PART I. Explorations 1
Chapter 1. The Sciences and Their Interpreters 3
Scandals-Autonomy-A Destructive Science? -The Leibnizian Constraint
Chapter 2. Science and Nonscience 21
In the Name of Science - Break or Demarcation?- Popper's Question -
The Unfindable Criterion -One Historical Tradition among Others?
Chapter 3. The Force of History 39
The Singularity of the History of the Sciences -The Three Worlds -
Clarifying the Paradigm
PART II. Construction 55
Chapter 4. Irony and Humor 57
Constructing a Difference - Great Divisions -The Political Invention of
the Sciences--On the Event
Chapter S. Science under the Sign of the Event 71
In Search of a Recommencement-The Power of Fiction-A New Use of
Reason? -The Inclined Plane
Chapter 6. Making History 89
Negative Truth-Authors to Interest-Bringing into Existence-Mediators-
Political Questions
PART III. Propositions 109
Chapter 7. An Available World? 111
The Power in Histories-Mobilization-The Patron's Job-The Politics
of Networks
Chapter 8. Subject and Object 131
What Singularity for the Sciences? -Mathematical Fictions -Darwin's Heirs-
Demoralizing History- "What Does He Want from Me?"
Chapter 9. Becomings 151
How to Resist?-Nomads of the Third World-The Production of Expertise-
A Return to the Sophists
Notes 169
Index 179