front cover of Access, Fronthaul and Backhaul Networks for 5G & Beyond
Access, Fronthaul and Backhaul Networks for 5G & Beyond
Muhammad Ali Imran
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2017
The widespread use of mobile internet and smart applications has led to an explosive growth in mobile data traffic, which will continue due to the emerging need of connecting people, machines, and applications in an ubiquitous manner through the mobile infrastructure. The efficient and satisfactory operation of all these densely deployed networks hinges on a suitable backhaul and fronthaul provisioning. The research community is working to provide innovative technologies with extensive performance evaluation metrics along with the required standardisation milestones, hardware and components for a fully deployed network by 2020 and beyond.

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Addressing Emerging Trends to Support the Future of Criminal Justice
Findings of the Criminal Justice Technology Forecasting Group
John S. Hollywood
RAND Corporation, 2018
The Criminal Justice Technology Forecasting Group (CJTFG) deliberated on the effects that major technology and social trends could have on criminal justice in the next two to five years and identified potential responses. This report captures the results of the group’s meetings and initiatives, presents the emerging trends and highlights of the group’s discussion, and presents the results of analyses to assess connections between the trends.

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Advanced Electromagnetic Analysis of Passive and Active Planar Structures
Tullio Rozzi
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1999
Historically, electromagnetics and complex circuit modelling existed as separate disciplines, each with their own tools, models and even languages. More recently, however, the emergence of very high-speed digital circuits and pressure on the telecommunications market to move towards microwave and millimetre wave bands are increasing the need to find ways to combine the two fields.

front cover of Advanced Relay Technologies in Next Generation Wireless Communications
Advanced Relay Technologies in Next Generation Wireless Communications
Ioannis Krikidis
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2016
Cooperative networks/relaying is a fundamental design approach that has been used to reduce path-loss and fading effects in conventional wireless communication systems. This book describes the use of this approach in new and emerging telecommunications technologies and new application areas.

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Advanced Signal Processing
D.J. Creasey
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1985
The IEE in association with the IEEE and IERE organised an international specialist seminar on Advanced Signal Processing in Radar, Sonar and Communications, in September 1984. The Seminar was held at the University of Warwick and this book contains a collection of the papers presented. Some of the material is of a tutorial nature while some of it represents the latest state-of-the-art. Inevitably, because signal processing is limited by the components available, the subject matter ranges from the individual components and their impact on signal processing, through to the design and assessment of complete systems. The individual contributions come from industry, educational establishments and government research laboratories in the UK and the USA. The order of presentation in the book mainly follows the order in which the papers were presented at the seminar.

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Advances in Body-Centric Wireless Communication
Applications and state-of-the-art
Qammer H. Abbasi
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2016
Body centric wireless networking and communications is an emerging 4G technology for short (1-5 m) and very short (below 1 m) range communications systems, used to connect devices worn on (or in) the body, or between two people in close proximity. It has great potential for applications in healthcare delivery, entertainment, surveillance, and emergency services. This book brings together contributions from a multidisciplinary team of researchers in the field of wireless and mobile communications, signal processing and medical measurements to present the underlying theory, implementation challenges and applications of this exciting new technology.

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Advances in Command, Control and Communication Systems
C.J. Harris
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1987
This book describes some of the developments in Command, Control and Communication (C3) systems. The topics cover the design of large real-time man-machine systems, which are now a vital area of intensive scientific and financial investment. C3 systems are for complex resource management and planning, and although this has a predominantly military connotation, similar systems are now developing in civil sector applications, public utilities and banking.

front cover of Advances in Communications Satellite Systems
Advances in Communications Satellite Systems
Proceedings of The 36th International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC-2018)
Ifiok Otung
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2020
The International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC) is one of the most influential technical conferences in the field. The 36th edition was held in October 2018 in Niagara Falls, Canada. These proceedings present a broad spectrum of space communications topics from the conference, from the evolution of GEO from traditional area coverage to Ultra High Throughput Satellites (UHTS), the growing number of mega constellations expected to enter service in the next decade, navigation applications such as vehicle autonomy, wideband data backhaul from scientific and remote sensing payloads in LEO, and the extension of the 5G network to near earth, lunar and deep space environments in support of human exploration.

front cover of Advances in Communications Satellite Systems
Advances in Communications Satellite Systems
Proceedings of The 37th International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC-2019)
Ifiok Otung
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2021
The International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC) is the oldest and one of the most influential technical conferences in the field. The 37th edition was held from 29th October - 1st November 2019 in Okinawa, Japan. These proceedings present a broad spectrum of space communications contributions from the conference, with highlights including high speed optical communications and feeder links, advanced digital payloads, broadband satellite communication architectures and applications.

front cover of Age Factors in Biometric Processing
Age Factors in Biometric Processing
Michael Fairhurst
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2013
As biometrics-based identification and identity authentication become increasingly widespread in their deployment, it becomes correspondingly important to consider more carefully issues relating to reliability, usability and inclusion. One factor which is particularly important in this context is that of the relationship between the nature of the measurements extracted from a particular biometric modality and the age of the sample donor, and the effect which age has on physiological and behavioural characteristics invoked in a biometric transaction.

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Analogue Optical Fibre Communications
B. Wilson
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1995
One of the many problems facing designers of fibre systems is the basic question of how best to transmit analogue-sourced signals; either on dedicated point-to-point links or as part of mixed-mode traffic on a predominantly digital fibre service network. This book discusses the fundamental principles involved and describes a variety of techniques and applications. The chapters have been contributed by invited researchers with expertise in a range of areas and outline the latest methods and analytical approaches, components and systems.

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Analysis of Metallic Antennas and Scatterers
B.D. Popović
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1994
Most antennas are assembled from conducting surfaces and wires. The usual approach to numerical analysis of such structures is to approximate them by small surface or wire elements, with simple current approximation over the elements (the so-called subdomain approach), which requires a large amount of computer storage. This book describes a novel general entire-domain method for the analysis of metallic antennas and scatterers which enables the solution of a very wide class of problems to be obtained using computers of relatively modest capability.

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Antenna Booster Technology for Wireless Communications
Jaume Anguera
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2024
Being surface-mounted and chip-like in nature, the antenna booster fits seamlessly in an electronic printed circuit board the same way as any other electronic component such as an amplifier, filter or switch. It can be assembled with a conventional pick-and-place machine, making the manufacture and design of the new generation of IoT and mobile or wireless devices much simpler, faster and more effective.

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Aperture Antennas and Diffraction Theory
E.V. Jull
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1981
Two powerful techniques for the analysis of aperture antennas are now used. One is based on the convenient Fourier transform relationship between aperture field and far-field radiation pattern. Here this relationship is derived from the plane wave spectrum representation of the aperture fields. In the near field of the aperture, Fourier transforms become Fresnel transforms. Far-field patterns may be predicted from near-field measurements by treating the near field as the aperture plane. In its application this method is basically the Kirchhoff approximation of diffraction theory. It is accurate for the forward fields of large antennas but cannot provide the lateral and back radiation.

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Approximate Boundary Conditions in Electromagnetics
T.B.A. Senior
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1995
Non-metallic materials and composites are now commonplace in modern vehicle construction, and the need to compute scattering and other electromagnetic phenomena in the presence of material structures has led to the development of new simulation techniques.

front cover of Artificial Intelligence Applied to Satellite-based Remote Sensing Data for Earth Observation
Artificial Intelligence Applied to Satellite-based Remote Sensing Data for Earth Observation
Maria Pia Del Rosso
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2021
Earth observation (EO) involves the collection, analysis, and presentation of data in order to monitor and assess the status and changes in natural and built environments. This technology has many applications including weather forecasting, tracking biodiversity, measuring land-use change, monitoring and responding to natural disasters, managing natural resources, monitoring emerging diseases and health risks, and predicting, adapting to and mitigating climate change.

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The broadband telecommunications solution
L.G. Cuthbert
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1993
Since ATM was identified by the CCITT in 1988 as the target transfer mode for broadband communications, there has been considerable research activity on the topic world-wide. Within Europe, the RACE programme of the European Community has brought together experts from a wide variety of organisations to work on several projects. This book results from the work of one of those projects.

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