Introduction: The Glass Island
I. The Hunger for Being
The Postmodern Split: Poetry, Theory, and the Metaphysics That Would Not Die
Authenticity and the Myth of the Lyric Subject: The Summons of Olson’s Legacy
Metaphysics of the Image in Charles Wright’s “Homage to Paul Cézanne”
II. The Becoming of Form
Zeno’s Arrow, Cupid’s Bow: Structure, Process, and Poetry’s Dream of the Unified Field
Form’s Future: Negative Capability, Apprenticeship, and the Poetic Line
The Wind in the Fire: Sentimentality and the Movement of the Mind
III. Eros and Its Discontents
The Double Fall of Madame I
An Abundance of Lack: The Fullness of Desire in the Poetry of Robert Hass
Mercury’s Passage: Poetry, Fracture, and the Talking Cure
IV. The Listening Word
The Limits of Metaphor
The Genius of the Medium: Identity and Alterity in Poetic Practice
Empathy and the Poetic Imagination
V. Postscript
The Age of Technique