Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672)
The Prologue
Of the Four Ages of Man
A Dialogue Between Old England and New; Concerning Their Present Troubles, Anno, 1642
The Vanity of All Worldly Things
Before the Birth of One of Her Children
To My Dear and Loving Husband
A Letter to Her Husband
The Author to Her Book
In Reference to Her Children
On Simon Bradstreet
Meditation: May 13, 1657
Upon My Dear and Loving Husband
Upon the Burning of Our House
As Weary Pilgrim
Edward Taylor (1642?-1729)
The Preface
Gods Selecting Love in the Decree
The Frowardness of the Elect in the Work of Conversion
Christs Reply
First Satans Assault against those that first Came up to Mercys terms
An Extasy of Joy let in by this Reply returnd in Admiration
The Joy of Church Fellowship rightly attended
Upon a Spider Catching a Fly
Upon a Wasp Child with Cold
Upon Wedlock, and Death of Children
The Experience
The Return
[6] Another Meditation at the same time
8. Meditation. Joh. 6.51. I am the Living Bread
10. Meditation. Joh. 6.55. My Blood is Drinke indeed
16. Meditation. Lu. 7.16. A Greate Prophet is risen up
21. Meditation. Phil. 2.9. God hath Highly Exalted Him
23. Meditation. Cant. 4.8. My Spouse
29. Meditation. Joh. 20.17. My Father, and your Father, to my God, and your God
32. Meditation. 1 Cor. 3.22. Whether Paul or Apollos, or Cephas
39. Meditation. from 1 Joh. 2.1. If any man sin, we have an Advocate
4. Meditation. Gal. 4.24. Which things are an Allegorie
7. Meditation. Ps. 105.17. He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold etc.
14. Meditation. Col. 2.3. In whom are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom, and Knowledge
Meditation 44. Joh. 1.14. The word was made Flesh
56. Meditation. Joh. 15.24. Had I not done amongst them the works, that none other man hath done, etc.
77. Meditation. Zech. 9.11. The Pit wherein is no water
95. Meditation. Joh. 14.2. I go to prepare a place for you
142. Meditation. Can. 6.9. My Dove is One the onely One of her mother the Choice One of her that bare her etc
Timothy Dwight
From The Conquest of Canaan, Book VI
The Gathering
Part I: "The Prospect"
Part II: "The Flourishing Village"
Part IV: "The Destruction of the Pequods"
Philip Freneau (1752-1832)
Ode to Fancy
The Vemal Ague
The Vision of the Night
The Beauties of Santa Cruz
George the Third's Soliloquy
From "The British Prison Ship," Canto III ("The Hessian Doctor")
To the Memory of the Brave Americans
A Picture of the Times
The Deserted Farm-House
The Wild Honey Suckle
The Indian Burying Ground
To an Author
The Vanity of Existence
The Hurricane
Elegiac Lines on the Death of a Fiddler
The Dish of Tea
Lines Addressed to Mr. Jefferson
On the Uniformity and Perfection of Nature
On the Universality and Other Attributes of the God of Nature
On the Religion of Nature
Stanzas to a Caty-Did
A Fragment of Bion
William Cullen Bryant
The Yellow Violet
Inscription for the Entrance to a Wood
To a Waterfowl
'I Cannot Forget with What Fervid Devotion'
A Winter Piece
Hymn to Death
'Oh, Fairest of the Rural Maids'
Monument Mountain
A Forest Hymn
To a Mosquito
The Death of the Flowers
The Hurricane
Hymn of the City
The Prairies
The Old Man's Counsel
The Painted Cup
The Antiquity of Freedom
'Oh Mother of a Mighty Race'
The Twenty-seventh of March
Robert of Lincoln
The Poet
The Path
Michael Wigglesworth (1631-1705)
'God's Controversy with New-England'
Ebenezer Cook (c. 1670-c. 1732)
The Sot-Weed Factor
Joel Barlow (1754-1812)
The Hasty Pudding
Index of Poets and Titles
Index of First Lines