by Christopher J. L. Murray and Alan D. Lopez
Harvard University Press
Cloth: 978-0-674-35446-3


Deaths from infectious diseases continue to take a heavy toll even though there have been spectacular successes in their control over the last thirty years. In the developing regions, five of the ten leading causes of death and disease burden in 1990 were infectious diseases--respiratory infections, diarrhea, tuberculosis, measles, and malaria--while in the developed regions the only infectious disease among the ten leading causes of death in 1990 was respiratory infections.

This volume contains comprehensive data and detailed discussions of the global epidemiologies of twenty-three infectious diseases, including the above-mentioned conditions as well as hepatitis B, meningitis, polio, and tetanus.

The Global Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases will serve as a comprehensive reference for epidemiologists, public health professionals, and tropical disease specialists.