front cover of An Archive of Possibilities
An Archive of Possibilities
Healing and Repair in Democratic Republic of Congo
Rachel Marie Niehuus
Duke University Press, 2024
In An Archive of Possibilities, anthropologist and surgeon Rachel Marie Niehuus explores possibilities of healing and repair in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo against a backdrop of 250 years of Black displacement, enslavement, death, and chronic war. Niehuus argues that in a context in which violence characterizes everyday life, Congolese have developed innovative and imaginative ways to live amid and mend from repetitive harm. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork and the Black critical theory of Achille Mbembe, Christina Sharpe, Alexis Pauline Gumbs and others, Niehuus explores the renegotiation of relationships with land as a form of public healing, the affective experience of living in insecurity, the hospital as a site for the socialization of pain, the possibility of necropolitical healing, and the uses of prophesy to create collective futures. By considering the radical nature of cohabitating with violence, Niehuus demonstrates that Congolese practices of healing imagine and articulate alternative ways of living in a global regime of antiblackness.

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Citizenship in Cold War America
The National Security State and the Possibilities of Dissent
Andrea Friedman
University of Massachusetts Press, 2014
In the wake of 9/11, many Americans have deplored the dangers to liberty posed by a growing surveillance state. In this book, Andrea Friedman moves beyond the standard security/liberty dichotomy, weaving together often forgotten episodes of early Cold War history to reveal how the obsession with national security enabled dissent and fostered new imaginings of democracy.

The stories told here capture a wide-ranging debate about the workings of the national security state and the meaning of American citizenship. Some of the participants in this debate—women like war bride Ellen Knauff and Pentagon employee Annie Lee Moss—were able to make their own experiences compelling examples of the threats posed by the national security regime. Others, such as Ruth Reynolds and Lolita Lebrón, who advocated an end to American empire in Puerto Rico, or the psychiatrist Fredric Wertham, who sought to change the very definition of national security, were less successful. Together, however, they exposed the gap between democratic ideals and government policies.

Friedman traverses immigration law and loyalty boards, popular culture and theoretical treatises, U.S. court-rooms and Puerto Rican jails, to demonstrate how Cold War repression made visible in new ways the unevenness and limitations of American citizenship. Highlighting the ways that race and gender shaped critiques and defenses of the national security regime, she offers new insight into the contradictions of Cold War political culture.

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Dickinson's Fascicles
A Spectrum of Possibilities
Paul Crumbley and Eleanor Elson Heginbotham
The Ohio State University Press, 2014
Dickinson’s Fascicles: A Spectrum of Possibilities is the first collection of essays dedicated exclusively to re-examining Emily Dickinson’s fascicles, the extant forty hand-crafted manuscript “books” consisting of the roughly 814 poems crafted during the most productive period in Dickinson’s writing life (1858-1864). Why Dickinson carefully preserved the fascicles despite her meticulous destruction of many of her early manuscript drafts is the central question contributors to this volume seek to answer.
The collection opens with a central portion of Sharon Cameron’s 1992 book that was the first to abandon the until-then popular search for a single unifying narrative to explain the fascicles, inaugurating a new era of fascicle scholarship. Eight prominent Dickinson scholars contribute essays to this volume and respond vigorously and variously to Cameron's argument, proposing, for instance, that the fascicles represent Dickinson's engagement with the world around her, particularly with the Civil War, and that they demonstrate her continued experimentation with poetic form.
Dickinson’s Fascicles is edited by Paul Crumbley and Eleanor Elson Heginbotham. Other contributors include Paula Bernat Bennett, Martha Nell Smith, Domhnall Mitchell, Ellen Louise Hart, Melanie Hubbard, and Alexandra Socarides who assess what constitutes a vast final frontier in the Dickinson literary landscape. Susan Howe provides a coda.

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For All White-Collar Workers
The Possibilities of Radicalism in New York City's Department Store Unions, 1934–1953
Daniel J. Opler
The Ohio State University Press, 2007
In recent decades the American labor movement has fallen on hard times, in part due to its long reliance on blue-collar workers for its membership despite the growing importance of retail and service jobs. In For All White-Collar Workers: The Possibilities of Radicalism in New York City’s Department Store Unions, 1934–1953, Daniel Opler examines early efforts to unionize workers in department and retail stores. Beginning with the origins of the modern labor movement in the mid-1930s, Opler argues that Communist labor organizers created vibrant and powerful unions in New York City’s department stores, only to see those unions—and the CIO’s powerful retail workers’ union—destroyed during the McCarthy era.
In the process of examining these unions, Opler takes the reader far beyond union meetings and contract negotiations, exploring the ways in which consumption, urban life, and changing understandings of public space affected the unions in these eras. As a result, For All White-Collar Workers becomes an exploration of such diverse subjects as the conflicts over midtown Manhattan, the 1939–1940 New York World’s Fair, the link between consumption and patriotism during World War II, private housing developments in 1940s New York City, and suburbanization, all viewed through the lens of the rise and fall of New York City’s department store unions.

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Grammatical Theory
Its Limits and Its Possibilities
Frederick J. Newmeyer
University of Chicago Press, 1983
Newmeyer persuasively defends the controversial theory of transformational generative grammar. Grammatical Theory is for every linguist, philosopher, or psychologist who is skeptical of generative grammar and wants to learn more about it.

Newmeyer's formidable scholarship raises the level of debate on transformational generative grammar. He stresses the central importance of an autonomous formal grammar, discusses the limitations of "discourse-based" approaches to syntax, cites support for generativist theory in recent research, and clarifies misunderstood concepts associated with generative grammar.

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Imperfect Institutions
Possibilities and Limits of Reform
Thráinn Eggertsson
University of Michigan Press, 2005

The emergence of New Institutional Economics toward the end of the twentieth century profoundly changed our ideas about the organization of economic systems and their social and political foundations. Imperfect Institutions explores recent developments in this field and pushes the discussion forward by allowing for incomplete knowledge of social systems and unexpected system dynamics and, above all, by focusing explicitly on institutional policy. Empirical studies extending from Africa to Iceland are cited in support of the theoretical argument.

In Imperfect Institutions Thráinn Eggertsson extends his attempt to integrate and develop the new field that began with his acclaimed Economic Behavior and Institutions (1990), which has been translated into six languages. This latest work analyzes why institutions that create relative economic backwardness emerge and persist and considers the possibilities and limits of institutional reform.

Thráinn Eggertsson is Professor of Economics at the University of Iceland and Global Distinguished Professor of Politics at New York University. Previously published works include Economic Behavior and Institutions (1990) and Empirical Studies in Institutional Change with Lee Alston and Douglass North (1996).


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Jerusalem 1900
The Holy City in the Age of Possibilities
Vincent Lemire
University of Chicago Press, 2017
Perhaps the most contested patch of earth in the world, Jerusalem’s Old City experiences consistent violent unrest between Israeli and Palestinian residents, with seemingly no end in sight. Today, Jerusalem’s endless cycle of riots and arrests appears intractable—even unavoidable—and it looks unlikely that harmony will ever be achieved in the city. But with Jerusalem 1900, historian Vincent Lemire shows us that it wasn’t always that way, undoing the familiar notion of Jerusalem as a lost cause and revealing a unique moment in history when a more peaceful future seemed possible.
In this masterly history, Lemire uses newly opened archives to explore how Jerusalem’s elite residents of differing faiths cooperated through an intercommunity municipal council they created in the mid-1860s to administer the affairs of all inhabitants and improve their shared city. These residents embraced a spirit of modern urbanism and cultivated a civic identity that transcended religion and reflected the relatively secular and cosmopolitan way of life of Jerusalem at the time. These few years would turn out to be a tipping point in the city’s history—a pivotal moment when the horizon of possibility was still open, before the council broke up in 1934, under British rule, into separate Jewish and Arab factions. Uncovering this often overlooked diplomatic period, Lemire reveals that the struggle over Jerusalem was not historically inevitable—and therefore is not necessarily intractable. Jerusalem 1900 sheds light on how the Holy City once functioned peacefully and illustrates how it might one day do so again.

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Limits and Possibilities
The Crisis of Yugoslav Socialism and State Socialist Systems
Bogdan Denitch
University of Minnesota Press, 1990

Limits and Possibilities was first published in 1990. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.

The nature of the Eastern European Socialist state and its potential for transformation without sacrificing its specific identity is the subject of extensive current debate. Limits and Possibilities is the first book to be written that deals conceptually and historically with the myriad kinds of change a state might undergo. Bogdon Denitch has chosen the Yugoslavian model to frame his analysis because it initiated these "modernizing" changes in the 1960s and can therefore provide a case study of the limits of reforms possible in Communist regimes. In using the Yugoslav case paradigmatically, the volume addresses in a more general sense the issues of decentralization, autonomy for nonparty and nonstate institutions, multi-ethnicity, new social movements, including the "greens," and the role of women and women's movements.


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Performance-Based Student Assessment
Challenges and Possibilities
Edited by Joan Boykoff Baron and Dennie Palmer Wolf
University of Chicago Press, 1996
Reforming our nation's educational system has created the need for new ways to assess students' performance. The trend among educators, parents, and politicians to accommodate diversity in the student body demands new systems that accurately gauge the progress of students in relation to their peers while allowing for differences in what students know and how they acquire knowledge. This collection of essays addresses the problems—technical, political, and intellectual—of designing such a system.

The first section discusses the concepts of learning that underpin different approaches to performance assessment. These essays compare notions of fixed intelligence and developmental learning and outline the need to acknowledge and support diversity in America's classrooms. The second section considers the political issues surrounding assessment systems that have been pilot-tested in Connecticut, Vermont, and Kentucky. The third and final section reviews design possibilities for future systems to assess both aptitude and achievement.

front cover of Reading the Fascicles of Emily Dickinson
Reading the Fascicles of Emily Dickinson
Dwelling in Possibilities
The Ohio State University Press, 2020
Heginbotham’s book focuses on Emily Dickinson’s work as a deliberate writer and editor. The fascicles were forty small portfolios of her poems written between 1856 and 1864, composed on four to seven stationery sheets, folded, stacked, and sewn together with twine. What revelations might come from reading her poems in her own context? Are they simply “scrapbooks,” as some claim, or are they evidence of conscious, canny editing? Read in their original places, each lyric becomes different—and more interesting—than when read in isolation.

We cannot know why Dickinson compiled the books or what she thought of them, but we can observe what she left in them. What she left is visible only by noting the way the poem answers in a dialogue across the pages, the way lines spilling onto a second page introduce the next poem, the way openings suggest image clusters so that each book has its own network of concerns and language—not a story or philosophical preachment but an aesthetic wholeness.

This book is the first to demonstrate that Dickinson’s poetic and philosophical creativity is most startling when the reader observes the individual lyric in the poet’s own, and only, context for them. For teacher, student, scholar, and poetry lover, Heginbotham creates an important new framework for understanding one of the most complex, clever, and profound U.S. poets.

front cover of Rural Development in the United States
Rural Development in the United States
Connecting Theory, Practice, and Possibilities
William A. Galston and Karen J. Baehler
Island Press, 1995

Rural Development in the United States presents a comprehensive evaluation of the economic, environmental, and political implications of past rural development and a thorough consideration of the directions in which future development efforts should go. The authors have assembled the best of what is being thought and done with regard to rural development in the United States, and place it in a broad theoretical, historical, and geographical context. The book provides:

  • a summary of the key findings in rural development research of the past twenty years
  • an integration of development theory and practical experience
  • a bridge between the related but often isolated disciplines that inform rural development
  • a catalyst for new thinking in the area of rural development
  • analysis of the key economic sectors in rural areas: natural resources, the service sector, elderly services, telecommunications, manufacturing, tourism, and high-technology
It includes important information about how national and international trends affect rural communities and development strategies and will help guide rural economic development policy in the United States during the 1990s and beyond.

front cover of There Is No Making It Out
There Is No Making It Out
Stories-So-Far and the Possibilities of New Stories
Romeo García
Utah State University Press, 2024
There Is No Making It Out is an archival, revisionist rhetorical historiography and pedagogically informed conversation at the intersections of literacy, rhetorical, composition, and decolonial studies. Engaging with archival work of the past while extending it forward and pushing the boundaries of what we value as archival research, the book asks how do we reposition the contents of archives so that we can position ourselves in relation to it otherwise. It becomes the impetus for putting forth a theory of and politics for (decolonizing) archival impressions, which raises the prospect of researching and searching for hope in the archives, where the meaning of stories-so-far and the possibilities of new stories can be found.
Romeo García grounds his investigation in data collected from settler archival research and classroom-based ethnography and ethnographic interviews from students enrolled at a Texas Hispanic-serving institution and a predominantly white institution in Utah. This research makes evident that while a decolonial analytic, put forth by the Modernity/Coloniality Research Program, is consequentially paramount, a decolonial prospective vision is at odds with the everyday lives of students. Though only reflecting a microcosm of the effects and consequences of hauntings and haunting situations, García argues the stories-so-far of students are most instructive, first, in underscoring how people are unable to contend with the vast complexities of their choices made under conditions out of their control and, second, in showing how what is good in theory does not always translate or bode well in practice. In three sections cohering in and around the agenda of decolonizing knowledge and being, García advances—through an archive/al approach and theory of archival impressions—an ethos of bearing witness in unsettling ways and a praxis of unsettling the settled. Returning to the book’s essential question, another option is considered in light of the demand for something else: a politics and theory of wor(l)ding enacted through (decolonizing) archival impressions and foregrounded in an epistemological framework for the haunted.
There Is No Making It Out speaks to the history and the legacy of modern/colonial and settlerizing designs and their continued dominant and haunting e/affect(s) on the ways we walk and see the world, as well as how we interact and exchange meaning with others. García argues the project of decoloniality is conceptually, pedagogically, and emotionally complex, complicated, messy, and to some extent even impossible. García’s work is relevant to an interdisciplinary audience, including scholars in settler colonial, decolonial, literacies, rhetorical, writing, cultural, and critical archival studies, and is accessible for a wide range of readers, including advanced undergraduate and graduate students, educators, and archivists.

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The United Nations
Constitutional Developments, Growth, and Possibilities
Benjamin V. Cohen
Harvard University Press

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Winged Defense
The Development and Possibilities of Modern Air Power--Economic and Military
William "Billy" Mitchell, with a new foreword by Robert S. Ehlers Jr.
University of Alabama Press, 2009

This book is the basis for airpower doctrine in the US, and demonstrates  how forward looking Gen Mitchell was even though the technology for conducting air operations was in its infancy  when it was written.  It is essential reading for anyone concerned with airpower history or aerospace doctrine.

William Lendrum "Billy" Mitchell (December 28, 1879 – February 19, 1936) was an American Army general who is regarded as the father of the U.S. Air Force, and is one of the most famous and most controversial figures in the history of American airpower.

Mitchell served in France during the First World War and, by the conflict's end, commanded all American air combat units in that country. After the war, he was appointed deputy director of the Air Service and began to advocate  increased investment in air power, claiming this would prove vital in future wars. He particularly stressed the ability of bombers to sink battleships and organized a series of dramatic bombing runs against stationary ships designed to test the idea that attracted wide notice from the public.

He antagonized many  in both the Army and Navy with his arguments and criticism and, in 1925, was demoted to Colonel. Later that year, he was court-martialed for insubordination after accusing military chiefs of an "almost treasonable administration of the national defense." He resigned from the service shortly thereafter.

Mitchell received many honors following his death, including a commission by the President as a Major General. He is also the only individual after whom a type of American military aircraft is named: the B-25 "Mitchell."


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Working Communally
Patterns and Possibilities
David G. French
Russell Sage Foundation, 1975
Examines an alternative to the old patterns of living and working in the prevailing social system—the communal work place where work, recreation, and living space are brought together in a unified setting. The authors deal with a number of questions the communal work group faces, including the selection of projects, the choice of technologies and legal structure, and the means for determining economic viability. Past American and European communitarian movements are traced, as well as the nature and limitations of the new community experiments of the 1960s and 1970s.

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