List of Illustrations
Prologue: Riverine Village by the Sii
Part 1: Early Times
1. Introduction
2. History before the Village Years
3. Founding of Selawik Village
4. Trade Fair with Indians
5. Fur Trade and Early Trading Posts in Selawik
6. Introduction of Reindeer Herding
Part 2: Through the Ethnographic Lens, Selawik from the 1970s
7. The Long, Cold Winter
8. Long Days and the Summer Rhythm
9. The Selawik Wolves and the Maklak Telegraph
10. From Modernity to Self-Determination
Appendix 1: Selawik High School Students’ Journals of the 1981 Archaeology and Oral History Field School
Appendix 2: Fish Counts of Two Fisherwomen: Clara Ballot and Lenora Skin
Appendix 3: 1979 Selawik Christmas Program