edited by Jeremy Rau
Harvard University Press
Cloth: 978-0-674-72677-2

This volume includes "Proemic Convention and Character Construction in Early Greek Epic" by Adrian Kelly and Sarah Harden; "Alcman's Nightscapes (Frs. 89 and 90 PMGF)" by Felix Budelmann; "Epicharmus, Tisias, and the Early History of Rhetoric" by Wilfred Major; "drakeís, dédorke and the Visualization of kléos in Pindar" by Timothy Barnes; "Dance, Deixis, and the Performance of Kyrenaic History in Pindar's Fifth Pythian" by Robert Sobak; "Of Chaos, Nobility and Double Entendres: The Etymology of xaîos and bathuxaîos (Ar. Lys. 90-91, 1157; Aesch. Supp. 858; Theoc. 7.3)" by Olga Tribulato; "Hercules, Cacus, and Evander's Myth-Making in Aeneid 8" by Davide Secci; "The Literary and Stylistic Qualities of a Plinian Letter" by Thomas Keeline; "Between Poetry and Politics: Horace and the East" by Giuseppe La Bua; "Nero's Cannibal (Suetonius Nero 37.2)" by Tristan Power; "Systems of Sophistry and Philosophy: The Case of the 'Second Sophistic'" by Jeroen Lauwers; "The Plagiarized Virgil in Donatus, Servius, and the Anthologia Latina" by Scott McGill; and "Textual Notes on Palladius Opus Agriculturae" by John Fitch.

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