front cover of Scholasticism
Personalities & Problems Medieval Philosophy
Josef Pieper
St. Augustine's Press, 2001
No better guide over the thousand-year period called the Middle Ages could be found than Josef Pieper. In this amazing tour de monde medievale, he moves easily back and forth between the figures and the doctrines that made medieval philosophy unique in Western thought. After reflecting on the invidious implications of the phrase "Middle Ages," Pieper turns to the fascinating personality of Boethius whose contribution to prison literature, The Consolation of Philosophy, is second only to the Bible in the number of manuscript copies. The Neo-Platonic figures - Dionysius and Eriugena - are the occasion for a discussion of negative theology. The treatment of Anselm of Canterbury's proof of God's existence involves later voices, e.g., Kant. Like other historians, Pieper is enamored of the twelfth century, which is regularly eclipsed by accounts of the thirteenth century. Pieper does justice to both. His account of the rivalry between Peter Abelard and Bernard of Clairvaux is masterful, nor does he fail to give John of Salisbury the space he deserves.
The account is broken by the gradual replacement of the synthesis of faith and reason that had been achieved in the early Middle Ages by a new one that made use of Aristotle. Pieper gives a thorough and lively account of the struggle between Aristotelians and anti-Aristotelians, and the famous condemnations that put the effort of Saint Thomas Aquinas at risk. But the Summa theologiae is regarded by Pieper as the unique achievement of the period.
If the early centuries, the medieval period, can be seen as moving toward the thirteenth and Thomas's unique achievement, subsequent centuries saw the decline of scholasticism and theappearance of harbingers of modern philosophy.
The book closes with Pieper's thoughts on the permanent philosophical and theological significance of scholasticism and the Middle Ages. Once again, wearing his learning lightly, writing with a clarity that delights, Josef Pieper has taken the field from stuffier and more extended accounts.

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The Sea Within
Waves and the Meaning of All Things
Peter Kreeft
St. Augustine's Press, 2006

front cover of The Second Coming of Christ
The Second Coming of Christ
Ancient Doctrine and Present Times
Françoise Breynaert
St. Augustine's Press, 2022
Compelling theological questions converge with contemporary concerns in Françoise Breynaert's exposition of the doctrine surrounding Christ's second coming. Why must Christ come again? What will become of this earth as the dominion of man is more and more power concentrated in the hands of the few? Ideologies associated with the pursuit of power promise salvation––of the world, the planet, of humanity itself––through politics, technology, and science. But Breynaert draws answers to both questions instead from Scripture and with this book prepares us for what lies ahead. She points to the spiritual journey that is humanity's true destiny, along which man will encounter the temptation to accept the claims of power and its promises of fulfillment in this life, and the traps laid for the man who does not wish to be challenged for the victory of his soul. Breynaert's account of the second coming and the false promises of today's world also remind us of the assurances given in Scripture for mercy and triumph, an optimism that offers much needed strength of spirit. 

The great mystery of Christ's second coming is part of the core of Christian faith. And at long last, here is a book that explains what this truly means. And in doing so, we come to know the revealed meaning of history, which has nourished the hope of Christians through the ages. 

front cover of A Second Look at First Things
A Second Look at First Things
A Case for Conservative Politics: The Hadley Arkes Festschrift
Francis J. Beckwith
St. Augustine's Press, 2013

front cover of The Seven Last Words of Our Lord Upon the Cross
The Seven Last Words of Our Lord Upon the Cross
Mother Catherine Abrikosova, T.O.S.D.
St. Augustine's Press, 2019

front cover of Shakespeare’s Politic Comedy
Shakespeare’s Politic Comedy
Will Morrisey
St. Augustine's Press, 2022
Will Morrisey again considers the political dimensions of literary classics, as previously seen in Melville’s Ship of State (2019). His attention to Shakespeare’s comedies is a reader’s and playgoer’s delight. 

INTRODUCTORY NOTE: The Politic Character of Shakespeare’s Comedy
Chapter One: Shakespearean Comedy: Two Points on the Compass
Chapter Two: Gentlemen and Gentlemanliness
Chapter Three: Royal Dreaming

Chapter Four: Comic Errors, Legal Slapstick
Chapter Five: What Will You?

Chapter Six: Taming Our Shrewishness
Chapter Seven: What Does Shakespeare Mean When He Says, “As You Like It”?

Chapter Eight: Is All Well That Ends Well?
Chapter Nine: The Geopolitics of Love
Chapter Ten: The Wisest Beholder


front cover of Shakespeare's Reformation
Shakespeare's Reformation
Christian Humanism and the Death of God
Nalin Ranasinghe
St. Augustine's Press, 2022
This is a posthumously published collection of Nalin Ranasinghe's sharp analyses of Shakespeare's five heavy dramas: Hamlet, King John, Julius Caesar, King Lear, and Antony and Cleopatra. True to form, Ranasinghe serves up philosophical and literary genius for the reader's benefit and delight.

"I will try to claim that Shakespeare offers an esoteric vindication of the human soul itself, not merely poetry, against the looming backdrop of the Counter-Reformation in Europe and the Puritan perversion of English Anglicanism. Neither the Scholasticism of the former nor the fundamentalism of the latter had any sympathy for the claims of men like Bottom or the Bastard to see beyond the confines of scripture and sacred social structures. While poetry could indulge in metaphysical fantasy, it could not take on the status quo without the assistance of more learned allies; this Shakespeare seems to do by his re-telling of Classical and English history. As disingenuous as Bottom (or Erasmus) in this artful use of ignorance and folly to conceal his serious goals, Shakespeare is thus tying poetry to history and giving us an alternate, if playful, account of Western Civilization."

front cover of Shouting Softly
Shouting Softly
Lines on Law, Literature, and Culture
Allen Mendenhall
St. Augustine's Press, 2020
In Shouting Softly, literary lawyer and proud Southerner Allen Mendenhall provides valuable insights into perennial questions about the fundamental features of civil society. His expansive commentaries and criticism on law, literature, and culture reveal an abiding commitment to ordered liberty, the decentralization and diffusion of power, bottom-up and localized forms of voluntary governance, time-tested wisdom, and aesthetic sensibility. This vigorous work cautions against hubris and misguided certitude, predicating its arresting arguments on the proposition that human reason, however awesome and inspiring, is limited and fallible. Covering a wide range of issues and historical figures, Mendenhall espouses conservative yet melioristic approaches to complex subjects, rebutting the hollow claims and fashionable theories that captivate ‘purposefully’ leftist law and humanities faculties across the United States. His is the measured voice of a book-loving polymath who appreciates beauty, imagination, humility, clarity, cooperation, and sound argumentation.

The work is given in three parts. The first section on law explores legal minds, rules and commentary on seminal jurisprudence. The second part explores literature and the influence of the writer and the disconcerting truths stories often seek to convey. Thirdly, Mendenhall delves into culture and the more obvious situations wherein we gain insight into our manner of living, and here Mendenhall exudes a Southern accent that in no way compromises his universal bearings. One of the highlights is his echo of Larry Seidentop’s question: “If we in the West do not understand the moral depth of our own tradition, how can we hope to shape the conversation of mankind?” This is all the more meaningful given that Mendenhall is a member of the Millennial generation, and part of the intellectual minority who sees the urgency of “a studied appreciation for nuanced story and linguistic narrative.” 

front cover of The Silence of Goethe
The Silence of Goethe
Josef Pieper
St. Augustine's Press, 2009
During the last months of the war, Josef Pieper saw the realization of a long-cherished plan to escape from the “lethal chaos” that was the Germany of that time, “plucked,” he writes, “as was Habakkuk, by the hair of his head . . . to be planted into a realm of the most peaceful seclusion, whose borders and exists were, of course, controlled by armed sentries.” There he made contact with a friend close-by, who possessed an amazing library, and Pieper hit upon the idea of reading the letters of Goethe from that library. Soon, however, he decided to read the entire Weimar edition of fifty volumes, which were brought to him in sequence, two or three at a time.
The richness of this life revealing itself over a period of more than sixty years appeared before my gaze in its truly overpowering magnificence, which almost shattered my powers of comprehension – confined, as they had been, to the most immediate and pressing concerns. What a passionate focus on reality in all its forms, what an undying quest to chase down all that is in the world, what strength to affirm life, what ability to take part in it, what vehemence in the way he showed his dedication to it! Of course, too, what ability to limit himself to what was appropriate; what firm control in inhibiting what was purely aimless; what religious respect for the truth of being! I could not overcome my astonishment; and the prisoner entered a world without borders, a world in which the fact of being in prison was of absolutely no significance.
    But no matter how many astonishing things I saw in these unforgettable weeks of undisturbed inner focus, nothing was more surprising or unexpected than this: to realize how much of what was peculiar to this life occurred in carefully preserved seclusion; how much the seemingly communicative man who carried on a world-wide correspondence still never wanted to expose in words the core of his existence.
    It was precisely in the seclusion, the limitation, the silence of Goethe that made the strongest impact on Pieper. Here was modern Germany’s quintessential conversationalist intellectual, but the strength of his words came from the restraint behind them, even to the point of purposeful forgetting:
The culmination is when the eighty-year-old sees forgetting not as a convulsive refusal to think of things, but as what could almost be termed a physiological process of simple forgetting as a function of life. He praises as “a great gift of the gods” . . . “the ethereal stream of forgetfulness” which he “was always able to value, to use, and to heighten.”
    However manifold the forms of this silence and of their unconscious roots and conscious motives may have been, is it not always the possibility of hearing, the possibility of a purer perception of reality that is aimed at? And so, is not Goethe’s type of silence above all the silence of one who listens? . . .
    This listening silence is much deeper than the mere refraining from words and speech in human intercourse. It means a stillness, which, like a breath, has penetrated into the inmost chamber of one’s own soul. It is meant, in the Goethean “maxim,” to “deny myself as much as possible and to take up the object into myself as purely as it is possible to do.” . . .
    The meaning of being silent is hearing – a hearing in which the simplicity of the receptive gaze at things is like the naturalness, simplicity, and purity of one receiving a confidence, the reality of which is creatura, God’s creation. And insofar as Goethe’s silence is in this sense a hearing silence, to that extent it has the status of the model and paradigm – however much, in individual instances, reservations and criticism are justified. One could remain circumspectly silent about this exemplariness after the heroic nihilism of our age has proclaimed the attitude of the knower to be by no means that of a silent listener but rather as that of self-affirmation over against being: insight and knowledge are naked defiance, the severest endangering of existence in the midst of the superior strength of concrete being. The resistance of knowledge opposes the oppressive superior power. However, that the knower is not a defiant rebel against concrete being, but above all else a listener who stays silent and, on the basis of his silence, a hearer – it is here that Goethe represents what, since Pythagoras, may be considered the silence tradition of the West.
Pieper concludes his remarkable find with this summation:
When such talk, which one encounters absolutely everywhere in workshops and in the marketplace – and as a constant temptation – , when such deafening talk, literally out to thwart listening, is linked to hopelessness, we have to ask is there not in silence – listening silence – necessarily a shred of hope? For who could listen in silence to the language of things if he did not expect something to come of such awareness of the truth? And, in a newly founded discipline of silence, is there not a chance not merely to overcome the sterility of everyday talk but also to overcome its brother, hopelessness – possibly if only to the extent that we know the true face of this relationship? I know that here quite different forces come into play which are beyond human control, and perhaps the circulus has to be broken through in a different place. However, one may ask: could not the “quick, strict resolution” to remain silent at the same time serve as a kind of training in hope?

front cover of Silence Of St Thomas
Silence Of St Thomas
Josef Pieper
St. Augustine's Press, 1999
A single theme runs through the three essays on St. Thomas gather in this book. It is the theme of mystery or, more exactly, the response of the searching human intellect to the fact of mystery. Both the fact and the response are suggested in a short biography of St. Thomas that forms the first essay and are then sketched out in detail by a presentation of the “negative element” in his philosophy. The third essay shows that contemporary Existentialism is in basic agreement with the philosophia perennis on this fundamental element of philosophical thinking.

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Slave State
Rereading Orwell's 1984
David Lowenthal
St. Augustine's Press, 2021
David Lowenthal transposes present society onto that in the novel, 1984, and illustrates “how the quest for a perfect society led instead to the worst––in the course of revolting against which the true ends of life are established.” It is more than suspicion: the year 2021 is 1984. What many understand by instinct, Lowenthal here articulates in clear terms using the political prophesy of this no longer futuristic literature. To be one without truthful unity? This is the picture of human brotherhood ushering in the only thing worse than inequality––enslavement. 

There is no positive political message in 1984, argues Lowenthal, but there is positive moral message that is nearly always overlooked by commentators. “Through the movement of the novel, Orwell tries to impress on the passions, hearts and minds of his readers the most valuable lessons concerning the right and wrong way to live. With the decline of Christianity’s influence in forming the moral sense of the West and the concomitant increase in power hunger, wielding instruments born of modern enlightenment, what mankind most needed was moral guidance, conveyed not abstractly, through philosophy, but in such a way as to grip the whole soul.” 

But can Orwell be trusted as a guide to the goodness in human nature? Lowenthal says he can be, and more. He gives us a sketch of the intellectual process that compels Orwell to ultimately outgrow Marxism, his detection and rejection of totalitarian regimes (above all in Communism), and in what way the principles of liberalism of his day were given warning labels by a writer who was not a formally educated political philosopher. Laced with relativism, any current of thought that does not acknowledge the proper ends of man will be effaced by the next master of the masses. Lowenthal echoes Orwell when he says, “we have abandoned inculcating good citizenship, higher ideals and a sense of personal worth in the schools, encouraging instead an aimless low-level conformist ‘individuality’ just waiting to be harnessed together and directed. Given these conditions, can we be sure we have left the conditions to the horrors of 1984 far behind as mere fiction?”

Orwell and Lowenthal are unlikely co-collaborators, unless one perceives how much alike in their exhortations to fellow man they are. The steady tenor of their hard warning is made possible by a hope-soaked confidence that, in utter sobriety, is repulsed by anything that threatens human freedom and dignity. This book is required reading for anyone who believes in the return of socialism. Indeed, any recent university graduate should be debriefed by Lowenthal before entering the real world.  

front cover of Smollett's Britain
Smollett's Britain
Jeremy Black
St. Augustine's Press, 2022
Acclaimed British historian examines the layers of craft and insight in Tobias Smollett, and discusses the particular nature of his genius and influence on British culture. Once again, Black acquaints the reader with the full range of a prolific writer's works and offers a backstage tour of the meaning and context of Britain's most beloved stories and story-tellers. 

front cover of So Ancient and So New
So Ancient and So New
St. Augustine's Confessions and Its Influence
Glenn Arbery
St. Augustine's Press, 2016
The study of any masterpiece can change one’s life, but the Confessions of St. Augustine, like Plato’s Republic or Dante’s Commedia, has the almost uncanny power to enact in the reader what it describes. Plato’s book reconfigures the city of the soul by freeing it from enslavement to the tyrannical passions and making it answerable to reason in its pursuit of the good. For Augustine, who shares many of the same ends, the pursuit of the good is not the rectification of philosophical reason, but (as it was for Dante) an intensely personal and consuming love: the encounter with the living God. Oddly, it may seem, that encounter comes for Augustine through the act of reading. Unlike Plato, who depicts the process of reasoning toward the truth, Augustine finds the truth revealed in another, immeasurably greater book that cannot be read in its true sense without the help of its author.

The essays uncover a variety of themes, from Augustine’s act of reading (Marc LePain and Bercier), his emphasis on memory (Roger Corriveau), and his choice to reveal to the world his “hidden and unworldly activity” (Daniel Maher), to the way Augustine’s own education might serve as a corrective to contemporary understandings of “assessment” (Gavin Colvert). The vast wake of Augustine’s work includes writers from Dante and Montaigne to Nabokov, but three representative figures were chosen to show his influence: Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the Confessions (Rick Sorenson), James Joyce in the whole range of his work (Eloise Knowlton), and T.S. Eliot in the Four Quartets (Glenn Arbery). The most direct engagement with Augustine is obviously Rousseau’s. In his essay comparing and contrasting the pivotal moments of the two Confessions, Rick Sorenson explores major differences between the way of faith and the path of reliance on reason. Joyce might be said to have taken Rousseau’s path (at least in rejecting revelation), whereas Eliot took Augustine’s.

In its sophistications and anxieties, the late antiquity Augustine inhabited feels a great deal like the late modernity we inhabit now. Certainly, the barbarians of materialist thought long ago sacked the civilization our ancestors inhabited. When Eliot published The Waste Land in 1922, he already saw the old order of antiquity and Christendom as “stony rubble,” “a heap of broken images.” As one of his speakers puts it, “Dry bones can harm no one.” This old book, the Confessions, might seem to our contemporaries as dry and dead as those bones, but it is not so.

Without being a defense of Christianity (as the City of God is) or a work of catechesis, the Confessions might be the greatest counter to the materialist creed in Western literature. It recounts Augustine’s central, intensely personal, and ultimately liberating struggle to conceive of spiritual substance, an intellectual achievement without which he cannot even hope to accommodate his understanding to the reality of God. This book of essays has one primary end, which is to entice the reader to reopen Augustine’s book, to look over his shoulder and see what the act of reading means to him and what it has accomplished: the world-changing encounter with the substance of the Word.

front cover of Socrates and the Gods
Socrates and the Gods
How to Read Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito
Nalin Ranasinghe
St. Augustine's Press, 2012

front cover of Socrates' Children
Socrates' Children
Ancient: The 100 Greatest Philosophers
Peter Kreeft
St. Augustine's Press, 2019

This is the first of a four-volume history of philosophy . . . on ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary philosophy. After the fourth volume is produced in paper, a one-volume clothbound edition, containing all four paperbound editions, will be published.

Kreeft focuses on the “big ideas” that have influenced present people and present times, and includes relevant biographical data, proportionate to its importance for each thinker. Moreover, the aim of the work is to stimulate philosophizing, controversy, and argument. It uses ordinary language and logic, not jargon and symbolic logic, and it is commonsensical (like Aristotle) and existential in the sense that it sees philosophy as something to be lived and experienced in life. Philosophy, after all, is not about philosophy but reality . . . about wisdom, life and death, good and evil, and God.

Kreeft seeks to be simple and direct and clear. But it is not dumbed down and patronizing. It will stretch the reader, but it is meant for beginners, not just scholars. It can be used for college classes or do-it-yourselfers. It emphasizes surprises; remember, “philosophy begins in wonder.” And it includes visual aids: charts, cartoons, line drawings, and drawings of each philosopher.


front cover of Socrates' Children
Socrates' Children
Contemporary: The 100 Greatest Philosophers
Peter Kreeft
St. Augustine's Press, 2014

This is the fourth and final part of Kreeft’s four-volume history of philosophy . . . on ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary philosophy.

Kreeft focuses on the “big ideas” that have influenced present people and present times, and includes relevant biographical data, proportionate to its importance for each thinker. Moreover, the aim of the work is to stimulate philosophizing, controversy, and argument. It uses ordinary language and logic, not jargon and symbolic logic, and it is commonsensical (like Aristotle) and existential in the sense that it sees philosophy as something to be lived and experienced in life. Philosophy, after all, is not about philosophy but reality . . . about wisdom, life and death, good and evil, and God.

Kreeft seeks to be simple and direct and clear. But it is not dumbed down and patronizing. It will stretch the reader, but it is meant for beginnings, not just scholars. It can be used for college classes or do-it-yourselfers. It emphasizes surprises; remember, “philosophy begins in wonder.” And it includes visual aids: charts, cartoons, line drawings, and drawings of philosophers.

Peter Kreeft teaches philosophy at Boston College and is a very prolific author of philosophy and theology texts, including, from St. Augustine’s Press, Socratic LogicAn Ocean Full of Angels, The Philosophy of JesusJesus-ShockThe Sea WithinI Surf Therefore I AmIf Einstein Had Been a Surfer, the first nine titles in his Socrates Meets series, including Philosophy 101 by Socrates and the titles on Machiavelli, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Marx, and Sartre, and the first three volumes of this series, Socrates’ Children: AncientSocrates’ Children: Medieval, and Socrates’ Children: Modern.


front cover of Socrates' Children
Socrates' Children
Medieval: The 100 Greatest Philosophers
Peter Kreeft
St. Augustine's Press, 2019

This is the second of a four-volume history of philosophy . . . on ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary philosophy. After the fourth volume is produced in paper, a one-volume clothbound edition, containing all four paperbound editions, will be published.

Kreeft focuses on the “big ideas” that have influenced present people and present times, and includes relevant biographical data, proportionate to its importance for each thinker. Moreover, the aim of the work is to stimulate philosophizing, controversy, and argument. It uses ordinary language and logic, not jargon and symbolic logic, and it is commonsensical (like Aristotle) and existential in the sense that it sees philosophy as something to be lived and experienced in life. Philosophy, after all, is not about philosophy but reality . . . about wisdom, life and death, good and evil, and God.

Kreeft seeks to be simple and direct and clear. But it is not dumbed down and patronizing. It will stretch the reader, but it is meant for beginnings, not just scholars. It can be used for college classes or do-it-yourselfers. It emphasizes surprises; remember, “philosophy begins in wonder.” And it includes visual aids: charts, cartoons, line drawings, and drawings of each philosopher.


front cover of Socrates' Children
Socrates' Children
Modern: The 100 Greatest Philosophers
Peter Kreeft
St. Augustine's Press, 2016

This is the third of a four-volume history of philosophy . . . on ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary philosophy. After the fourth volume is produced in paper, a one-volume clothbound edition, containing all four paperbound editions, will be published.

Kreeft focuses on the “big ideas” that have influenced present people and present times, and includes relevant biographical data, proportionate to its importance for each thinker. Moreover, the aim of the work is to stimulate philosophizing, controversy, and argument. It uses ordinary language and logic, not jargon and symbolic logic, and it is commonsensical (like Aristotle) and existential in the sense that it sees philosophy as something to be lived and experienced in life. Philosophy, after all, is not about philosophy but reality . . . about wisdom, life and death, good
and evil, and God.

Kreeft seeks to be simple and direct and clear. But it is not dumbed down and patronizing. It will stretch the reader, but it is meant for beginnings, not just scholars. It can be used for college classes or do-it-yourselfers. It emphasizes surprises; remember, “philosophy begins in wonder.” And it includes visual aids: charts, cartoons, line drawings, and drawings of each philosopher.


front cover of Socrates in the Underworld
Socrates in the Underworld
On Plato's Gorgias
Nalin Ranasinghe
St. Augustine's Press, 2009

front cover of Socrates Meets Hume
Socrates Meets Hume
The Father of Philosophy Meets the Father of Modern Skepticism
Peter Kreeft
St. Augustine's Press, 2010
Kreeft presents a Socratic examination of Hume’s Enquiry concerning Human Understanding in relation to the skepticism of Hume, posing questions that challenge the concepts that Hume proposed. Kreeft states that Hume is the “most formidable, serious, difficult-to-refute skeptic in the history of modern thought.”

Kreeft invites the reader to take part in the process of refuting Hume’s skeptical arguments, with the great insights of Socrates. Based on an imagination dialogue between Socrates and Hume that takes place in the afterlife, this profound and witty book makes an entertaining and informative exploration of modern philosophy.

front cover of Socrates Meets Kant
Socrates Meets Kant
The Father of Philosophy Meets His Most Influential Modern Child
Peter Kreeft
St. Augustine's Press, 2009
Immanuel Kant is one of the greatest philosophers in history. As Peter Kreeft here notes, Kant is really two philosophers – a philosopher concerned with how we know things (epistemology) and a philosopher of right and wrong (ethics). If he had written only on either topic, he would still be the most important and influential of the modern philosophers. The combination of the two, though, makes for a formidable thinker, one it would take a figure such as Socrates to confront.
    Kreeft’s Socrates reflects what the historical philosopher would likely have made of Kant’s ideas, while also recognizing the greatness, genius, and insightfulness of Kant. The result is a helpful, highly readable, even amusing book. Kant’s philosopher of knowing truly is a “Copernican revolution in philosophy,” as he himself dubbed it. His ethics intended to set out the rational grounds for morality. Did he achieve his goals? What would Socrates say about the matter?

front cover of Socrates Meets Marx
Socrates Meets Marx
The Father of Philosophy Cross-examines the Founder of Communism
Peter Kreeft
St. Augustine's Press, 2003

Humorous, frank, and insightful, this book challenges the reader to step in and take hold of what is right and to cast away what is wrong. Topics covered included such varied subjects as private property, the individual, the Three Philosophies of Man, women, individualism, and more. A wonderful introduction to philosophy for the neophyte, and a joy for the experienced student of thought.

     “Imagine two of the most influential thinkers of all time, and two of the most diametrically opposed, thrust together in a no holds barred debate about some of the most important questions: Does man move the world or is he only a puppet of forces beyond his control? Is there a human nature or only market forces? Is Communism the liberator of mankind or a deadly scourge? In Peter Kreeft’s Socrates Meets Marx, the father of philosophy cross examines the founder of communism using the Communist Manifesto, details from the life of Marx himself, and the witnesses of history as evidence to be considered for judgment. If only every edition of the Communist Manifesto would have been bound together with a copy of this book, the world would be a much saner place.” – Christopher Kaczor, author of Proportionalism and the Natural Law Tradition


front cover of Socrates Meets Sartre
Socrates Meets Sartre
The Father of Philosophy Cross-examines the Founder of Existentialism
Peter Kreeft
St. Augustine's Press, 2005

Kreeft takes the reader through the world of existentialist philosophy, posing questions that challenge the concepts that Sartre proposed. Based on an imagination dialogue between Socrates and Sartre that takes place in the afterlife, this profound and witty book makes an entertaining and informative exploration of modern philosophy

“Peter Kreeft’s work is (1) unfailingly brilliant, (2) intellectually agile, (3) astonishingly perspicacious, (4) gloriously orthodox, (5) Chestertonian aphoristic.” – Thomas Howard, author of On Being Catholic


front cover of Socratic Logic 2e paper
Socratic Logic 2e paper
Peter Kreeft
St. Augustine's Press, 2005

front cover of Socratic Logic 3e pbk
Socratic Logic 3e pbk
A Logic Text Using Socratic Method, Platonic Questions, and Aristotelian Principles
Peter Kreeft
St. Augustine's Press, 2008

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Some Catholic Writers
Ralph McInerny
St. Augustine's Press, 2007

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The Sonnets of Rainer Maria Rilke
Rainer Maria Rilke
St. Augustine's Press, 2021
Romano Guardini described Rainer Maria Rilke as the “poet who had things of such importance to say about the end of our own age [and] was also a prophet of things to come.” The complexity of Rilke is, then, “highly relevant to modern Man.” Decades after Guardini’s assessment, the reader who rediscovers Rilke will find a depth of mind and soul that display a profundity the post-modern reader only thinks he possesses. 

In an expanded collection of Rilke’s sonnets, Rick Anthony Furtak not only makes this lyrical masterpiece accessible to the English reader, but he proves himself a master of sorts as well. His introduction that elaborates on Rilke’s marriage of vision and voice, intention and enigma, haunted companionship and abandonment is a stand-alone marvel for the reader. Furtak’s praised translation of Sonnets to Orpheus (University of Chicago Press, 2008) is surpassed in this much broader collection of verse that also includes the original German text. It is Furtak’s great achievement that Rilke resonates with the contemporary reader, who uncertain and searching wants to believe that the vision of existence can mirror much more than his own consciousness. In his feat of rendering Rilke in English, contextualizing the philosophical meanings of verse, and presenting literary romanticism, Furtak provides a formidable contribution to the vindication of true poetic voice.

front cover of Southwell's Sphere
Southwell's Sphere
The Influence of England's Secret Poet
Gary M. Bouchard
St. Augustine's Press, 2016
Once feared by Queen Elizabeth I and admired by William Shakespeare, Robert Southwell, s.j. (1561–1595), clings today to a thinning canonical presence in English literature among a sphere of other writers incongruously called the metaphysical poets. Southwell’s Sphere lifts this sixteenth century Jesuit priest and prolific writer from the obscurity in which he too often resides and places him instead at the center of a sphere of English poets upon whom his life and works exerted an observable influence. As he weaved his religious content into the familiar loom of Elizabethan form and style, this young missionary priest was seeking not just to catechize those whom he regarded as the faithful and the fallen, but to intentionally reform the verse of his native England. Remarkably, during his brief six-year mission, he actually managed in many respects to do so. Surviving for six years by successfully navigating and fostering a complicated underground Catholic network in and around London before being captured, tortured and imprisoned, Southwell was brought to trial and executed at Tyburn at age 33. He therefore never knew most of the “skillfuller wits” that he called upon to direct their poetic skills to the service of God. And like the marks upon his tortured body, the poetic marks of influence that his work left upon individual writers of this era were in many cases deliberately concealed. Southwell’s Sphere seeks to rediscover those marks and offer the reader a renewed appreciation for this subverted and subverting literary force in Early Modern England. In individual explicative chapters this book examines works by six poets whose verse may be appreciated differently in light of Robert Southwell’s life and work. The author makes the case that Southwell’s works, posthumously and prolifically published, instructed William Alabaster, provoked Edmund Spenser, prompted George Herbert, haunted John Donne, inspired Richard Crashaw and — two and a half centuries later — consoled Gerard Manley Hopkins, s.j. With the exception of Spenser, all of these poets were, like Southwell, ordained ministers. The particular personal, political and religious complexities of each of their lives notwithstanding, what they most shared in common with Southwell was their priestly vocation, their talent as English poets and the inevitable and inextricable joining of these two activities in their lives. While it would have made little sense for any of these poets to acknowledge Southwell as a poetic peer, each of them authored important verse that can best be appreciated within the sphere of this improbably successful and influential English poet.

front cover of Spending the Winter
Spending the Winter
A Poetry Collection
Joseph Bottum
St. Augustine's Press, 2022
The poetry of Spending the Winter is musical and structured, whimsical and piercing, begging to be read aloud when one is not laughing or arrested by an image that hooks the heart. “Poems so severely beautiful that they become unforgettable after one reading,” writes one poet. “A throwback to a time when lovers of poetry…looked for poetry of depth, wit, and craft from the likes of Auden and Larkin,” adds another. With sections of comedy that show his wit, translations that echo his vast reading, and formalist poetry that reveal his craft, Bottum aims, in the way few poets these days do, at memorable lines and heart-stopping images as he seeks the deep stuff of human experience: God and birth and death—the beautiful and terrifying finitude of life. “We do with words what little words can do,” he writes. But in Spending the Winter, Joseph Bottum shows that words can do far more than a little.

“Poems so severely beautiful that they become unforgettable after one reading. . . . If you’re a reader who loves poetry whatever mood it’s in, just open Spending the Winter anywhere to find poems that hurt, enlighten, and delight.” —Rhina P. Espaillat, author of Rehearsing Absence and winner of the T.S. Eliot Prize

“Joseph Bottum is a brilliant formalist, and to read him is to enter the world of the tried-and-true classics, all achieved with an amazingly contemporary ring. His Spending the Winter is a delight. Here is a poetry of elegy, humor, wit, political savvy, and vast learning.” —Paul Mariani, author The Great Wheel and winner of the John Ciardi Award

“Joseph Bottum’s Spending the Winter is a throwback to a time when lovers of poetry outside the literary establishment looked for poetry of depth, wit, and craft from the likes of Auden and Larkin. This is poetry from another age—an age when we expected intellectual, religious, and literary significance from our verse.” —A.M. Juster, author of Wonder and Wrath and winner of the Willis Barnstone Translation Prize

Spending the Winter is a word-lover’s dream: Joseph Bottum’s poems pierce, probe, dazzle, and delight. They will open the eyes of your soul.” —Karen Swallow Prior, author of On Reading Well

“When reading Spending the Winter, I recalled C.S. Lewis’s description of joy as a wanting for something that is beyond this world. There’s a sense in these poems that things around us are fleeting, yet for that reason, the poems ask us to pay all the more attention.” —Jessica Hooten Wilson, author of Giving the Devil his Due

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St. Austin Review, American Faith and Culture, May/June 2011, Vol. 11, No. 3
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2011

front cover of St. Austin Review, American Literature & Catholic Faith, May/June 2018, Vol. 18, No. 3
St. Austin Review, American Literature & Catholic Faith, May/June 2018, Vol. 18, No. 3
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2018

front cover of St. Austin Review, American Literature and Christian Faith, November/December 2014, Vol. 14, No. 6
St. Austin Review, American Literature and Christian Faith, November/December 2014, Vol. 14, No. 6
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2014

front cover of St. Austin Review, Belloc and His World, November/December 2015, Vol. 15, No. 6
St. Austin Review, Belloc and His World, November/December 2015, Vol. 15, No. 6
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2015

front cover of St. Austin Review, Brideshead & Beyond
St. Austin Review, Brideshead & Beyond
The Genius of Evelyn Waugh, November/December 2019, Vol. 19, No. 6
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2019

front cover of St. Austin Review, Chaucer & His Age, July/August 2012,  vol. 12, no. 4
St. Austin Review, Chaucer & His Age, July/August 2012, vol. 12, no. 4
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2012

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St. Austin Review, C.S. Lewis & Friends, September/October 2016, Vol. 16, No. 5
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2016

front cover of St. Austin Review, Dungeon, Fire & Sword
St. Austin Review, Dungeon, Fire & Sword
The English Reformation, March/April 2013, Vol.13, No. 2
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2013

front cover of St. Austin Review, Ernest Hemingway and Graham Greene
St. Austin Review, Ernest Hemingway and Graham Greene
Prodigal Sons of the Church?, January/February 2019, Vol. 19, No. 1
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2019

front cover of St. Austin Review, Evelyn Waugh Revisited, January/February 2016, Vol. 16, No. 1
St. Austin Review, Evelyn Waugh Revisited, January/February 2016, Vol. 16, No. 1
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2016

front cover of St. Austin Review, Faith & Physics
St. Austin Review, Faith & Physics
Fr. LeMaître and the Big Bang, November/December 2017, Vol. 17, No. 6
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2017

front cover of St. Austin Review, Faith and Fairy Stories, March/April 2019, Vol. 19, No. 2
St. Austin Review, Faith and Fairy Stories, March/April 2019, Vol. 19, No. 2
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2019

front cover of St. Austin Review, Faith and Fiction, March/April 2012, Volume 12. No. 2
St. Austin Review, Faith and Fiction, March/April 2012, Volume 12. No. 2
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2012

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St. Austin Review, Faith and Freedom, November/December 2012, Vol. 12, No. 6
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2012

front cover of St. Austin Review, Gerard Manley Hopkins & the Grandeur of God, July/August 2018, Vol. 18, No. 4
St. Austin Review, Gerard Manley Hopkins & the Grandeur of God, July/August 2018, Vol. 18, No. 4
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2018

front cover of St. Austin Review, G.K. Chesterton & C.S. Lewis, May/June 2013, Vol. 13, No. 3
St. Austin Review, G.K. Chesterton & C.S. Lewis, May/June 2013, Vol. 13, No. 3
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2013

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St. Austin Review, God or Mammon? Choosing Christ in a World in Crisis, January/February 2015, Vol. 15, No. 1
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2015

front cover of St. Austin Review, Great Works of the Catholic Revival, January/February 2012, Vol. 12, No. 1
St. Austin Review, Great Works of the Catholic Revival, January/February 2012, Vol. 12, No. 1
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2012

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St. Austin Review, History As If Truth Mattered, September/October 2015, Vol. 15, No. 5
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2015

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St. Austin Review (History Revisited), September/October 2010, vol. 10, no. 5.
Josep Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2010

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St. Austin Review, Hobbits & Heroines, September/October 2012, Volume 12 No. 5
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2012

front cover of St. Austin Review, Laughter & the Love of Friends, November/December 2016, Vol. 16, No. 6
St. Austin Review, Laughter & the Love of Friends, November/December 2016, Vol. 16, No. 6
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2016

front cover of St. Austin Review, Man Alive!
St. Austin Review, Man Alive!
The Wonder of G. K. Chesterton, July/August 2019, Vol. 19, No. 4
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2019

front cover of St. Austin Review, March/April 2011, Vol. 11, No. 2
St. Austin Review, March/April 2011, Vol. 11, No. 2
Children's Literature: Wisdom in Wonderland
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2011

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St. Austin Review, Misfits & Mystics
Flannery O'Connor and Friends, March/April 2018, Vol. 18, No. 2
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2018

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St. Austin Review, November/December 2010; issue 10.6
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2010

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St. Austin Review, November/December 2011
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2011

front cover of St. Austin Review, Of Gods And Men
St. Austin Review, Of Gods And Men
The Pagan Path to Christ, July/August 2015, Vol. 15, No. 4
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2015

front cover of St. Austin Review, Outside is the Night
St. Austin Review, Outside is the Night
The Wickedness and Snares of the Devil, November/December 2013, Vol. 13, No. 6
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2013

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St. Austin Review, Poetry and Praise, May/June 2012, Vol. 12, No. 3
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2012

front cover of St. Austin Review, Quid est Veritas? Reason to Believe, January/February 2013, Vol. 13, No. 1
St. Austin Review, Quid est Veritas? Reason to Believe, January/February 2013, Vol. 13, No. 1
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2013

front cover of St. Austin Review, Recusants and Martyrs
St. Austin Review, Recusants and Martyrs
English Resistance to the Tudor Terror, September/October 2014, Vol. 14, No. 5
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2014

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St. Austin Review, Religion & Politics, September/October 2011, Vol. 11, No. 5
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2011

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St. Austin Review, Revolution Versus Revelation
France and the Faith, May/June 2015, Vol. 15, No. 3
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2015

front cover of St. Austin Review, Richard Crashaw 1613 –2013
St. Austin Review, Richard Crashaw 1613 –2013
English Poet, Catholic Exile, September/October 2013, Vol. 13, No. 5
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2013

front cover of St. Austin Review, Science & Orthodoxy
St. Austin Review, Science & Orthodoxy
The Legacy of Fr. Stanley L. Jaki, May/June 2014, Vol. 14, No. 3
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2014

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St. Austin Review
Science versus Scientism, Vol. 11 (Jan./Feb. 2011)
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2011

front cover of St. Austin Review, Shakespeare
St. Austin Review, Shakespeare
1616-2016, March/April 2016, Vol. 16, No. 2
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2016

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St. Austin Review, Shakespeare and His Times, July/August 2011, Vol. 11, No. 4
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2011

front cover of St. Austin Review, Solzhenitsyn 1918–2018
St. Austin Review, Solzhenitsyn 1918–2018
A Centenary Celebration, November/December 2018, Vol. 18, No. 6
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2018

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St. Austin Review, St. Robert Southwell
Priest, Poet, Martyr, July/August 2014, Vol. 14, No.4
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2014

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St. Austin Review, Storm Troopers of Secularism
Lessons for Today from the Nazi Past, March/April 2015, Vol. 15, No. 2
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2015

front cover of St. Austin Review, The Baptized Imagination, January/February 2017, Vol. 17, No. 1
St. Austin Review, The Baptized Imagination, January/February 2017, Vol. 17, No. 1
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2017

front cover of St. Austin Review, The Bard of Avon & the Church of Rome, January/February 2014, Vol. 14, No. 1
St. Austin Review, The Bard of Avon & the Church of Rome, January/February 2014, Vol. 14, No. 1
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2014

front cover of St. Austin Review, The Catholic World of J.R.R. Tolkien, July/August 2016, Vol. 16, No. 4
St. Austin Review, The Catholic World of J.R.R. Tolkien, July/August 2016, Vol. 16, No. 4
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2016

front cover of St. Austin Review, The Controversial Genius of Richard Wagner, July/August 2017, Vol. 17, No. 4
St. Austin Review, The Controversial Genius of Richard Wagner, July/August 2017, Vol. 17, No. 4
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2017

front cover of St. Austin Review, The Faith & The South, September/October 2017, Vol. 17, No. 5
St. Austin Review, The Faith & The South, September/October 2017, Vol. 17, No. 5
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2017

front cover of St. Austin Review, The Feminine Genius of Jane Austen, September/October 2018, Vol. 18, No. 5
St. Austin Review, The Feminine Genius of Jane Austen, September/October 2018, Vol. 18, No. 5
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2018

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St. Austin Review, The Middle Ages, Vol. 10, No. 4
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2010

front cover of St. Austin Review, The Witness and Wisdom of C. S. Lewis, May/June 2019, Vol. 19, No. 3
St. Austin Review, The Witness and Wisdom of C. S. Lewis, May/June 2019, Vol. 19, No. 3
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2019

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St. Austin Review, The World's a Stage
The Drama of Faith, May/June 2017, Vol. 17, No. 3
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2017

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St. Austin Review, True Love
Passionate Reason versus Romantic Feeling, January/February 2018, Vol. 18, No. 1
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2018

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St. Austin Review, Truth in Fiction
The Art of the Novel, Vol. 10 No. 3
Joseph Pearce and Robert Asch
St. Augustine's Press, 2010

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St. Austin Review, Verse in Adversity
Poetry & Modernity, May/June 2016, Vol. 16, No. 3
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2016

front cover of St. Austin Review, Viva Cristo Rey! Spain & the Church, July/August 2013, Vol. 13, No. 4
St. Austin Review, Viva Cristo Rey! Spain & the Church, July/August 2013, Vol. 13, No. 4
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2013

front cover of St. Austin Review, What is Wrong
St. Austin Review, What is Wrong
Pride and the Fall of Modernity, September/October 2019, Vol. 19, No. 5
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2019

front cover of St. Austin Review, World War One
St. Austin Review, World War One
Hell, Heroism, and Holiness, March/April 2014, Vol. 14, No. 2
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2014

front cover of St. Austin Review, Wounded Beauty
St. Austin Review, Wounded Beauty
Suffering and the Arts, March/April 2017, Vol. 17, No. 2
Joseph Pearce
St. Augustine's Press, 2017

front cover of The Stations of Lent
The Stations of Lent
Bruce Fingerhut
St. Augustine's Press, 2015

front cover of Stimulus Pastorum
Stimulus Pastorum
A Charge to Pastors
Bartholomew of the Martyrs, O.P.
St. Augustine's Press, 2022
The work of St. Bartholomew of Braga, O.P. (1514–1590) appears here in English for the first time despite its long and enduring influence in ecclesiastical circles. His meditations on the office of pastor have provided critical insight bishops since their initial circulation and have helped form the most famous among them, including Bartholomew's proteges Charles Borromeo. Pope Paul VI ordered a copy of Bartholomew's work to be distributed among the Catholic bishops at the Second Vatican Council. Donald Prudlo's translation situates St. Bartholomew of the Martyrs in his historical context as a lynchpin of Catholic Reform and affirms him as a figurehead of pastoral administration even in our own times. 

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Sum Total Of Human Happiness
James V. Schall
St. Augustine's Press, 2006

front cover of Summa Philosophica
Summa Philosophica
Peter Kreeft
St. Augustine's Press, 2012

Next to the Socratic Method, the best method for organizing a logical debate over a controversial philosophical or theological issue is the method St. Thomas Aquinas uses in the Summa Theologiae. As the charm of the Socratic dialogue is its dramatic length, its uncertainty, and the psychological dimension of a clash between live characters, so the charm of the Summa method is the opposite: its condensation and its impersonality, objectivity, simplicity, directness, and logical clarity. Beginning philosophy students pick up both methods very quickly, and write adept imitations of them. It’s both profitable and fun to do it.    Yet professionally philosophers have not followed these tried-and-true roads. Why not? Probably it is pride, the refusal to stoop to conquer, the confusion of “stooped” with “stupid.”

      Peter Kreeft has written over a dozen books of Socratic dialogues, and readers like them – they like the form, or format, irrespective of the content. There is no reason that the Summa format cannot produce the same results. It is a very simple five-step procedure: (1) the formulation of the question; (2) the opponent’s leading objections to your answer or thesis, formulated as clearly and fairly and strongly as possible; (3) a short argument from some recognized past authority for your thesis; (4) your own longer, original argument; and (5) a refutation of each objection, “deconstructing” it and showing how and where it went wrong . . . all in one or two pages, severely condensed, clear and simple (and therefore usually in syllogisms, the clearest and simplest and most direct form of logical argument).

     Kreeft has taken 110 of the most important and most often argued-about questions in each major division of philosophy and applied this method to it. The answers usually match common sense (and therefore Aristotle’s philosophy and Aquinas’s theology). At the very least, this is a useful philosophical reference book for arguments; not necessarily the elaborate and artificial arguments that might occur to contemporary “analytic” philosophers, but the arguments ordinary people would give, and still give on both sides of these great questions. Why no one has written such a book before is mind-boggling. We fully expect that many readers of this book will imitate it, as Kreeft has imitated Aquinas. This book is pregnant with many children.


front cover of Symposium Of Plato
Symposium Of Plato
Shelley Translation
Percy Bysshe Shelley
St. Augustine's Press, 2002

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