"The Aesthetic Border follows critics working from a national tradition outwards to globalization and world literature, as opposed to others working on Latin America vis-à-vis the world. Engaging the works of representative authors, Nicholson brilliantly maps out the convergence and divergence of global and national discourses present in the Colombian literary canon."
— Camilo Malagón, assistant professor of Spanish, Ithaca College
"Aesthetics/politics. Culture/economics. Poetics plus coffee-bananas-drugs. Local/global. Onto this complex backdrop, Nicholson ably unfolds a capacious account of Colombian writing—from before, during, and after the 'Gabo' phenomenon on through J. G. Vásquez’s fiction. A solidly researched, broad-ranging look at a troubled nation’s struggles for artistic expression and literary viability."
— Gene Bell-Villada, editor of Conversations with Gabriel García Márquez
“El profesor B. Nicholson, conocedor como pocos de la Colombia profunda y escindida, ha logrado adentrarse en The Aesthetic Border: Colombian Literature in the Face of Globalization, con sagacidad investigadora, en los repliegues de la historia reciente que viene desde el asesinato del líder liberal Jorge Eliécer Gaitán (El Bogotazo, 1948) y sus impensables consecuencias políticas partidistas de las que todavía no se ha recuperado el país.”— Hispania