Foreword: The Shape of Editorial Work | Michael Spooner
Introduction: Why Consider the Role of Editor? | Megan Schoen and Greg Giberson
Part One: Editing Journals in Writing Studies
1. The Journal You Have | Kelly Ritter
2. Minutiae Matters: On Editing an Independent Journal | Laura R. Micciche
3. Growing a Community of Colleagues: Editing WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship | Muriel Harris
4. PRE/TEXT | Victor J. Vitanza
5. Getting Up from a Fall: Five Years as Editor of WPA: Writing Program Administration | Alice S. Horning
6. Opening Spaces in Writing Studies: An Impetus for Change at Composition Forum | Christian Weisser
7. Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: Enacting an Editorial Philosophy at College Composition and Communication | Kathleen Blake Yancey
Part Two: Editing Books and Book Series in Writing Studies
8. The University of Pittsburgh Press Series: Composition, Literacy, Culture | David Bartholomae and Jean Ferguson Carr
9. Opening a New Chapter: Open-Access Publishing in Writing Studies | Mike Palmquist
10. Gatekeeper, Guardian, or Guide? Negotiating the Dynamics of Power as an Editor | Michael A. Pemberton
Part Three: Pulling Back the Curtain: Reflection on Editing in Writing Studies
11. Reflections: Edit to Learn | Victor Villanueva
12. Everything Is Rhetoric: Design, Editing, and Multimodal Scholarship | Douglas Eyman and Cheryl E. Ball
13. enculturation and Scholarly Editing as Network Coordination | Byron Hawk
14. Building a Field through Editorial Work: The Case of Second Language Writing | Paul Kei Matsuda
15. Making Space for Diverse Knowledges: Building Cultural Rhetorics Editorial Practices | Malea Powell
16. Won’t You Be My Neighbor? How to Build a Scholarly Community | Charles Bazerman
Afterword: On “Becoming” an Editor | Greg Giberson