Foreword / Shirley K Rose
Introduction: Bullying: Not Just Politics as Usual / Cristyn L. Elder and Bethany Davila
1. "Shocked by the Incivility": A Survey of Bullying in the WPA Workplace / Bethany Davila and Cristyn L. Elder
2. Of Sticks and Stones, Words That Wound, and Actions Speaking Louder: When Academic Bullying Becomes Everyday Oppression / Harry Denny
3. "Nevertheless, She Persisted": Strategies to Counteract the Time, Place, and Structure for Academic Bullying of WPAs / Aurora Matzke, Sherry Rankins-Robertson, and Bre Garrett
4. The Making of a Bully Culture (and How One Might Transform It) / Sarah Allen
5. Quiet as It's Kept: Bullying and the Contingent Writing Center Director / Dawn Fels
6. Breaking the Silence of Racism and Bullying in Academia: Leaning in to a Hard Truth / Andrea Dardello
7. Race, Teaching Assistants, and Workplace Bullying: Confessions from an African American Pre-Tenured WPA / Staci Perryman-Clark
8. A Barbarian within the Gate: The Detriments of Insularity at a Small Liberal Arts College / Erec Smith
9. The Professional Is Personal: Institutional Bullying and the WPA / Amy Heckathorn
10. Remediation via Mandate: The California State University's Early Start Initiative as Manifestation of Systematized Bullying / W. Gary Griswold
11. "I Can't Afford to Lose My Job" / Anonymous
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