edited by Bill Dunn
by Hugo Radice
Pluto Press, 2006
Cloth: 978-0-7453-2522-4 | Paper: 978-0-7453-2521-7
Library of Congress Classification HX550.R48A14 2006
Dewey Decimal Classification 335.433


One hundred years after their first appearance in Leon Trotsky's Results and Prospects, this book critically reevaluates two key Marxist theories: uneven and combined development, and permanent revolution. It brings together a formidable array of Marxist intellectuals from across the world including Daniel Bensaid, Michael Löwy, Hillel Ticktin and Patrick Bond.

Marx saw societies progressing through distinct historical stages feudal, bourgeois and communist. Trotsky advanced this model by considering how countries at different stages of development influence each other. Developed countries colonise less developed countries and exploit their people and resources. Elsewhere, even as many were kept in poverty, the influence of foreign capital and state-led industrialisation produced novel economic forms and prospects for political alliances and change. The contributors show how, 100 years on from its original publication, Trotsky's theories are hugely useful for understanding today's globalised economy, dominated by US imperialism. The book makes an ideal introduction to Trosky's thinking, and is ideal for students of political theory and development economics.

See other books on: 1879-1940 | Communism | Prospects | Results | Trotsky, Leon
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