front cover of Abridgment of The Religion of the Future
Abridgment of The Religion of the Future
Roberto Mangabeira Unger
Bridwell Press, 2014

Roberto Mangabeira Unger's The Religion of the Future is a secular project for spiritual and political revolution. It offers a comprehensive vision of humanity and a program for the refashioning of self and society that will enable each man and woman to live a greater life. Unger exhorts us to embrace the life we have now by recognizing what makes us human rather than attempt to suppress or overcome — as do existing religions — our existential and spiritual limitations. His program involves both political measures to reform the structure of society and a moral component to engage an individual's conduct of life. Unger's vision of the religion of the future offers us more life here and now so that we can become more human by becoming more godlike. This abridgment represents an edited rendition of the original that, although reduced in size, is complete in argument. It contains an extensive introduction to the argument and the author.

front cover of The Antediluvian Librarians' Secrets for Success in Seminary and Theology School
The Antediluvian Librarians' Secrets for Success in Seminary and Theology School
Jane Lenz Elder, Duane Harbin, and David Schmersal. Designed and Illustrated by Rebecca Howdeshell.
Bridwell Press, 2022
In The Antediluvian Librarians’ Secrets to Success, the authors draw on their combined experience and unique perspective as librarians to address the most common concerns they hear students express. Their light-hearted approach, combined with eye-catching illustrations, makes for a friendly work students can read from beginning to end or refer to as they move through their first anxious weeks of seminary.

In easy-to-digest segments, the book reveals the kind of strategies for being a graduate student that are seldom revealed in the classroom. Consisting of seven sections, The Antediluvian Librarians’ Secrets to Success offers guidance on such varied topics as reading strategically, asking questions, managing time, practicing self-care, staying organized, and tackling that first paper. It also offers lists for further reading and thoughtful pieces of advice. Although the authors are theological librarians, the recommendations they offer are just as practical for students beginning any graduate program in the humanities.

Deeply useful for anyone entering seminary or theology school both now and in the future, The Antediluvian Librarians’ Secrets to Success is the first work released from the new Bridwell Press. 

front cover of First Light
First Light
Encountering Edward Said and the Late-Style Jewish Prophetic in the New Diaspora
Marc H. Ellis
Bridwell Press, 2023

Encountering Edward Said on Yom Kippur: Reflections on the Late-Style Jewish Prophetic is a fascinating and controversial collection of journals and meditations on the plight and possibility of the prophetic witness in the modern world.  In these pages, the Jewish theologian, Marc H. Ellis, explores the prophetic through his encounters with the late Palestinian intellectual, Edward Said, as a way of thinking through the stakes of contemporary Jewish history. His unexpected encounter with Said on Yom Kippur provides a fascinating window to explore the dangers and possibilities of present-day Jewish life and its future. Ellis applies Said’s idea of late-style to the Jewish prophetic – what Ellis names the Late-Style Jewish Prophetic – to mean the reappearance and coming home of the Jewish prophetic as it undergoes its own deconstruction and re-emergence. At turns deeply personal and creatively theoretical, Ellis doesn’t shy away from the forbidden terrains of self questioning and progressive posturing, even with people and movements he identifies with. The result is a sensitive and provocative exploration filled with questions and responses rather than definitive answers.


front cover of Food for the Soul
Food for the Soul
The Recipes of Schubert Ogden
Schubert Ogden
Bridwell Press, 2022
Schubert Miles Ogden (1928-2019) was one of America’s preeminent theologians during the last fifty years and spent a significant part of his career at Perkins School of Theology (SMU). During this time he engaged with a broad range of topics and concerns in his writings and teachings, producing an extensive theological body of work. What many in that academic world did not know was that Ogden was also a formidable man in the kitchen, constantly experimenting, testing, and coming up with a variety of recipes, from the distinctly delicious German-style baked goods like stollen to Schubert’s Own Salmon Loaf. He even had a signature cocktail called the Minister Margarita. In this present volume titled Food for the Soul: The Recipes of Schubert Ogden we have the second book published under the new Bridwell Press imprint that brings to life a lesser-known aspect of Ogden’s dynamic life and world. Instead of the adventures of the great scholar’s theological works, in this book we have an element of joyful surprise in his gastronomical oeuvre, and maybe there is something new and illuminating to discover in that as well. This compilation will certainly find a warm and inviting home among both theologians and non-theologians alike, especially if you like to experiment with the never-ending nuances of food.

front cover of John Heyl Vincent's Reminiscences
John Heyl Vincent's Reminiscences
Autobiographical Writings of the Founding Superintendent of Chautauqua
Timothy S. Binkley
Bridwell Press, 2024
Chautauqua Institution co-founder Rev. John Heyl Vincent was a prolific writer on religion, education, and history. Among Vincent’s numerous published works were a few autobiographical writings. These essays describing family and personal history were forgotten soon after Vincent's death in 1920. More than a century later, thirty-three of his personal narratives have been gathered into a single volume. John Heyl Vincent’s Reminiscences invites readers to learn directly from Bishop Vincent about the experiences that shaped his life, his convictions, and the Chautauqua idea.

front cover of Mixing Oil and Water
Mixing Oil and Water
The Beginnings of Chautauqua at Fair Point
Dr. Richard P. Heitzenrater
Bridwell Press, 2024
Mixing Oil and Water: The Beginnings of Chautauqua at Fair Point treats the background and development of Chautauqua as a part of the imagination of H. H. Moore, Lewis Miller, John H. Vincent, and others in the Chautauqua Lake Camp Meeting at Fair Point and then since 1874 as the Chautauqua Assembly. The first decade of Chautauqua’s existence as a church body (but independent) has not been examined carefully before. One can see the roots of many traditions coalescing in that first decade into what has become the powerful institution that is the Chautauqua of today.

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