edited by R. J. Tarrant
Harvard University Press
Cloth: 978-0-674-37939-8

This volume of twenty articles includes: T. Corey Brennan, “An Ethnic Joke in Homer?”; Gregory Crane, “The Laughter of Aphrodite in Theocritus, Idyll 1”; Andrew R. Dyck, “The Glossographoi”; R. L. Fowler, “The Rhetoric of Desperation”; Douglas E. Gerber, “Short-Vowel Subjunctives in Pindar”; Eric Hostetter, “A Weary Herakles at Harvard”; J. M. Hunt, “Apollonius Citharoedus”; Jefferds Huyck, “Vergil’s Phaethontiades”; Leo Mildenberg, “Numismatic Evidence”; Stephen Mitchell, “Imperial Building in the Eastern Roman Provinces”; Charles E. Murgia, “The Servian Commentary on Aeneid 3 Revisited”; Hayden Pelliccia, “Pindarus Homericus: Pythian 3.1–80”; GailAnn Rickert, “Akrasia and Euripides’ Medea”; Ruth Scodel, “Horace, Lucilius, and Callimachean Polemic”; D. R. Shackleton Bailey, “The Silvae of Statius”; Susan C. Shelmerdine, “Pindaric Praise and the Third Olympian”; Ronald Syme, “M. Bibulus and Four Sons”; Richard F. Thomas, “Prose into Poetry: Tradition and Meaning in Virgil’s Georgics”; W. S. Watt, “Notes on the Anthologia Latina”; and Clifford Weber, “Metrical Imitatio in the Proem to the Aeneid.”