Illustrations and Maps 000
Series Editors' Preface 000
Acknowledgments 000
Introduction 000
1. Texas, Jefferson Davis, and Confederate National Strategy
Joseph G. Dawson 000
2. Warriors, Husbands, and Fathers: Confederate Soldiers and Their Families
Richard Lowe 000
3. "If We Should Succeed in Driving the Enemy Back out of My Native State": Why
Texans Fought East of the Mississippi River during the Civil War
Charles D. Grear 000
4. The Price of Liberty: The Great Hanging at Gainesville
Richard B. McCaslin 000
5. The Civil War and the Lives of Texas Women
Angela Boswell 000
6. Slaves Taken to Texas for Safekeeping during the Civil War
Dale Baum 177
7. New Perspectives on Texas Germans and the Confederacy
Walter D. Kamphoefner 000
8. After the Surrender: The Postwar Experiences of Confederate Veterans in Harrison
County, Texas
Randolph B. Campbell 000
9. "I Seemed to Have No Thought of the Past, Present, or Future": Texans React to
Confederate Defeat
Carl H. Moneyhon 000
10. Causes Lost but Not Forgotten: George Washington Littlefield, Jefferson Davis, and
Confederate Memories at the University of Texas at Austin
Alexander Mendoza 000
11. "Tell It Like It Was": Texas, the Civil War, and Public History
Julie Holcomb 000
Notes 000
Selected Bibliography 000
Contributors 000
Index 000