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1. The Impact of Change on the Management of Electronic Records 1 Changes in Technology 1 Changes in Organizational Structure and Workflow 6 The Effect of Change on Records Management 10 Models for Managing Electronic Records 18 References 22 2. Recordkeeping Systems 27 What Are Records? 27 What Is Records Management? 29 Primary Functional Requirements for Recordkeeping Systems 31 Specific Requiremeints for Recordkeeping Systems 34 Fhe Importance of Metadata 45 Key Recordkeeping Metadata 47 OAIS Model 55 Other Points of Agreement about Recordkeeping Metadata 59 Ref'rences 61 3. Transaction Processing Systems Constructed on the Relational Database Model 65 Technology and Information 66 Data and Information 67 Information Management Systems 68 Transaction Processing Systems 72 Database Structures 81 Transaction Processing Systems as Recordkeeping Systems 103 Making Transaction Processing Systems Better Recordkeeping Systems 112 References 126 4. Enterprise Document Management and Content Management Systems 129 Document Management Systems in the Earls to Mid 1990s 130 Early to Mid 1990s Document Management Systems as Recordkeeping Systems 133 Changes in Enterprise Document Management Systems in the Last Decade 136 Modern Document Management/Records Management Applications as Recordkeeping Systems 142 References 148 5. Decision Support Systems and Data Warehouses 149 Decision Support Systems 149 Executive Information Systems (EIS) 152 Artificial Intelligence: Expert Systems 154 Artificial Intelligence: Data-Mining 155 On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) Systems 156 Business Intelligence (B1) 157 Operational Data 158 Operational Data Store 159 Data Marts 161 Data Warehouses 163 Decision Support Systems Based on the Data Warehouse as Recordkeeping Systems 187 Making Data Warehouses Better Recordkeeping Systems 193 References 196 6. E-mail Management 199 Legal Cases Involving E-mail 200 Court Cases Involving Discovery and PreserNation of E-mail 204 Lessons Learned from the Legal Cases 211 Surveys on E-mail Management 215 Strategies for Mlaking Retention Decisions 218 S tratgies for E-mail Management 221 Ret firen es 227 7. Laws, Regulations, and Best Practices Relating to Electronic Records Management 231"s and Acts 233 Impact of SOX 248 Rules and Regulations 256 Guidelines and Best Practices 266 lessos Ule I ned fromn the Laws, Regulations, and Best Practices 283 References 289 8. Conclusion 295 Progress 295 ( hallenges 297 Refrenc (es 301
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