front cover of Deportation Nation
Deportation Nation
Outsiders in American History
Daniel Kanstroom
Harvard University Press, 2007

The danger of deportation hangs over the head of virtually every noncitizen in the United States. In the complexities and inconsistencies of immigration law, one can find a reason to deport almost any noncitizen at almost any time. In recent years, the system has been used with unprecedented vigor against millions of deportees.

We are a nation of immigrants--but which ones do we want, and what do we do with those that we don't? These questions have troubled American law and politics since colonial times.

Deportation Nation is a chilling history of communal self-idealization and self-protection. The post-Revolutionary Alien and Sedition Laws, the Fugitive Slave laws, the Indian "removals," the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Palmer Raids, the internment of the Japanese Americans--all sought to remove those whose origins suggested they could never become "true" Americans. And for more than a century, millions of Mexicans have conveniently served as cheap labor, crossing a border that was not official until the early twentieth century and being sent back across it when they became a burden.

By illuminating the shadowy corners of American history, Daniel Kanstroom shows that deportation has long been a legal tool to control immigrants' lives and is used with increasing crudeness in a globalized but xenophobic world.


front cover of Newcomers, Outsiders, and Insiders
Newcomers, Outsiders, and Insiders
Immigrants and American Racial Politics in the Early Twenty-first Century
Ronald Schmidt Sr., Yvette M. Alex-Assensoh, Andrew L. Aoki, and Rodney E. Hero
University of Michigan Press, 2009

"The authors have done a commendable and impressive job of addressing a topic of long-lasting and increasing significance in U.S. politics."
---F. Chris Garcia, University of New Mexico

"This is a path-breaking book that will be read across disciplines beyond political science."
---James Jennings, Tufts University

Over the past four decades, the United States has experienced the largest influx of immigrants in its history. Not only has the ratio of European to non-European newcomers changed, but the numbers of recent arrivals from the Asian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, South America, and other regions are increasing.

In this timely study, a team of political scientists examines how the arrival of these newcomers has affected the efforts of long-standing U.S. minority groups---Blacks, Latinos, and Asian Pacific Americans---to gain equality through greater political representation and power. The authors predict that, for some time to come, the United States will function as a complex multiracial hierarchy, rather than as a genuine democracy.

Ronald Schmidt, Sr. is Professor of Political Science at California State University, Long Beach.

Yvette M. Alex-Assensoh is Associate Professor of Political Science and Dean of the Office for Women's Affairs (OWA) at Indiana University, Bloomington.

Andrew L. Aoki is Professor of Political Science at Augsburg College.

Rodney E. Hero is Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley.


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Outsiders and Openness in the Presidential Nominating System
Andrew E. Busch
University of Pittsburgh Press, 1997
Outsiders and Openness in the Presidential Nominating System examines the relationship of outsiders to the presidential nominating system since the late nineteenth century. He studies in depth the campaigns of Estes Kefauver, Barry Goldwater, George Wallace, Eugene McCarthy, George McGovern, Jimmy Carter, Gary Hart, Paul Tsongas, Jerry Brown, and Ross Perot.

front cover of Outsiders in 19th-Century Press History
Outsiders in 19th-Century Press History
Multicultural Perspectives
Frankie Hutton
University of Wisconsin Press, 1995
This anthology of journalism history brings together essays on the early Black press, pioneer Jewish journalism, Spanish-language newspapers, Native American newspapers, woman suffrage, peace advocacy, and Chinese American and Mormon publications. It shows how marginal groups developed their own journalism to counter the prejudices and misconceptions of the white establishment press. The essays address the important questions of freedom of expression in religious matters as well as the domains of race and gender.

front cover of Outsiders in a Promised Land
Outsiders in a Promised Land
Religious Activists in Pacific Northwest History
Dale Soden
Oregon State University Press, 2015
Outsiders in a Promised Land explores the role that religious activists have played in shaping the culture of the Pacific Northwest, particularly in Washington and Oregon, from the middle of the 19th century onward. The region’s earliest settlers came to work in the mines and forests, and a culture of saloons, gambling halls, and brothels grew up to serve them. When migration to the region intensified, newcomers with families and religious traditions often saw themselves as outsiders in opposition to the prevailing frontier culture.

As communities grew in population, early activists found common ground in a desire to protect women and children, and make their towns more hospitable to religious values. Protestants, Catholics, and Jews worked together to transform communities. Together they introduced public and private schools, health care institutions, libraries and orphanages, and lobbied for the prohibition of alcohol.

Beginning in the 1930s, religious activism played a crucial role in the emerging culture wars between liberals and conservatives. Liberals rallied around the protection of civil rights and the building of social safety nets, while conservatives decried the rise of secularism, liberalism, and communism. Today, religious activists of many faiths are deeply engaged in matters related to women’s and gay rights, foreign policy, and environmental protection.

Outsiders in a Promised Land is a meticulously researched, comprehensive treatment of religion in Pacific Northwest public life from the middle of the nineteenth century to the present. The first book of its kind, it is destined to be an essential reference for scholars, activists, and religious leaders of all faiths.

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Society and its Outsiders in the Novels of Jakob Wassermann
Katharina Volckmer
University of London Press, 2016
Society and its Outsiders in the Novels of Jakob Wassermann takes a fresh look at Wassermann’s depiction of society and its mechanisms of exclusion, specifically those affecting the Jew, the woman, the child and the homosexual man. Wassermann’s extensive oeuvre has not, until now, been considered as an attempt to portray German society at different historical stages, from the Biedermeier to the end of the Weimar Republic. At the same time, this analysis shows how Wassermann’s interest in outsider figures is intertwined with an interest in narrative technique and discusses how his perception of the world affects his depiction of character.

front cover of The Uncertain Business of Doing Good
The Uncertain Business of Doing Good
Outsiders in Africa
Larry Krotz
University of Manitoba Press, 2008

front cover of Wasita in a Lebanese Context
Wasita in a Lebanese Context
Social Exchange among Villagers and Outsiders
Frederick Charles Huxley
University of Michigan Press, 1978
In the 1970s, Frederick Charles Huxley conducted fieldwork in the Lebanese village of Barouk to investigate the social process called wasita: a term that means, roughly, intermediary or mediation. He explains the geography and history of Lebanon as they relate to the country’s social diversity, and argues for further examination of wasita as a process that operates on and between levels of society in economic, political, and social contexts. Following a detailed description of his ethnographic research, he discusses the importance of a better understanding of wasita in the context of the Lebanese civil war.

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