PART I: African Connections: Historical Roots Of Afro- Caribbean Religions
1. Yoruba, Fon- Ewe, Ashanti, and Kongo Cultural History
2. African Cultus and Functionaries
PART II: Vodou: Haitian Religion
3. Vodou and the Haitians’ Struggle
4. Serving the Lwa
PART III: Santeria And Palo Monte: Cuban Religion Of The Orisha And Drums
5. Caribbean Santeria
6. Energy of the Ashe Community and Cultus
7. Palo Monte Mayombe
PART IV: Creole Religions Of The Southern Caribbean
8. Dancing to Orixas’ Axe in Candomble
9. Umbanda and Its Antecedents
10. Orisha Powers: Creole Religion in Trinidad and Tobago
PART V: Jamaica’s Creole Religions: Culture Of Resistance And Rhythms
11. Obeah: Magical Art of Re sis tancer
12. Myal and Kumina in Jamaica’s Past
13. Poco, Zion, and Convince
14. The Rastafari Chant
Selected Bibliography