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The Academic Postmodern and the Rule of Literature
A Report on Half-Knowledge
David Simpson
University of Chicago Press, 1995
This brilliantly argued book is an entirely fresh critique of the postmodern turn. David Simpson sets his sights on the most distinctive aspects of postmodern scholarship: the pervasiveness of the literary and the flight from grand theory to local knowledge.

Simpson examines defining features of postmodern thought—storytelling, autobiography, anecdote, and localism—and traces their unacknowledged roots in literature and literary criticism. Considering such examples as the conversational turn in philosophy led by Richard Rorty and the anecdotal qualities of the New Historicism, he argues that much of contemporary scholarship is literary in its terms, methods, and assumptions about knowledge; in their often unconscious adoption of literary approaches, scholars in philosophy, history, anthropology, and other disciplines have confined themselves to a traditional—and limited—way of looking at the world. Simpson is the first to uncover the largely unacknowledged ancestry of the key paradigms and sensibilities of the academic postmodern—tracing their roots to nineteenth-century Romanticism and to more general traditions of literature. He warns scholars against mistaking the migration of ideas from one discipline to another for a radically new response to the postmodern age.

In his nuanced and balanced assessment of the academic postmodern enterprise, Simpson recognizes that both the literary turn and the emphasis on local, subjective voices have done much to enrich knowledge. But he also identifies the danger in abandoning synthetic knowledge to particular truths, cautioning that "we would be foolish to pretend that little narratives are true alternatives to grand ones, rather than chips off a larger block whose shape we can no longer see because we are not looking."

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The American and Japanese Auto Industries in Transition
Report of the Joint U.S.–Japan Automotive Study
Robert E. Cole and Taizo Yakushiji, Editors
University of Michigan Press, 1984
This report was prepared for the Policy Board by the U.S. and Japanese research staffs of the Joint U.S.–Japan Automotive Study under the general direction of Professors Paul W. McCracken and Keichi Oshima, with research operations organized and coordinated by Robert E. Cole on the U.S. side, in close communication with the Taizo Yakushiji on the Japanese side. [preface]
In view of the importance of stable, long-term economic relationships between Japan and the United States, automotive issues have to be dealt with in ways consistent with the joint prosperity of both countries. Furthermore, the current economic friction has the potential to adversely affect future political relationships. Indeed, under conditions of economic stagnation, major economic issues inevitably become political issues.
With these considerations in mind, the Joint U.S.–Japan Automotive Study project was started in September 1981 to determine the conditions that will allow for the prosperous coexistence of the respective automobile industries. During this two-year study, we have identified four driving forces that will play a major role in determining the future course of the automotive industry of both countries. These are: (1) consumers’ demands and aspirations vis-à-vis automobiles; (2) flexible manufacturing systems (FMS); (3) rapidly evolving technology; and (4) the internationalization of the automotive industry. [exec. summary]

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The Ancient Culture of the Fremont River in Utah
Report on the Explorations under the Claflin-Emerson Fund, 1928-1929
Noel Morss
University of Utah Press, 2009
Until 1927, the wild area of Utah near the Colorado River and below the mouth of the Escalante River was almost unknown archaeologically. The Claflin-Emerson Fund of Harvard’s Peabody Museum was created to provide support for an extended survey of southeastern Utah west of the Colorado River.

One such survey was conducted by author Noel Morss during the summer of 1928, resulting in an unexpected revelation: the Fremont (Dirty Devil) River drainage area being surveyed proved to be host to a prehistoric culture different from all other established Southwestern cultures. Excavations completed the following field season confirmed Morss’s findings. This distinct culture was defined by unique unpainted black or gray pottery, sole use of a primitive moccasin type, elaborate clay figurines, and abundant distinctive pictographs. Though too definite and well developed to be confined to a single drainage, Morss concluded that the Fremont were nonetheless a periphery culture and not an integral part of the mainstream of Southwestern development.

Originally published in 1931 and now featuring a new foreword by Duncan Metcalfe, The Ancient Culture of the Fremont River in Utah has become a classic in Southwestern archaeology, furthering a conversation about the early peoples of southern Utah that continues even today.

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The Effectiveness of the High School Progam in Home Economics
A Report of a Five-Year Study of Twenty Minnesota Schools
Clara Arny
University of Minnesota Press, 1952
The Effectiveness of the High School Program in Home Economics was first published in 1952.Because the goals of home economics have changed markedly within recent years, facts are needed to chart its future course. This report presents more pertinent facts than any previous study of home economics in the public schools.The report is based on a five-year study, from 1943 to 1948, of the home economics program in twenty Minnesota high schools, a study which Mrs. Arny directed. The report discusses the strong and the weak points of the home economics program, shows the factors which seem to influence its effectiveness, and suggests ways in which the program may be improved. Appraisals were made by means of a wide variety of techniques and evaluations made at intervals during the study determined the extend of improvements made in the schools.A significant aspect of the study was an examination of the facilities and effectiveness of homemaking instruction in schools which received reimbursement from state and federal vocational funds. Data from these schools were compared with data from similar schools not receiving the subsidy. Recommendations - admittedly provocative and probably controversial - are based upon the results of the analyses of these data.This report should be stimulating and helpful to school administrators, home economics teachers and supervisors, government officials, and parent and civic groups who wish to improve homemaking education.

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Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation in Practice (ELMCIP)
A Report from the HERA Joint Research Project
Scott Rettberg
West Virginia University Press, 2014

Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation in Practice maps electronic literature in Europe and is an essential read for scholars and students in the field. ELMCIP is a three-year (2013) collaborative research project funded by Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) JRP for Creativity and Innovation.

ELMCIP involved seven European partners investigating how creative communities of practitioners form within a transnational and transcultural context in a globalized and distributed communication environment. Focusing on the electronic literature community in Europe as a model of networked creativity and innovation in practice, ELMCIP studies the formation and interactions of that community and furthers electronic literature research and practice in Europe.

This book includes reflective reports by all of the principal investigators of the project. It details the development of a major digital humanities research database and the publication of the first trans-European anthology of electronic literature, and includes a report on electronic literature publishing venues across Europe and consideration of different forms of creative communities develop around genres of digital practice.


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Excavations at Quachilco
A Report on the 1977 Season of the Palo Blanco Project in the Tehuacan Valley
Robert D. Drennan
University of Michigan Press, 1978
In this volume, Robert D. Drennan presents results of two seasons of archaeological research on the Palo Blanco Project in the Tehuacán Valley of Mexico. He reports on the surface survey and excavations at the central plaza and surrounding areas, including the outlying barrios.

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Fort Da
A Report
Elisabeth Sheffield
University of Alabama Press, 2009
A psychological and linguistic exploration of obsession and illicit love.

While working at a sleep lab in northern Germany, Rosemarie Ramee, a 38-year-old American neurologist, falls in love with Aslan, an eleven-year-old Turkish Cypriot. To get closer to the boy, RR undertakes a "marriage of convenience" to the boy's uncle. But when the uncle suddenly disappears, Ramee, alone with Aslan, must take the boy to his relatives in northern Cyprus. A train journey ensues, chronicled in RR's psychological reports and neurological inquiries.

But what begins as an objective "report" breaks down as the story progresses: RR's voice, hitherto suppressed and analytical, emerges hesitantly and then erupts, splintering every conception of inner and outer lives, solipsistic reality, and the irrevocable past. Consistently surprising and unrelenting, Fort Da turns one woman's illicit affair into a riveting exploration of language and the mind.

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General Education in a Free Society
Report of the Harvard Committee on the Objectives of a General Education in a Free Society
Harvard University
Harvard University Press

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The Graduate Study of Education
Report of the Harvard Committee
Harvard University Graduate School of Education
Harvard University Press
This report was completed by a special committee of the Harvard Faculty of Education appointed to consider how the graduate study of education should be viewed in the context of a strong independent university. Its focus is on Harvard but its concerns will be relevant elsewhere. Asserting that “education is as broad as all of culture,” the committee interprets the school of education “as the university proper, focused upon the field of education.” Specifically the report treats problems of priorities, program integration, improvement of teaching, and organization of research, and offers wide-ranging recommendations. Included are a history of the Graduate School of Education, a summary of the Faculty's initial actions, and new doctoral program directions.

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Group Treatment in Psychotherapy
A Report of Experience
Robert G. Hinckley and Lydia Hermann
University of Minnesota Press, 1951

Group Treatment in Psychotherapy was first published in 1951. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.

The rapid development of group therapy in general in the past decade has pointed up the need for a clear definition of the aims of such therapy and the processes by which these aims may be achieved. This book answers that need by presenting an analysis of the group therapeutic process in simple, understandable style with a generous use of concrete examples for a vivid demonstration of the principles involved.

Dr. Hinckley and Miss Hermann base this analysis on their experience with group therapy for the past ten years in the Students' Mental Hygiene Clinic at the University of Minnesota. Although certain theoretical assumptions underlie the analysis, the report does not aim to discuss or evaluate theories. The purpose is, rather, to help all who are concerned with human relations to understand the potentialities and limitations of group therapy for their own particular needs.

Psychological counselors and guidance workers, social workers and especially those engaged in social group work, educators, medical personnel, and others whose work is associated with psychotherapy will find here an informative and practical guide.

The authors have quoted liberally from verbatim records of actual group sessions to show how a group operates therapeutically and what a therapist should do and not do. A final chapter follows a group through a year of weekly meetings to show the step-by-step progress of therapy. Statistics presented in the appendix show the increased amount of therapy resulting from group treatment.

Forewords are contributed by C. Gilbert Wrenn, president of the Division of Counseling and Guidance, American Psychological Association, and John C. Kidneigh, director of the School of Social Work, University of Minnesota.


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The Harvest of American Racism
The Political Meaning of Violence in the Summer of 1967
Robert Shellow
University of Michigan Press, 2018

In the summer of 1967, in response to violent demonstrations that rocked 164 U.S. cities, the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, a.k.a. the Kerner Commission, was formed. The Commission sought reasons for the disturbances, including the role that law enforcement played. Chief among its research projects was a study of 23 American cities, headed by social psychologist Robert Shellow. An early draft of the scientists’ analysis, titled “The Harvest of American Racism: The Political Meaning of Violence in the Summer of 1967,” provoked the Commission’s staff in November 1967 by uncovering political causes for the unrest; the team of researchers was fired, and the controversial report remained buried at the LBJ Presidential Library until now.

The first publication of the Harvest report half a century later reveals that many of the issues it describes are still with us, including how cities might more effectively and humanely react to groups and communities in protest. In addition to the complete text of the suppressed Harvest report, the book includes an introduction by Robert Shellow that provides useful historical context; personal recollections from four of the report’s surviving social scientists, Robert Shellow, David Boesel, Gary T. Marx, and David O. Sears; and an appendix outlining the differences between the unpublished Harvest analysis and the well-known Kerner Commission Report that followed it.

“The [Harvest of American Racism] report was rejected by Johnson administration functionaries as being far too radical—politically ‘unviable’… Social science can play an extremely positive role in fighting racial and other injustice and inequality, but only if it is matched with a powerful political will to implement the findings.  That will has never come from within an American presidential administration—that will has only been forged in black and other radical communities’ movements for justice. The political power for change, as incremental as it has been, has come from within those communities. Washington responds, it does not lead."
—from the Foreword by Michael C. Dawson


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Healing Our Divided Society
Investing in America Fifty Years after the Kerner Report
Fred Harris and Alan Curtis
Temple University Press, 2018

In 1968, the Kerner Commission concluded that America was heading toward “two societies, one black, one white—separate and unequal.” Today, America’s communities are experiencing increasing racial tensions and inequality, working-class resentment over the unfulfilled American Dream, white supremacy violence, toxic inaction in Washington, and the decline of the nation’s example around the world.

In Healing Our Divided Society, Fred Harris, the last surviving member of the Kerner Commission, along with Eisenhower Foundation CEO Alan Curtis, re-examine fifty years later the work still necessary towards the goals set forth in The Kerner Report. This timely volume unites the interests of minorities and white working- and middle-class Americans to propose a strategy to reduce poverty, inequality, and racial injustice. Reflecting on America’s urban climate today, this new report sets forth evidence-based policies concerning employment, education, housing, neighborhood development, and criminal justice based on what has been proven to work—and not work. 

Contributors include: Oscar Perry Abello, Elijah Anderson, Anil N.F. Aranha, Jared Bernstein, Henry G. Cisneros, Elliott Currie, Linda Darling-Hammond, Martha F. Davis, E. J. Dionne, Jr., Marian Wright Edelman, Delbert S. Elliott, Carol Emig, Jeff Faux, Ron Grzywinski, Michael P. Jeffries, Lamar K. Johnson, Celinda Lake, Marilyn Melkonian, Gary Orfield, Diane Ravitch, Laurie Robinson, Herbert C. Smitherman, Jr., Joseph Stiglitz, Dorothy Stoneman, Kevin  Washburn, Valerie Wilson, Gary Younge,  Julian E. Zelizer, and the editors


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Health Is a Community Affair
Report of the National Commission on Community Health Services
National Commission on Community Health Services
Harvard University Press

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In the Rainforest
Report from a Strange, Beautiful, Imperiled World
Catherine Caufield
University of Chicago Press, 1986
In the Rainforest takes us to Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia, revealing a colorful and bizarre world where fish live on fruit, spiders prey on birds, and violets grow to the size of apple trees.

"I recommend In the Rainforest as scientific journalism at its best, and [Caufield's] book as the one to read to become informed about the tropical crisis. Caufield traveled the world, went to the difficult places, sometimes beautiful and often dispiriting, mastered the important ideas, and talked to an impressive number of people on all sides of the issues. . . . There are villains in abundance: corrupt government agents who aid in the destruction of native tribes, greedy caballero landowners, and even the governmental planners who with the best of intentions rush heedlessly toward the environmental degradation of their own countries."—E. O. Wilson, Science

"The whole book is filled with amazing facts. . . . Moving and informative."—Ellen W. Chu, New York Times Book Review

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In-laws and Outlaws
Lessons in Research and Friendship and a Report from the Archives
Sarah Barringer Gordon
Utah State University Press, 2007
Eleventh volume in the Leonard Arrington Lecture Series.

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Insanity and Idiocy in Massachusetts
Report of the Commission on Lunacy, 1855
Edward Jarvis
Harvard University Press, 1971

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The Legacy of Slavery at Harvard
Report and Recommendations of the Presidential Committee
The Presidential Committee on the Legacy of Slavery
Harvard University Press, 2022

Harvard’s searing and sobering indictment of its own long-standing relationship with chattel slavery and anti-Black discrimination.

In recent years, scholars have documented extensive relationships between American higher education and slavery. The Legacy of Slavery at Harvard adds Harvard University to the long list of institutions, in the North and the South, entangled with slavery and its aftermath.

The report, written by leading researchers from across the university, reveals hard truths about Harvard’s deep ties to Black and Indigenous bondage, scientific racism, segregation, and other forms of oppression. Between the university’s founding in 1636 and 1783, when slavery officially ended in Massachusetts, Harvard leaders, faculty, and staff enslaved at least seventy people, some of whom worked on campus, where they cared for students, faculty, and university presidents. Harvard also benefited financially and reputationally from donations by slaveholders, slave traders, and others whose fortunes depended on human chattel. Later, Harvard professors and the graduates they trained were leaders in so-called race science and eugenics, which promoted disinvestment in Black lives through forced sterilization, residential segregation, and segregation and discrimination in education.

No institution of Harvard’s scale and longevity is a monolith. Harvard was also home to abolitionists and pioneering Black thinkers and activists such as W. E. B. Du Bois, Charles Hamilton Houston, and Eva Beatrice Dykes. In the late twentieth century, the university became a champion of racial diversity in education. Yet the past cannot help casting a long shadow on the present. Harvard’s motto, Veritas, inscribed on gates, doorways, and sculptures all over campus, is an exhortation to pursue truth. The Legacy of Slavery at Harvard advances that necessary quest.


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Report on the Excavation at Yorgan Tepa near Kirkuk, Iraq, Conducted by Harvard University in Conjunction with the American Schools of Oriental Research and the University Museum of Philadelphia, 1927-1931
Richard F. S. Starr
Harvard University Press

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The Postmodern Condition
A Report on Knowledge
Jean-Francois Lyotard
University of Minnesota Press, 1984
Many definitions of postmodernism focus on its nature as the aftermath of the modern industrial age when technology developed dynamically. In The Postmodern Condition Jean-Francois Lyotard extends that analysis to postmodernism by looking at the status of science, technology, and the arts, the significance of technocracy, and the way the flow of information and knowledge are controlled in the Western world. Lyotard emphasized language; the world of postmodern knowledge can be represented as a game of language where speaking is participation in the game whose goal is the creation of new and ever-changing social linkages.

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Quality of Care for PTSD and Depression in the Military Health System
Phase I Report
Kimberly A. Hepner
RAND Corporation, 2016
Understanding the current quality of care for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression delivered to service members is an important step toward improving care across the Military Health System (MHS). T.his report describes the characteristics of active-component service members who received care for PTSD or depression through the MHS and assesses the quality of care received using quality measures derived from administrative data

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Report of an Inquiry into an Injustice
Begade Shutagot'ine and the Sahtu Treaty
Peter Kulchyski
University of Manitoba Press, 2018

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A Report of the International Commission for Central American Recovery and Development
William L. Ascher and Ann Hubbard, eds.
Duke University Press, 1989
The 1980s were one of the most turbulent decades in Central America’s history, a history that has been marked by more than its share of strife and upheaval. The wars, economic hardship, and political unrest and instability that have dominated news of the region have been years in the making, the products of flawed and inequitable economic, social, and political structures.
The International Commission for Central American Recovery and Development (ICCARD) was formed to provide a thorough diagnosis and analysis of Central America’s problems and to draft a comprehensive long-term strategy to move the region from decline to development. In this report ICCARD—through forty-five international experts in economics, public policy, management, and development it assembled for this purpose—attempts to rise above rhetoric and simplistic remedies to focus on well-reasoned, thorough, and realistic approaches to economic and social development.
This volume reviews the unequal access of marginal groups to political and economic participation, the precarious situation of Central American financial institutions, the international debt situation, the prospects for regional political and economic integration, and other aspects of regional development. Each of these challenges is addressed by specific recommendations to the Central American governments, the governments of the industrialized nations, and international organizations.

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Report on a Journey to the Western States of North America
and a Stay of Several Years Along the Missouri (During the Years 1824-1827)
Gottfried Duden; James W. Goodrich, General Editor; George H. Kellner, Elsa Nagel, Adolf E. Schroeder, and W. M. Senner, Editors and Translators
University of Missouri Press, 1980

The mass migrations to the United States from Europe that began in the 1830s were strongly influenced by what is known today as emigration literature--travelers' writings about their experiences in the New World. Such accounts were particularly popular with German readers; over 150 examples of the genre were published in Germany between 1827 and 1856. Gottfried Duden's Report on a Journey to the Western States of North America, published in 1829, was one of the most influential of these books. The timing, format, coverage, and literary qualities of the Report, and its idyllic descriptions of pioneer farming in Missouri, combined to make it an instant success. It attracted thousands of Germans to the Midwest, and particularly to Missouri, the focus of Duden's account. This edited and annotated translation is the first complete version to be published in English. It provides for the general public and the professional historian a significant contribution to U.S. immigration history and a unique and delightful fragment of Missouri's rich German heritage.

Duden presented his account in the form of personal letters, a style that helped make the book believable. The Mississippi- Missouri valley reminded him of his native Rhineland where the rivers facilitated trade and transportation, and fertile river bottomland offers the perfect environment for agriculture. Duden farmed the land he bought during his sojourn in Missouri, and his book includes meticulous descriptions of clearing, fencing, and harvesting. His pro-emigration bias, colored by the fact that he himself had been able to hire help on his Missouri farm, made his view of the farmer's life, it turned out, more idyllic than practical. Many would-be gentlemen farmers, inspired by his book to come to Missouri, found pioneer farming more strenuous than they had expected.


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Report On Brunei In 1904
Mis Sea#74
M.S.H. Mcarthur
Ohio University Press, 1987
In 1904 the British Protectorate of Brunei had reached the nadir of its fortunes. Reduced to two small strips of territory, bankrupt, and threatened with takeover by the Rajah of Sarawak (Sir Charles Brooke), Brunei received M. S. H. McArthur who was dispatched to make recommendations for Brunei's future administration. As a result of McArthur’s Report on Brunei in 1904, the British government decided to underwrite the separate existence of the sultanate, thus giving a reprieve to the “dying kingdom.” The report is the most important document in the history of modern Brunei and is here annotated and given historical context by A. V. M. Horton.

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Report on the Island and Diocese of Puerto Rico (1647)
Don Diego Torres y Vargas, Translated by Jaime R. Vidal
University of Scranton Press, 2010

Composed at the request of the Royal Spanish Chronicler of the Indies, Don Diego Torres y Vargas’s Report on the Island & Diocese of Puerto Rico was the first history of Puerto Rico written by a native of the Spanish island colony. Torres y Vargas, a fourth generation Puerto Rican and descendant of Ponce de Leon, records here the history of the Catholic Church in Puerto Rico as well as the political, social, military, economic, and natural history of the island.

            This translation—the first ever into English—includes three historical essays by eminent Puerto Rican and Latino Studies scholar Anthony Stevens-Arroyo and extensive translator notes to guide the reader through the realities of seventeenth-century Puerto Rican culture and society.   


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Report on the State of UK-Based Research on Latin America and the Caribbean 2014
Edited by Antoni Kapcia and Linda A. Newson
University of London Press, 2015

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The Riot Report and the News
How the Kerner Commission Changed Media Coverage of Black America
Thomas J. Hrach
University of Massachusetts Press, 2016
On July 28, 1967, President Lyndon B. Johnson established the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders to investigate the causes of unrest in urban black communities during the 1960s. Chaired by Illinois governor Otto Kerner Jr., the commission ominously warned, “Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white—separate and unequal.” And it aimed its sharpest criticism at the mainstream media, concluding: “The press has too long basked in a white world, looking out of it, if at all, with white men’s eyes and a white perspective.” Major news media responded by expanding and diversifying their coverage of black communities and increasing the number of African Americans in their newsrooms. Although much has been written about the Kerner Commission, the analysis has focused primarily on its affect on the American press. In The Riot Report and the News, Thomas J. Hrach instead explores how the commission came to its conclusions, in order to understand why and how its report served as a catalyst for change. Hrach finds that such government criticism of the media can have a long-term and positive influence on the nation, an insight that remains important as the news continues to struggle with how to cover issues of race.

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Riot Report and the News
How the Kerner Commission Changed Media Coverage of Black America
Hrach Thomas J
University of Massachusetts Press

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Roads to Renewal
The Report of Activities and Accomplishments of the Civil Works Administration in Michigan, November 1933–March 1934
James R. Anderson
Michigan State University Press, 2020
This publication makes available to historians and general readers a little-known document mapping the achievement of a crucial initiative in the plans for recovery from the harshest blows of the Great Depression, in one of America’s hardest-hit states. It presents a historically unique case history of the Federal Civil Works Administration, established by Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. The CWA addressed the issues of unemployment and destitution brought on by the Depression, specifically in Michigan. With a contextualizing introduction and afterword by historian James R. Anderson, the republication of this report—with its wealth of data and statistics, and its compelling information about the extent of the crisis and of the government’s initiatives—brings to light fascinating aspects of how critical (and impactful) such interventions were in the context of unprecedented economic challenges.

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A University Looks at its Program
The Report of the University of Minnesota Bureau of Institutional Research, 1942-1952
Ruth Eckert
University of Minnesota Press, 1954
A University Looks at its Program was first published in 1954.Educational research, which first demonstrated its value in the fields of primary and secondary teaching, has been extended in comparatively recent times to the college and university level. The University of Minnesota has been a pioneer in the development of research methods to investigate problems of higher education. Its program of self-study was inaugurated in the early 1920’s under the far-seeing administration of the late Lotus D. Coffman.The 23 studies presented here are illustrative of the educational research conducted under the Minnesota plan during the decade of 1942 to 1952. They are a representative selection from a much larger number of studies sponsored during that period by the University’s Committee on Educational Research (now designated as the Committee on Institutional Research). The problems investigated are of four major types: those of a general character, such as enrollment trends or curriculum developments; those related to the undergraduate programs; those associated with specialized and graduate programs; and those connected with staff activities. The Minnesota self-study plan has been flexible and broad; no question has been considered too small to probe if its answer seemed likely to help some staff member or student group, and no proposal has been ruled out as over-ambitious if the information sought would help to build a sound program.These reports will be useful to college and university administrators, faculties, and research specialists for the clear picture they give of the scope and methods of a research program designed to help an educational institution in its long-term planning.

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