front cover of Bioinspired Devices
Bioinspired Devices
Emulating Nature’s Assembly and Repair Process
Eugene C. Goldfield
Harvard University Press, 2018

Robotic exoskeletons that allow stroke survivors to regain use of their limbs, 3D-printed replacement body parts, and dozens of other innovations still in schematic design are revolutionizing the treatment of debilitating injuries and nervous system disorders. What all these technologies have in common is that they are modeled after engineering strategies found in nature—strategies developed by a vast array of organisms over eons of evolutionary trial and error.

Eugene Goldfield lays out many principles of engineering found in the natural world, with a focus on how evolutionary and developmental adaptations, such as sensory organs and spinal cords, function within complex organisms. He shows how the component parts of highly coordinated structures organize themselves into autonomous functional systems. For example, when people walk, spinal cord neurons generate coordinated signals that continuously reorganize patterns of muscle activations during the gait cycle. This self-organizing capacity is just one of many qualities that allow biological systems to be robust, adaptive, anticipatory, and self-repairing. To exploit the full potential of technologies designed to interact seamlessly with human bodies, properties like these must be better understood and harnessed at every level, from molecules to cells to organ systems.

Bioinspired Devices brings together insights from a wide range of fields. A member of the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Goldfield offers an insider’s view of cutting-edge research, and envisions a future in which synthetic and biological devices share energy sources and control, blurring the boundary between nature and medicine.


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Cerebral Herniation Syndromes and Intracranial Hypertension
Koenig, Matthew
Rutgers University Press, 2016
When the brain suffers an injury, the effects can be delayed and unpredictable. Cerebrospinal fluid can slowly build up, causing dangerously high levels of intracranial pressure (ICP), and the brain tissue can be displaced into adjacent compartments, resulting in cerebral herniation syndrome (CHS). Within the burgeoning field of neurocritical care, experts are just beginning to understand the nuanced, sometimes counterintuitive relationship between ICP and CHS.  
Written by leading researchers who also have extensive first-hand clinical experience treating brain injury patients, Cerebral Herniation Syndromes and Intracranial Hypertension provides an up-to-date guide to this complex aspect of neurocritical care. Drawing from expertise gained working in high-volume medical centers, the book’s contributors reveal that there is no universal metric for gauging acceptable levels of intracranial pressure. Instead, they demonstrate the best practices for offering patients individualized care, based on their specific conditions and manifest symptoms.  
Bringing together internationally-renowned neurocritical care experts from a variety of neurology, critical care, surgery, and neurosurgery disciplines, this volume takes a comprehensive look at a complicated issue. A concise, practical, and timely review, Cerebral Herniation Syndromes and Intracranial Hypertension offers vital information for all medical personnel concerned with improving neurocritical patient care.  

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A Clinician's Guide to Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Golbe, Lawrence I
Rutgers University Press, 2019
This brief, clinically-focused volume is informed by Lawrence I. Golbe’s three decades of research and tertiary clinical care in progressive supranuclear palsy, a complex disorder with rapidly changing diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. It is an ideal source for the general neurologist seeking a refresher and the primary care provider, neurological nurse, or physical, occupational or speech therapist who must address their patients’ specialized needs.
A Clinician’s Guide to Progressive Supranuclear Palsy emphasizes early diagnostic signs, medication options, non-pharmacologic management and palliative care. It offers a quick overview of the complications of PSP most likely to prompt an ER visit; a widening spectrum of PSP variants; and ample description of the genetics, epidemiology, natural history, pathology, molecular biology and neurochemistry of PSP. The PSP Rating Scale used in the book is a convenient tool for clinicians in routine practice and the leading PSP clinical measure world-wide. Golbe provides a practical and useful guidebook to help all clinicians learn and battle this complex disorder.

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Close to Me, but Far Away
Living with Alzheimer's
Burton M. Wheeler
University of Missouri Press, 2001

Each day Burt Wheeler is plagued by the same question. When did it happen? If he could pinpoint the beginning, then he might begin to make peace with himself. He vividly remembers when the doctor diagnosed Kee, his loving wife of over fifty years, with "Alzheimer-type dementia." But, as hard as he tries, it's impossible for him to determine when his wife's dementia started. He remembers her bout with depression, but that, he thinks, was surely due to her breast cancer. There was their dream vacation to Greece when Kee seemed so tired and indifferent. There were the unopened books, when reading had always been such a source of pleasure to her. And, he recalls, the gradual personality changes with friends, and even with family.

Wheeler started writing this book as a form of self-therapy when he found himself thrust into the role of caretaker to his wife--a role for which he felt unprepared. He wrote in memory of the very special woman his wife had been—a wonderful mother, charming and gracious, as well as a deeply respected psychotherapist. She was also his best friend, and he loved her. So, to some degree, this is a love story—a story about two people who have shared life's ups and downs for over fifty years. It's also about commitment.

In Close to Me, but Far Away, Wheeler provides insight into what a caregiver's day is like, as he shares his most intimate thoughts with us. The book provides a window into the author's personal life as he seeks to confront his own ineptitude and the occasional despair he feels as he deals daily with Alzheimer's. He also touches on the question of what keeps him going through times of exhaustion and frustration. Part of his answer lies in holding tenaciously to memories, and part lies in what he believes is a human's extraordinary capacity to continue plodding along simply because he must. Wheeler also believes in rejoicing in the beauty that can be experienced, and he believes in humor, humor achieved only by distancing ourselves from the events that so deeply engage us. And, of course, there is also the indefinable nature of love.

Alzheimer's is a terrifying and horrible disease, as much for loved ones as for the patient. Those who are caregivers or friends of Alzheimer's patients or caregivers will empathize with Burton Wheeler's story. And some might receive comfort from his words or learn from him. Because Alzheimer's is a disease that could affect anyone, Close to Me, but Far Away is a story that should be read by all.


front cover of The Dana Guide to Brain Health
The Dana Guide to Brain Health
A Practical Family Reference from Medical Experts
Edited by Floyd E. Bloom, M.D.; M. Flint Beal, M.D.; and, David J. Kupfer, M.D.
Dana Press, 2006

A child crashes to the ground from the monkey bars head-first. A high school student prepares for months to take the SAT. A grandmother slowly slips away from her family through the deadly progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. Whether we realize it or not, the importance of brain health to our daily lives goes far beyond just being able to walk and talk. The Dana Guide to Brain Health offers the first comprehensive home medical reference book on the brain, providing an unparalleled, authoritative guide to improving the fitness of our brains and, ultimately, enriching our lives.

With contributions from over one hundred of the most prominent scientists and clinicians in the United States, The Dana Guide to Brain Health is an extensive and wholly accessible manual on the workings of the human brain. This richly illustrated volume contains a wealth of facts and advice, on simple yet effective ways to take care of our brains; the intimate connection between brain health and body health; brain development from the prenatal period through adulthood; and how we learn, remember, and imagine.

The brain is far too important to be excluded any longer from our daily health concerns. The Dana Guide to Brain Health remedies this oversight with a clearly written, definitive map to our brains that reveals how we can take care of them in order to sustain a long and rich life.


front cover of Defining Right and Wrong in Brain Science
Defining Right and Wrong in Brain Science
Essential Readings in Neuroethics
Edited by Walter Glannon
Dana Press, 2007

Where is the line between instinct and free will in humans? How far can technology and medicine go to manipulate the brain? With every new discovery about the human mind, more and more questions emerge about the boundaries of consciousness, responsibility, and how far neuroscience research can go. The fledgling field of neuroethics has sought answers to these questions since the first formal neuroethics conference was held in 2002. This groundbreaking volume collects the expert and authoritative writings published since then that have laid the groundwork for this rapidly expanding debate.

            Defining Right and Wrong in Brain Science traverses the breadth of neuroethics, exploring six broad areas—including free will, moral responsibility, and legal responsibility; psychopharmacology; and brain injury and brain death—in thirty provocative articles. The scientific and ethical consequences of neuroscience research and technology are plumbed by leading thinkers and scientists, from Antonio Damasio’s “The Neural Basics of Social Behavior: Ethical Implications” to “Monitoring and Manipulating Brain Function” by Martha J. Farah and Paul Root Wolpe. These and other in-depth chapters articulate the thought-provoking questions that emerge with every new scientific discovery and propose solutions that mediate between the freedom of scientific endeavor and the boundaries of ethical responsibility.

            As science races toward a future that is marked by startling new possibilities for our bodies and minds, Defining Right and Wrong in Brain Science is the definitive assessment of the ethical criteria guiding neuroscientists today.


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Epidemiology of Neurologic and Sense Organ Disorders
Leonard T. Kurland, John F. Kurtzke, and Irving D. Goldberg
Harvard University Press, 1973
This is the first book-length treatment of the frequency and distribution of neurologic and sense disorders. It is based primarily on special tabulations of mortality data for 1959–1961 applied to the U.S. census of 1960. Information on incidence, prevalence, and survivorship is provided for each major disorder and a summary chapter considers the frequency and geographic distribution of neurologic disorders in terms of age, sex, color, and demographic characteristics.

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The Handbook of Neurological Examination and Case Recording
Third Edition
D. Denny-Brown
Harvard University Press, 1982

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Intimate Subjects
Touch and Tangibility in Britain's Cerebral Age
Simeon Koole
University of Chicago Press, 2024
An insightful history of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Britain told through a single sense: touch.
When, where, and who gets to touch and be touched, and who decides? What do we learn through touch? How does touch bring us closer together or push us apart? These are urgent contemporary questions, but they have their origins in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Britain, when new urban encounters compelled intense discussion of what touch was, and why it mattered. In this vividly written book, Simeon Koole excavates the history of these concerns and reveals how they continue to shape ideas about “touch” in the present.
Intimate Subjects takes us to the bustling railway stations, shady massage parlors, all-night coffee stalls, and other shared spaces where passengers, customers, vagrants, and others came into contact, leading to new understandings of touch. We travel in crammed subway cars, where strangers negotiated the boundaries of personal space. We visit tea shops where waitresses made difficult choices about autonomy and consent. We enter classrooms in which teachers wondered whether blind children could truly grasp the world and labs in which neurologists experimented on themselves and others to unlock the secrets of touch. We tiptoe through London’s ink-black fogs, in which disoriented travelers became newly conscious of their bodies and feared being accosted by criminals. Across myriad forgotten encounters such as these, Koole shows, touch remade what it meant to be embodied—as well as the meanings of disability, personal boundaries, and scientific knowledge.
With imagination and verve, Intimate Subjects offers a new way of theorizing the body and the senses, as well as a new way of thinking about embodiment and vulnerability today.

front cover of The Lives of the Brain
The Lives of the Brain
Human Evolution and the Organ of Mind
John S. Allen
Harvard University Press, 2009

Though we have other distinguishing characteristics (walking on two legs, for instance, and relative hairlessness), the brain and the behavior it produces are what truly set us apart from the other apes and primates. And how this three-pound organ composed of water, fat, and protein turned a mammal species into the dominant animal on earth today is the story John S. Allen seeks to tell.

Adopting what he calls a “bottom-up” approach to the evolution of human behavior, Allen considers the brain as a biological organ; a collection of genes, cells, and tissues that grows, eats, and ages, and is subject to the direct effects of natural selection and the phylogenetic constraints of its ancestry. An exploration of the evolution of this critical organ based on recent work in paleo­anthropology, brain anatomy and neuroimaging, molecular genetics, life history theory, and related fields, his book shows us the brain as a product of the contexts in which it evolved: phylogenetic, somatic, genetic, ecological, demographic, and ultimately, cultural-linguistic. Throughout, Allen focuses on the foundations of brain evolution rather than the evolution of behavior or cognition. This perspective demonstrates how, just as some aspects of our behavior emerge in unexpected ways from the development of certain cognitive capacities, a more nuanced understanding of behavioral evolution might develop from a clearer picture of brain evolution.


front cover of Localization and Its Discontents
Localization and Its Discontents
A Genealogy of Psychoanalysis and the Neuro Disciplines
Katja Guenther
University of Chicago Press, 2015
Psychoanalysis and neurological medicine have promoted contrasting and seemingly irreconcilable notions of the modern self. Since Freud, psychoanalysts have relied on the spoken word in a therapeutic practice that has revolutionized our understanding of the mind. Neurologists and neurosurgeons, meanwhile, have used material apparatus—the scalpel, the electrode—to probe the workings of the nervous system, and in so doing have radically reshaped our understanding of the brain. Both operate in vastly different institutional and cultural contexts.

Given these differences, it is remarkable that both fields found resources for their development in the same tradition of late nineteenth-century German medicine: neuropsychiatry. In Localization and Its Discontents, Katja Guenther investigates the significance of this common history, drawing on extensive archival research in seven countries, institutional analysis, and close examination of the practical conditions of scientific and clinical work. Her remarkable accomplishment not only reframes the history of psychoanalysis and the neuro disciplines, but also offers us new ways of thinking about their future.

front cover of Making Spirit Matter
Making Spirit Matter
Neurology, Psychology, and Selfhood in Modern France
Larry Sommer McGrath
University of Chicago Press, 2020

The connection between mind and brain has been one of the most persistent problems in modern Western thought; even recent advances in neuroscience haven’t been able to explain it satisfactorily. Historian Larry Sommer McGrath’s Making Spirit Matter studies how a particularly productive and influential group of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century French thinkers attempted to solve this puzzle by showing the mutual dependence of spirit and matter. The scientific revolution taking place at this point in history across disciplines, from biology to psychology and neurology, located our mental powers in the brain and offered a radical reformulation of the meaning of society, spirit, and the self. Tracing connections among thinkers such as Henri Bergson, Alfred Fouillée, Jean-Marie Guyau, and others, McGrath plots alternative intellectual movements that revived themes of creativity, time, and experience by applying the very sciences that seemed to undermine metaphysics and religion. Making Spirit Matter lays out the long legacy of this moment in the history of ideas and how it might renew our understanding of the relationship between mind and brain today.


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Charles A. Marotta
University of Minnesota Press, 1983

Neurofilaments was first published in 1983. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.

Neurofilaments are fibrous organelles that serve as one of the main structural elements of neurons. Synthesized in the perikaryon ,or nerve cell body, neurofilaments are transported along the axon, where they help to maintain the neuronal architecture. Recent research has shown that neurofilaments are biochemically distinct from other kinds of cellular filaments and that they play a special role in the health and functioning of neurons. Although their existence has been recognized for over a century, scientists have only recently started to apply the methods of cellular and molecular biology to the study of neurofilaments, aided by the use of the electron microscope. The study of neurofilaments has raised a number of interesting biological questions with implications for our understanding of neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, and neurology. This book is the first to provide, in one place, reports by specialists on the most significant areas of research on these neuronal organelles.

The book opens with a historical background to current research, followed by chapters dealing with the neuronal cytoskeleton; the biochemistry of neurofilaments; neurofilaments of the mammalian peripheral nerve; the functional role of neurofilaments in axonal transport; the metabolism of neurofilaments; experimental models of abnormal neurofilamentous pathology; and the relation of these abnormal structures to Alzheimer's disease. Editor Charles Marotta's closing chapter surveys current and future neurofilament research.


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Neurons and Networks
An Introduction to Neuroscience
John E. Dowling
Harvard University Press, 1992

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Neuropharmacotherapy in Critical Illness
Brophy, Gretchen
Rutgers University Press, 2017
The field of research related to neurocritical care has grown significantly in recent years, and the clinical demands for current and dependable expertise has followed suit. It can be a challenge for the neurocritical practitioner to keep up with cutting-edge evidence-based research and best practices, especially regarding the role of pharmacotherapeutics. 

In the treatment of neurocritical disease states, pharmacotherapeutic strategies are increasingly relevant. Neuropharmacotherapy in Critical Illness is the first book that provides this information in a high-yield format for the busy healthcare provider. Edited and authored by leading experts in the field, this book provides practitioners with clinical pearls on neuropharmacology, dosing strategies, monitoring, adverse events, drug interactions, and evidence-based pharmacotherapy.   

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Physiological Foundations of Neurology and Psychiatry
Ernst Gellhorn
University of Minnesota Press, 1953
Physiological Foundations of Neurology and Psychiatry was first published in 1953.The findings of Dr. Gellhorn’s extensive and significant research on the physiology of the central nervous system form the basis of the discussion in this volume. Reference is frequently made to the applicability of this laboratory experience to clinical as well as other fields. An attempt has been made to integrate the clinical and experimental literature with the discussion, to give an up-to-date picture of the problems involved and to indicate the possibilities for future investigation. Topics of interest to physiologists, endocrinologists, internists, neurologists and neurosurgeons, psychiatrists, and clinical psychologists are discussed.An important aspect of the author’s work concerned certain recent tests which show an altered reactivity of autonomic centers in the psychotic condition. His interpretation of the significance of these tests for a physiologically oriented therapy of functional psychoses is published here for the first time. The physiological effects actually produced in the central nervous system by “shock” treatment and carbon dioxide therapy are analyzed.Other sections give consideration to some of the principal working mechanisms of the neuron, to the factors determining movements and convulsions, to the pathophysiology of cortical lesions, to some aspects of autonomic physiology, and to the problem of consciousness. An important section deals with integrative functions of the nervous system - those involved in emotion, the conditioning process as the basis of behavior, and homeostasis.

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The Physiology and Pathology of the Cerebellum
Robert S. Dow and Guiseppe Moruzzi
University of Minnesota Press, 1958

The Physiology and Pathology of the Cerebellum was first published in 1958. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.

The development of electrical methods of recording activity in the nervous system has greatly augmented our knowledge of cerebellar physiology. Now, for the first time in a single volume, this new information has been related to facts derived from older methods of investigation. Previously unpublished reports of experiments conducted at the Institute of Physiology, University of Pisa, Italy, also are included.

The authors, an American clinical neurologist and an Italian neuro-physiologist, have collaborated to provide a comprehensive review of cerebellar physiology and a survey of the clinical symptomatology of cerebellar disorders and the pathology of the cerebellum.

In Part I, devoted to the physiology, the authors review the literature completely and place it in proper relation to the latest developments in this field. There are chapters on this history of cerebellar physiology, ablation experiments, stimulation experiments, electro-physiological experiments, the relations between the cerebellum and other central nervous structures, developmental physiology, and the functions of the cerebellum, considered generally.

Part II is devoted to the human cerebellum as studied in the clinic. Where anatomical and physiological observation may shed light upon obscure clinical findings, the laboratory data are related to the clinical investigations. The disorders and diseases affecting the cerebellum are systemically reviewed. The book is illustrated with 61 halftones and 124 line drawings.


front cover of Principles of Intensive Psychotherapy
Principles of Intensive Psychotherapy
Frieda Fromm-Reichmann
University of Chicago Press, 1960
"[This book has] a wealth of clinical and technical detail. As a primer on psychotherapeutic technique this book will. . .bring knowledge and stimulation to the most advanced technician"—Karl A. Menninger

"One is continuously aware that here is a truly human being at work, human in the sense of exquisite awareness, on a profoundly intuitive level, of the workings of the human totality. . . . Because of this she can bridge the vast divide that separates us from the psychotic . . . thereby gaining access to the process of recalling the patient to his lost domain."—Louise E. DeRosis, M.D., American Journal of Psychoanalysis

front cover of The Shapes of Memory Loss
The Shapes of Memory Loss
Stories, Poems and Essays from the University of Michigan Medical School and Health System
nan Barbas
Michigan Publishing Services, 2013
“Shapes of Memory Loss” is a collection of poetry, fiction, and narrative written by and about people with cognitive impairment or dementia. The authors, all affiliated with the University of Michigan Health System, come forward to share their personal experience as they “navigate this unknown territory”. These pieces offer the reader a view into the often isolated and not fully understood journey that those with memory loss and cognitive impairment are on. The book serves as an educational and support tool for anyone who has been touched by dementia, memory loss, and other related disorders. Healthcare professionals will gain information and insight about these disorders presented from the perspective of patients and families affected by them.

front cover of Thomas Hardy's Brains
Thomas Hardy's Brains
Psychology, Neurology, and Hardy's Imagination
Suzanne Keen
The Ohio State University Press, 2014
The imagery of brains and nerves that Thomas Hardy employed in over a half century of writing amply demonstrates that he knew the psychology of his time. Thomas Hardy’s Brains: Psychology, Neurology, and Hardy’s Imagination reevaluates Hardy’s representations of minds, the will, and consciousness (and nescience) in the context of Victorian brain science and Victorian medical neurology. Susanne Keen traces his reading from his early twenties until his old age in sources such as The Literary Notebooks, collections of reading notes made by Hardy from the 1860s onward. In showing how Hardy the reader informed Hardy the novelist and poet, she gives new insight into the unusual techniques Hardy used to represent fictional consciousness in his fiction and shows how the image schemas in his poetry embody his convictions.
This study reveals how Hardy made sense of diverse sources of an affective human psychology, a discipline that expanded significantly during Hardy’s working life. From the 1870s to the turn of the twentieth century, the tools and techniques for studying the structures and function of the nervous system developed rapidly. Simultaneously, Hardy moved steadily toward realizing a more physiologically accurate rendering of brains and nerves.

front cover of Treating the Brain
Treating the Brain
What the Best Doctors Know
Walter G. Bradley DM FRCP
Dana Press, 2009

Even in this information age, it is a daunting task to find clear, concise, and credible sources for essential medical facts. And for those dealing with the symptoms of often serious neurological disorders, finding trustworthy and straightforward information is gravely important.

Treating the Brain is precisely what has been missing for non-specialists. Focusing on the most common neurological conditions, it provides accurate, reliable information to patients, caregivers, and health practitioners from the neurologist whose professional text informs neurologists worldwide.. Walter G. Bradley, one of the nation’s foremost neurologists and the editor of the leading neurology textbook Neurology in Clinical Practice, navigates the complexities of the brain in highly accessible language. Treating the Brain is the definitive resource for patients, offering a coherent and up-to-date understanding of what physicians know about the brain. In the United States alone, one-quarter of all new consultations between patients and their family physician is a result of a neurological problem. Using case histories as examples, Treating the Brain explains the neurological examinations and tests and clinical features, causes, and treatments available for Alzheimer’s disease, migraines, stroke, epilepsy, Parkinson’s and other frequently diagnosed neurological disorders.

For anyone who has ever had a neurological symptom, from a headache to tingling hands, and for anyone with a personal interest in how the brain works in health and disease, Treating the Brain will prove to be a valuable, easy-to-read source of a wide-range of information.


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Understanding Treatment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in the Military Health System
Carrie M. Farmer
RAND Corporation, 2016
A RAND study, the first to examine care received by a census of active-duty service members diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury in the Military Health System, assessed the number and characteristics of these patients (including deployment history and history of traumatic brain injury), their care settings, the treatments they received, co-occurring conditions, the duration of treatment, and the risk factors for requiring long-term care.

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