Medium Ungulates at Henderson, 000 Economic Analysis of Medium Ungulates from Henderson, 000 Introduction, 000 Utility Indices, 000 Bulk Density, 000 Bone Transport vs. Destruction, 000 Cutmarks, 000 Mortality Profile of Henderson Antelope, 000 Seasonality, 000 Summary of Analyses, 000 Antelope Procurement at Henderson, 000 Introduction, 000 Antelope Herd Organization at Different Seasons, 000 Ethnographic Descriptions of Antelope Hunting, 000 Archaeological Markers of Communal Herd Hunting, 000 Communal Hunting at Henderson?, 000 Conclusions, 000 Regional Comparisons, 000 Introduction, 000 Communal Hunting at Phillips and Robinson?, 000 Implications of the Results, 000 Conclusions, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Chapter 6. Scheduling Conflicts at the Henderson Site: Evidence for a Decline in Medium Ungulate Procurement and Use, by Christina Waskiewicz, James J. Noone, and John D. Speth, 000 Introduction and Expectations, 000 Results, 000 Abundance of Medium Ungulates, 000 Transport Distance, 000 Medium Ungulates as Public or Communal Resources, 000 Conclusion, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Chapter 7. The Henderson Site Dogs, by Lauren Bigelow and John D. Speth, 000 Introduction, 000 Temporal Perspective, 000 Conclusions, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Chapter 8. Rabbit Hunting by Farmers at the Henderson Site, New Mexico, by Yun Kuen Lee and John D. Speth, 000 Introduction, 000 The 1980-1981 Henderson Lagomorph Assemblage, 000 Recovery Biases, 000 Cultural vs. Natural Origin, 000 Lagomorph Sample by Provenience, 000 Seasonal Scheduling of Lagomorph Hunting, 000 The Temporal Perspective, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Chapter 9. Prairie Dogs and Gophers: Food Resources or Taphonomic "Noise"?, by John D. Speth and Gudrun A. Scholler, 000 Introduction, 000 Cultural vs. Natural Origin, 000 Recovery Biases, 000 Taxonomic Representation, 000 Skeletal Element Representation, 000 Taphonomic Biases, 000 Seasonal Scheduling of Prairie Dog Hunting, 000 Temporal Perspective, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Chapter 10. The Henderson Birds, by John D. Speth, Steven D. Emslie, and Sara C. Olson, 000 Introduction, 000 Northern Cardinal, 000 Turkey, 000 Seasonality of Bird Hunting, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Chapter 11. Fish and Fishing at Henderson: The 1980-1981 Assemblage, by John D. Speth, Susan L. Scott, and Ralph F. Stearley, 000 Introduction, 000 Assemblage Composition, 000 Recovery Biases and Taphonomy, 000 East Plaza vs. Roomblock Fish Assemblages, 000 Fishing at Henderson, 000 Temporal Perspective, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Chapter 12. Seasonality of Catfish Procurement at the Henderson Site, by Kristen K. Arntzen and John D. Speth, 000 Introduction, 000 Seasonality of Catfish Procurement, 000 Preparing and Measuring the Thin-Sections, 000 Results and Discussion, 000 Conclusions, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Chapter 13. Freshwater Mollusks: A Source of Food or Just Ornaments?, by John D. Speth and Tatum M. McKay, 000 The Henderson Bivalve Assemblage (1980-1981), 000 Bivalve Assemblage by Provenience, 000 Temporal Perspective, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Chapter 14. Interspecific Comparisons: Evidence for Cooking Methods and Communal Food Sharing, by John D. Speth, 000 Introduction, 000 Body Weight, 000 Incidence of Burning vs. Body Weight, 000 Species Abundance in Non-Room Contexts vs. Body Weight, 000 Utility of Mammal Remains in Room and Non-Room Contexts, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Part III. The Stone Tools Chapter 15. Projectile Points from the Henderson Site (1980-1981), by Michael A. Adler and John D. Speth, 000 Introduction, 000 Comparison of Washita and Fresno Point Attributes, 000 Lithic Materials Utilized at Henderson, 000 Observations on Blade Breakage, 000 Intrasite Comparisons, 000 Projectile Points and Hunting, 000 Temporal Perspective, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Chapter 16. The Lithic Assemblage from the Henderson Site: 1980-1981, by Jody L. Brown, 000 Introduction, 000 Terms and Procedures, 000 Tool and Debitage Types, 000 Raw Materials, 000 Density of Artifacts, 000 Artifact Types by Raw Material Type, 000 Flake Types, 000 Amount of Cortex, 000 Dorsal Scars, 000 Platform Scars, 000 Artifact Weight and Size, 000 Conclusions, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Chapter 17. The Groundstone Evidence, by John D. Speth, Tatum M. McKay, and Kristen K. Arntzen, 000 Introduction, 000 Metates, 000 Manos, 000 Conclusions, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Part IV. Ethnobotany Chapter 18. Archaeobotanical Maize: The Screened Sample (1980-1981), by Sandra L. Dunavan, 000 Introduction, 000 Methods, 000 Deposition and Spatial Patterning, 000 Cob Morphology, 000 Kernel Morphology, 000 Intrasite Variation, 000 Regional Variation, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, Chapter 19. Fuel Exploitation at the Henderson Site: A Village on the Margins of the Southern Plains, by Marie S. Harris and Steven Archer, 000 Introduction, 000 Modern Vegetation, 000 Methods, 000 Taxa Recovered, 000 Results, 000 Conclusions, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Part V. Skeletal Indicators of Diet Chapter 20. The Stable Isotope Results, by Margaret J. Schoeninger, Introduction, 000 Methods, 000 Results, 000 Synopsis, 000 References Cited, 000 Part VI. Concluding Remarks Chapter 21. Life on the Periphery: Economic and Social Change in Southeastern New Mexico, by John D. Speth, 000 Introduction, 000 Henderson as a Village, 000 Forces Beyond Southeastern New Mexico, 000 References Cited, 000
Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication: Henderson Site (N, M, )Pueblo Indians Antiquities, Pueblo pottery Pecos River Valley (N, M, and Tex, )Plant remains (Archaeology) Pecos River Valley (N, M, and Tex, )Animal remains (Archaeology) Pecos River Valley (N, M, and Tex, )Pecos River Valley (N, M, and Tex, ) Antiquities
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