Title Page
Introduction: Gender Equality, Change, and the Quest for Social Justice for Women in Muslim Societies
I | Politics of Change
1 | The Politics of Abortion Policy in the Heterogeneous “Muslim World”
2 | Promoting a Violence against Women Law in Morocco: Legislative Advocacy by Grassroots-level NGOS
3 | No Way Out: The Dual Subordination of Muslim Women in Indian Legal Culture
II | Law and Culture
4 | Reconsidering "Talaq": Marriage, Divorce, and Sharia Reform in the Republic of Maldives
5 | Female Circumcision in Southeast Asia since the Coming of Islam
6 | The Moudawana and Rural Marital Relationships: Reformed or Resolute?
7 | Negotiating Female Genital Cutting ("Sunat") in Southern Thailand
III | The Law in Action
8 | The Marriage Contract in the Maghreb: Challenges and Opportunities for Women's Rights
9 | Unsatisfactory Aspects of Women’s Rights to Property in Uganda and Proposals for Reform
IV | Feminist Identities
10 | Triangulating Reform in Family Law
11 | Contemporary Iranian Feminisms: Definitions, Narratives, and Identity