Editorial Advisory Board
Signed Video Summaries
Part One: Applied
1. What Is Legal Interpreting? Introducing IPP Students to the Practice-Jeremy L. Brunson and Gino S. Gouby
2. Monitoring Interpretations: Analysis, Discretion, and Collaboration-Risa Shaw
3. Incorporating the Logic and Language of Attorneys Into Our Scope of Practice-Christopher Tester and Natalie Atlas
Part Two: Best Practices
4. Interpreters as Witnesses and the Experts Who Examine Them: The Pragmatics Behind the Politics-Carla M. Mathers
5. More Than Language Juggling: Measures to Be Added to Judiciary Interpreter Training in the 21st Century-Scott Robert Loos
Part Three: Research
6. Deaf Wisdom for Deaf Access-Christopher Stone and Gene Mirus
7. Justisigns: Developing Research-Based Training Resources on Sign Language Interpreting in Police Settings in Europe-Jemina Napier, Robert Skinner, Graham H. Turner, Lorraine Leeson, Teresa Lynch, Haaris Sheikh, Myriam Vermeerbergen, Heidi Salaets, Caro
8. Training Interpreters in Legal Settings: Applying Role-Space Theory in the Classroom-Jérôme Devaux and Robert G. Lee
9. The Interactive Courtroom: The Deaf Defendant Watches How the Speaker Is Identified for Each Turn-At-Talk During a Team-Interpreted Event-LeWana Clark
10. Training Legal Interpreters to Work With Deaf Jurors-Jemina Napier, Debra Russell, Sandra Hale, David Spencer, and Mehera San Roque
11. Practical Professional Training: Building Capacity in Our Interpreting Communities-Debra Russell