Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
Sponsoring Organizations
Part I: Costs and Benefits of Green Building
1.1. Methodology
1.2. The Cost of Building Green
1.3. Energy-Use Reductions
1.4. Advanced Energy-Use Reductions
Perspective: Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park
1.5. Water-Related Savings
Perspective: Water-Saving Strategies: Oregon Health Sciences University Center for Health and Healing
1.6. Green Affordable Housing: Enterprise's Green Communities Initiative
1.7. Health and Productivity Benefits of Green Buildings
Perspective: Birth of the Green Branch Bank
1.8. Green Health Care: Assessing Costs and Benefits
1.9. Employment Benefits of Green Buildings
Perspective: Green Building as Corporate Social Responsibility
1.10. Property Value Impacts of Building Green
Perspective: Investing in Brownfields
Perspective: Measuring Consumer Demand for Green Homes
1.11. Net Financial Impacts of Green Buildings for Owners and Occupants
Part II: Costs and Benefits of Green Community Design
2.1. What Is a Green Community?
2.2. Setting the Stage for Sustainable Urbanism
2.3. Financial Impacts of Green Community Design
2.4. Transportation and Health Impacts of Green Community Design
Perspective: Monitoring Performance at the LEED Platinum Center For Neighborhood Technology
2.5. Property Value and Market Impacts
2.6. The Market Rediscovers Walkable Urbanism
2.7. Social Impacts of Green Communities
2.8. Cost Savings in Ecologically Designed Conservation Developments
2.9. International Green Building
Perspective: Green Buildings in China
Perspective: A Greener Economic Recovery
2.10. Financial Impact of Green Communities
Part III: Communities of Faith Building Green
3.1. Faith Groups in the Green Vanguard
3.2. Methodology and Findings
3.3. Motivation
3.4. Impact of Green Buildings in Faith Communities
3.5. Financial Stewardship
3.6. Conclusion
Part IV: Green Design, Climate Change, and the Economy: Potential Impacts in the United States
4.1. Energy Consumption
4.2. Renewable Energy
4.3. Carbon Dioxide Emissions
4.4. Financial Impact
Appendix A: Data-Collection Methodology
Appendix B: Source List
Appendix C: Green Building Data Set
Appendix D: Comparison of Data Set to LEED-New Construction Buildings
Appendix E: Baselines Used in Cost and Benefits Estimates
Appendix F: Issues in Researching the Cost of Green Building
Appendix G: Cost of Energy-Efficiency and Renewable-Energy Measures
Appendix H: Energy-Use Baselines and Standards
Appendix I: Verifying the Energy Performance of LEED Buildings
Appendix J: Assumptions Used for Calculations of Water Savings
Appendix K: Green Building Survey Instrument
Appendix L: Global Assumptions for Part IV
About the Authors