"Engaging, conversational, thought-provoking...McClellan's writing blends ethical arguments, a lay person's understandings of dignity, and legal frameworks very well. I felt as I was reading that someone was clearly and carefully walking me through stories about human dignity, medicine, and the law. His is a very humanistic legal gaze."
— Nora L. Jones, Director of Bioethics Education, Center for Bioethics, Urban Health and Policy, Temple University
"This is an excellent book. The stories are terrific, the analysis pitched just right, and the underlying themes of fair treatment, dignity, and inequality of treatment based on race are well-developed."
— Barry R. Furrow, Director, the Health Law Program, Thomas R. Kline School of Law, Drexel University
"McClellan...maintains that violation of the trust between physician and patient may result from conscious or unconscious bias against a specific group of people. Such violations repeat themselves in part due to the short memory of the public. Within this context, McClellan also stresses that the rule of law is central to protecting human dignity when patients are seeking health care. The negative influence on human dignity of racism, limited access, high cost, and power relationships in health care is at the heart of McClellan's argument. Recommended."
— Choice