Introduction | Peter C. Messer and William Harrison Taylor
1. Pierre Bayle’s Revolutionary Script: Protestant Apologetics and the 1688 Revolutions in England and Thailand | Bryan A. Banks
2. Eleutheria (1698): Cotton Mather’s History of the Idea of Liberty That Links the Reformation to the Glorious Revolution and the American Revolution | Rick Kennedy
3. Presbyterian Confederal Ideology from the Imperial British Constitution to the New United States | Gideon Mailer
4. Old Light Republicanism: Samuel Williams’s Political Theology of Temptation | Peter C. Messer
5. “Conscious of Their Own Idolatry”: American Newspapers, the Suppression of the Jesuits, and American Religious Liberty | William Harrison Taylor
6. Rabaut Saint-Étienne and the Huguenot Fight for Religious Freedom | Katrina Jennie-Lou Wheeler
7. “Under the Claw of an Inraged Lion”: Thomas Bradbury Chandler, Benjamin Hoadly, and the Meaning of the Glorious Revolution | S. Scott Rohrer
8. Redefining Protestant and Catholic Space in Languedoc after the French Revolution | Rebecca K. McCoy
9. “Here Is the Reformation That Is So Much Wanting”: The Times and Travails of Christopher Marshall, Disowned Quaker | S. Spencer Wells
10. Freedom from Bondage, Freedom from Sin: Transatlantic Black Protestantism in the Age of Revolutions | Anderson R. Rouse
Conclusion | David Bebbington
About the Contributors