“When all of the segments of this book are put together—lengthy discussions, illustrated keys, and color plates—it offers an excellent manual for the identification of mosquitoes and a study of the biological elements helpful to mosquito-control agencies. Those responsible for providing vector control will be better able to understand the details of mosquitoes and their biology by using this book. Also, instructors of medical entomology will be able to use this manual to teach the segment on Culicidae.”
—Richard F. Darsie Jr., coauthor of Identification and Geographical Distribution of the Mosquitoes of North America, North of Mexico
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“The photos in Mosquitoes of the Southeastern United States are wonderful and unmatched for many of the species. The addition of information on each species provides valuable species-specific characteristics that may not be available in some of the programs and certainly not in the textbooks for environmental health personnel. This book fills a long-needed gap in our knowledge of the mosquitoes of Alabama. Adding those in Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Tennessee enhances the desirability for mosquito-control specialists to own and use the book. Gaining every tidbit of knowledge adds to understanding these very fascinating and important insects.”—Bruce Harrison, medical entomologist/taxonomist at the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
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