edited by Julia Annas and Christopher J. Rowe
contributions by Andrea Nightingale, Terry Penner, R. B. Rutherford, David Sedley, David Blank, Dorothea Frede, Christopher Gill, Charles L. Griswold Jr., Brad Inwood, Charles Kahn and Kathryn Morgan
Harvard University Press
Cloth: 978-0-674-01018-5
Library of Congress Classification B395.N475 2002


Plato’s unusual combination of argumentative and creative talents complicates any interpretative approach to his work, as does his choice of Socrates as a major figure. In recent years, scholars have looked more closely at the philosophical importance of the imaginative and literary aspects of Plato’s writing, and have begun to appreciate the methods of the ancient philosophers and commentators who studied Plato and their attitudes to Plato’s appropriation of Socrates.

This study brings together leading philosophical and literary scholars who investigate these new–old approaches and their significance in distancing us from the standard ways of reading Plato. Confronting the standard modern readings more directly, this work attempts to present the outcomes of these investigations to readers in a way that will encourage further exploration and innovative engagement.

See other books on: Annas, Julia | Inwood, Brad | Morgan, Kathryn | New Perspectives | Plato
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